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Brochures Documents Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010) State of the Park Report 2009 (Parks Canada, 2010) Historical Documents
A History of Wood Buffalo National Park's Relations with the Denésuliné: Final Report (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and Willow Springs Strategic Solutions, July 19, 2021) A History of Wood Buffalo National Park's Relations with the Denésuliné: Executive Summary (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and Willow Springs Strategic Solutions, August 3, 2021) A Landscape Evaluation of Bison Movements and Distribution in Northern Canada (C. Cormack Gates, Jonathan Mitchell, Jack Wierzchowski and Lindsay, AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. for Canadian Bison Association, Parks Canada and NWT Dept. of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, December 2001) A modified suppression response decision support system for Wood Buffalo National Park (Kerry Anderson, Scott Powell and Michael Etches, extract from Second Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, 1998) A Note on Historical Mortality in a Northern Bison Population (Theresa A. Ferguson and Frank Laviolette, extract from Arctic, Vol. 45 No. 1, March 1992) A Review of Best Practices and Principles for Bison Disease Issues: Greater Yellowstone and Wood Buffalo Areas ABS Working Paper No. 3 (John S. Nishi, January 2010) Aerial radio-tracking of whooping cranes migrating between Wood Buffalo National Park and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, 1981-84 Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 74. (E. Kuyt, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1992) Aerial Survey of Muskrat Houses, Peace-Athabasca Delta, Fall 1974 (Alan R. Smith, Canadian Wildlife Service, November 19, 1974, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada, ) American Bison: Status Survey and Conservation Guidelines 2010 (C. Cormack Gates, Curtis H. Freese, Peter J.P. Gogan and Mandy Kotzman, eds., 2010, ©International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) An Investigation into the Foraging Ecology and Causes of Chick Mortality of the Nesting Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in Wood Buffalo National Park (Doug Bergeson, undated) An Investigation of Migrant Shorebird Use of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta in 1999 (Gerard W. Beyersbergen, Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative, 2004, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Analysis of pond food webs in the Whooping crane nesting area, Wood Buffalo National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2002) Artificial Ice Jam, 1992-93 Field Report: Task F.3 Artificial Ice Strategies Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Studies (M. Peterson, Parks Canada for Peace-Athabasca Delta Project Group, July 1993) Artificial Ice Jam, 1993-94 Field Report: Task F.3 Artificial Ice Strategies Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Studies (M. Peterson, Parks Canada for Peace-Athabasca Delta Project Group,, December 1994) Artificial Ice Jam, 1994-95 Field Report: Task F.3 Artificial Ice Strategies Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Studies (E. Wilson, Parks Canada for Peace-Athabasca Delta Project Group,, September 1995) Assessing the capabilities of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission for large lake water surface elevation monitoring under different wind conditions (Jean Bergeron, Gabriela Siles, Robert Leconte, Mélanie Trudel, Damien Desroches and Daniel L. Peters, extract from Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 24, 2020) Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry WAC Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve 201 (Indian Claims Commission, March 1998) Athabasca Watershed Council State of the Watershed Reports State of the Watershed Summary Report (©Athabasca Watershed Council, 2018) Traditional Knowledge Overview for the Athabasca Watershed (Brenda Parlee, University of Alberta for Athabasca Watershed Council, May 2011) State of the Watershed Report: Phase 1 Final (Hatfield Consultants for Athabasca Watershed Council, March 2011) State of the Watershed Report: Phase 2 (FIERA Biological Consulting for Athabasca Watershed Council, March 31, 2012) State of the Watershed Report Phase 3: Water Quantity and Basic Water Quality in the Athabasca Watershed (FIERA Biological Consulting for Athabasca Watershed Council, April 15, 2013) State of the Watershed Assessment Phase 4: Organic Compounds in Surface Water and Sediments, and Trace Metals in Sediments (Hatfield Consultants for Athabasca Watershed Council, March 2014) State of the Watershed Phase 4 Appendix A1: Sediment Excel Spreadsheet (March 2014) State of the Watershed Phase 4 Appendix A1: Water Quality Excel Spreadsheet (March 2014) Annual Reports 2018-2019 • 2017-2018 • 2016-2017 • 2015-2016 • 2014-2015 • 2012-2013 • 2011-2012 • 2010-2011 • 2009-2010 (©Athabasca Watershed Council) Audit of key financial processes at the Southwest NWT Field Unit : final report / Vérification des principaux processus financiers de l'Unité de gestion du Sud-Ouest des Territoires du Nord-Ouest : ébauche du rapport (Interis Consulting Inc. for Parks Canada, December 2006) Banding of Juvenile Whooping Cranes, August 10, 1986 (E. Kuyt, Canadian Wildlife Service, December 20, 1986, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Behaviour and Social Organization of the Wild Bison of Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada (W.A. Fuller, extract from Arctic, Vol. 13 No. 1, March 1960) Bison Movement and Distribution Study: Final Report (Parks Canada, June 1995) Botanical investigations in Wood Buffalo Park (Hugh Miller Raup, National Museum of Canada, 1935) Canada's Wild Buffalo (Maxwell Graham and F.V. Seibert, Department of the Interior/North West Territories and Yukon Branch, 1923) Cougars (Puma concolor) in The Northwest Territories and Wood Buffalo National Park (Robert J. Gau, Robert Mulders, Tamara Lamb andLibby Gunn, extract from Arctic, Vol. 54 No. 2, June 2001) Deformation, ground subsidence, and slope movements along the Salt River Escarpment in Wood Buffalo National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1984) Descriptions of Wolf Attacks on Bison Calves in Wood Buffalo National Park (L.N. Carbyn and T. Trottier, extract from Arctic, Vol. 41 No. 4, December 1988) Ecology of the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus spatulatus) on the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Wood Buffalo National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 1974) Effects of Climate Change on Navigability Indicators of the Lower Athabasca River, Canada (Daniel L. Peters, Yonas B. Dibike, Joseph Shudian, Wendy A. Monk and Donald J. Baird, extract from Water, Vol. 15, 2023) Final Report on Hydrological Investigations, Wood Buffalo National Park: 1985 to 1990 (D. McNaughton, for Parks Canada, June 1991) Flood Report, Spring 2014, Wood Buffalo National Park (Jason Straka and Queenie Gray, Parks Canada, 2014) Food Consumption Patterns and Use of Country Foods by Native Canadians Near Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada (Eleanor E. Wein, Jean Henderson Sabry and Frederick T. Evers, extract from Arctic, Vol. 44 No. 3, September 1991) Food Items and Feeding Rates for Wild Whooping Crane Colts in Wood Buffalo National Park Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 8:36-39 (Douglas G. Bergeson, Mark Bradley and Geoffrey L. Holroyd, ©North American Crane Working Group, 2001) ‘For our Relatives to be Remembered’: Dënesųłıné Oral Testimony and Wood Buffalo National Park (Members and Elders of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN), Sabina Trimble, and Peter Fortna, Network in Canadian History and Environment, January 28, 2022) Forest insects and diseases in eight of the western Canadian national parks, 1971 Information Report NOR-X-12 (W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, January 1972) Forest insects and diseases in nine of the western Canadian national parks, 1972 Information Report NOR-X-62 (V.B. Patterson, E.J. Gautreau, G.J. Smith, R.M. Caltrell and J.P. Susut, Canadian Forest Service, April 1973) Hay Camp/Ejere K'elni Kue: A Social and Land-Use History, 1922-2001 (Diane Payment, Patrick Carroll and David Hems, Parks Canada, 2001) Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Wood Buffalo National Park Jackfish Warden Patrol Cabin / Poste de garde Jackfish (FHBRO No. 89-43, April 22, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) History, Range, and Home Life of the Northern Bison; Wood Buffalo, Northern Alberta and District of Mackenzie, N.W.T. Canada (J. Dewey Soper, ) Honouring Oral Histories: Wood Buffalo National Park and the Dënesųłıné (Sabina Trimble and Peter Fortna with Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Network in Canadian History and Environment, November 18, 2021) Hydraulic Modelling of the Peace-Athabasca Delta Under Modified and Natural Flow Conditions Northern River Basins Study No. 43 (B. Aitken and R. Sapach, ©Northern River Basins Study, September 1994) IUCN Conservation Outlook Assessment Wood Buffalo National Park: 2014 • 2017 • 2020 (IUCN) Key Findings of the Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative / Principales conclusions tirées de l'Initiative de écosystèmes des rivières du Nord (Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative, 2004, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Landscape classification and plant successional trends in the Peace-Athabasca Delta Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series No. 30 (Herman J. Dirschl, Don L. Dabbs and Garry C. Gentle, Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1974) Location of Nonbreeding and Novice Breeding Whooping Cranes - 1990 (E. Kuyt, Canadian Wildlife Service, September 1990, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Location of Nonbreeding and Novice