Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 14
The B.C. Mills Prefabricated System: The Emergence of Ready-made Buildings in Western Canada
by G. E. Mills and D. W. Holdsworth
Prefabrication played a significant, albeit subtle, role in the
unfolding of Canadian architectural history, just as it did during
phases of American and British colonial expansion.1 It made
its first appearance with Frobisher on Baffin Island in 1578 and has
reappeared intermittently ever since. Halifax's first church, St.
Paul's, a pre-cut structure transported from Boston in 1750, and St.
John's Anglican Church in Victoria, a corrugated iron specimen
bequeathed by a benevolent English bishop in 1860 are notable examples
from the country's colonial period.2 It was with the opening
up of the Canadian West, however, that prefabricated structures became
an important domestically based industry, just as they had during the
major thrust of frontier expansion several decades earlier in the
western United States.3
In frontier environments, prefabrication offered a distinct
advantage. It met an urgent need for instant housing in labour- and
timber-scarce areas packages quickly shipped along transportation
routes from centres with established industrial, labour and raw-material
bases. The advantage to settlers was obvious: quickly erectable
structures freed them to concentrate on their primary goals of
establishing livelihoods in their new environment.
The impetus for the manufacture of ready-made buildings in western
Canada was the commencement of the celebrated "Great Boom" of
immigration, railroad expansion and land settlement which had begun by
1897. Manitoba the North-West Territories (after 1905, Saskatchewan and
Alberta) and British Columbia all experienced unprecedented population
increases between 1900 and 1910. The demands for accommodation quickly
exceeded existing lumber and labour supplies, particularly on the
prairies: consequently, the procurement of adequate shelter became a
difficult and time-consuming problem for many new homesteaders. The
memoirs of such pioneers are rife with descriptions of 40- and 50-mile
treks to purchase substandard materials, and weeks of arduous labour
spent erecting a primitive shanty while the pressing problems of farming
were delayed.4 Out of this critical housing shortage emerged
a vast new market for the lumber products of the established milling
industries of Ontario the American Midwest and British Columbia. For
those settlers affluent enough to afford them, a variety of ready-made
building systems appeared. Perhaps the most extreme example was the
series of colonies of "ready-made farms" featuring prebuilt houses and
barns offered to carefully selected candidates in Saskatchewan and
southern Alberta by the Canadian Pacific Railway's Department of Natural
Resources. Purchasers had only to move in, sit back on their ready-made
verandahs and watch their pre-planted first crops grow.5
Another example of note was the standardized and pre-cut churches and
manses ("Canterbury Cathedrals" and "Lambeth Palaces") designed by the
Anglican Diocese in Saskatchewan to meet the spiritual needs of the
rapidly increasing number of settlers.6
The most fascinating attempts devised to tap this market were the
sectional or "knock-down" building systems manufactured and shipped out
by trainloads in packages, the sections ready to be bolted together Such
systems were not new. They too had been extensively employed during
British and American expansion periods. But under the more rigorous
climatic conditions of western Canada, panelled systems borrowed from
previous designs marketed south of the border met with little success.
Their numerous seams showed a marked tendency to ventilate the
structures faster than their inhabitants could heat them.
There was one notable exception, a sectional "ready-made" system
which was outstanding for its success in meeting the need for instant
accommodation and for its ability to withstand the Canadian climatic
extremes to which preceding prefabs had been vulnerable. This was the
panelled system marketed by the British Columbia Mills, Timber and
Trading Company of Vancouver between 1904 and 1910. The system offered
new settlers a "thoroughly weather-proof, convenient, inexpensive,
handsome and permanent dwelling."7 These "B.C. Mills prefabs"
have previously been noted in reviews of Canadian architectural
evolution which focused largely on essential characteristics of the
houses as described in surviving catalogues.8 This paper
offers the first detailed account of the origin, variety and
distribution of the B.C. Mills prefab system, which represents a
distinctive contribution to the evolution of the western Canadian
architectural landscape.