Breeding Whooping Cranes, Wood Buffalo National Park - 1991 (E. Kuyt and B.W. Johns, Canadian Wildlife Service, October 1991, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Logging impacts on white spruce floodplain communities in timber berth 408 of Wood Buffalo National Park (Ian G.W. Corns, Canadian Forest Service, November 22, 1991) Managing Disease Risk in Alberta's Wood Bison with Special Focus on Bison to the West of Wood Buffalo National Park Progress Reports: 2010 and Winter 2010-2011 (June 2011) • 2011-2012 (August 2012) (Government of Alberta) Managing Disease Risk in Northern Alberta Wood Bison - Outside of Wood Buffalo National Park Progress Reports: 2012-2013 (June 2013) • 2013-2014 (September 2014) • 2014-2015 (July 2015) • 2015-2016 (June 2017) (Government of Alberta) Mikisew Cree First Nation's Call to Better Safeguard Wood Buffalo National Park (Mikisew Cree First Nation, extract from World Heritage Watch Report 2019, ©World Heritage Watch, 2019) Mortality of Whooping Crane Colts in Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada, 1997-99 Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 8:6-10 (Douglas G. Bergeson, Brian W. Johns and Geoffrey L. Holroyd, ©North American Crane Working Group, 2001) Muskrat Survival Studies, Spring 1974 (Al Smith, Parks Canada, c1974) Natural history and economic importance of the muskrat in the Athabasca-Peace Delta, Wood Buffalo Park Wildlife Management Bulletin Series 1 Number 2 (W.A. Fuller, Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1951) Northern Bison Sanctuary or Big Ranch? Wood Buffalo National Park (John Sandlos, extract from Arcadia, 2013, No. 19) Northern diseased bison : report of the Environmental Assessment Panel / Bisons malades du Nord : rapport de la Commission d'évaluation environnementale (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, August 1990) Northward invading non-native vascular plant species in and adjacent to Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada (Parks Canada, 1992) Operational Review of the Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program of Wood Buffalo National Park: Final Version (Olivier Bérard, Dan Kehler, Stephen McCanny, Michael Patrikeev, Justin Quirouette, Claude Samson, Jesse Whittington, Wanli Wu and Paul Zorn, Parks Canada, 2016) Peace-Athabasca Delta Flood History (Sharon Thomson, Parks Canada, 1993) Peace-Athabasca Delta Water Management Works Evaluation: Final Report (Peace-Athabasca Delta Implementation Committee, April 1987) Peace-Athabasca Delta Waterbird Inventory Program: 1998-2001 Final Report (E. Butterworth, A. Leach, M. Gendron, B. Pollard and G.R. Stewart, Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative, 2002, ©Ducks Unlimited Canada) Pine Lake Dry Dump, Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Final Report (Jacques Whitford Ltd., for Parks Canada, November 15, 2006) Protecting Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site (Newsletter): Vol. 1 No. 1, July 2017 • Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2017 • Vol. 2 No. 1, August 2018 • Vol. 3 No. 1, May 2019 • Vol. 3 No. 2, August 2019 • Vol. 4 No. 1, September 2020 • Vol. 4 No. 2, March 2021 Protection du site du patrimoine mondial du park national Wood Buffalo (Bulletin): Vol. 1 No 1, août 2017 • Vol. 1 No 2, décembre 2017 • Vol. 2 No 1, août 2018 • Vol. 3 No 1, mai 2019 • Vol. 3 No 2, août 2019 • Vol. 4 No 1, septembre 2020 • Vol. 4 No 2, mars 2021 Reactive Monitoring Mission to Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada, 25 September - 4 October 2016 (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, March 2017) Recovery Strategy for the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement du bison des bois (Bison bison athabascae) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (2016, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Canada) Regional Hydrogeology in Wood Buffalo National Park Field Report (Aug 21-30, 2013) (Judit Deri-Takacs, for Parks Canada, November 8, 2013) Remembering Our Relations: Dënesųłıné Oral Histories of Wood Buffalo National Park Canadian History and Environment Series No. 12 (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation with Sabina Trimble and Peter Fortna, 2023) Removal, Examination and Transfer of Whooping Crane Eggs from Wood Buffalo National Park, 29-30 May 1989 (E. Kuyt, Canadian Wildlife Service, June 1989, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Removal, Examination and Transfer of Whooping Crane Eggs from Wood Buffalo National Park, 27-28 May 1990 (E. Kuyt, Canadian Wildlife Service, June 1990 ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Report on the State of Conservation of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site (Canada) In Response to: World Heritage Commission Decision 43 COM 7B.15 (Parks Canada, December 1, 2020) Results of Fall Ground Counts of Muskrat Houses in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, 1975 (A.R. Smith, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1976, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Review Of The Literature And Miscellaneous Other Perameters Relating To Water Levels In The Peace Athabasca Delta Particularly With Respect To The Effect On Muskrat Numbers (W. Thorpe, Parks Canada, January 1986) State of Aquatic Environment, Peace-Athabasca Delta - 2002 (David B. Donal, William Aitken, Jim Syrgiannis, Nancy E. Glozier, Fraser G. Hunter and Mark R. Gilchrist, Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative, 2004, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) State of Conservation of Wood Buffalo National Park (Parks Canada, 2015) State Party Report on the State of Conservation of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site (Canada) (Parks Canada, April 1, 2017) State Party Report on the State of Conservation of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site (Canada) (Parks Canada, December 1, 2018) State Party Progress Report of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site (Canada) (Parks Canada, February 1, 2018) Strategic Environmental Assessment of Wood Buffalo National Park Milestone 1: Scoping Report Draft (Independent Environmental Consultants, August 2017) Strategic Environmental Assessment of Wood Buffalo National Park Addendum to the August 2017 Draft Scoping Report / Évaluation environnementale stratégique des menaces potentielles aux valeurs universelles exceptionnelles du site du patrimoine mondial du park national Wood Buffalo Addenda au rapport préliminaire sur l'établissement de la portée d'août 2017 (Independent Environmental Consultants, December 2017) Strategic Environmental Assessment of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site: Milestone 3 Final SEA Report Executive Summary / Évaluation environnementale stratégique du site du patrimoine mondial du park national Wood Buffalo: Jalon No 3 Rapport définitif d'ees sommaire (Independent Environmental Consultants, May 2018) Strategic Environmental Assessment of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site: Milestone 3 Final SEA Report Volume 1 (Independent Environmental Consultants, May 2018) Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and karst features associated with Devonian carbonates and evaporites found within Wood Buffalo National Park, northeast Alberta (Andres Altosaar, Suncor Energy Inc. for Parks Canada, December 2013) The Effect of Regulation of the Peace River Interim Report No. 1 (June 1962, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) The Peace-Athabasca Delta: A Canadian Resource Summary Report, 1972 (Peace-Athabasca Delta Project Group, c1973) The Political Economy of Bison Management in Wood Buffalo National Park (Patricia A. McCormack, extract from Arctic, Vol. 45 No. 4, December 1992) The Rise and Fall of Wood Buffalo National Park (Ed Struzik, excerpt from Borealis: The Magazine of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Vol. 3 No. 2 Issue 10, Spring 1992, ©CPAWS) The Status of Muskrats in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Wood Buffalo National Park Final Report (Richard Wiacek and Dave Westworth, for BC Hydro and Parks Canada October 1999) To Wood Buffalo National Park, with love (Chloe Dragon Smith and Robert Grandjambe, extract from Briarpatch, September/October 2020) Trends in the Distribution and Abundance of Bison in Wood Buffalo National Park (Ludwig N. Carbyn, Nicholas J. Lunn and Keven Timoney, extract from Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 3, Fall 1998) Vascular Plants of Wood Buffalo National Park (W.J. Cody, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, March 1995) Wetland Restoration/Enhancement: A Feasibility Study for a Pilot Project to Improve Muskrat and Waterfowl Habitat in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (S.B. Smith Environmental Consultants Ltd., LGL Ltd. and A.B.B. Smith, for Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, July 1985) Whooping Crane Conservation Update, Wood Buffalo National Park / LE POINT sur la conservation de la grue blanche, Parc national Wood Buffalo (Parks Canada, September 2021) Whooping crane population dynamics on the nesting grounds, Wood Buffalo National Park, Northwest Territories, Canada (N. S. Novakowski, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1966) Window on the past : archaeological assessment of the Peace Point site, Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta (Marc G. Stevenson, Parks Canada, 1986) Wolf control operations, Wood Buffalo National Park, 1951-52 Wildlife Management Bulletin Series 1 Number 11 (William Fuller, Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1955) Wolves, Bison...and the Dynamics Related to the Peace-Athabasca Delta in Canada's Wood Buffalo National Park Circumpolar Research Series No. 4 (L.N. Carbyn, S.M. Oosenbrug and D.W. Anions, 1993) Wood Bison Disease Management (Alberta Environment and Parks) Wood Bison Management Strategy for the Northwest Territories: 2010-2020 (Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources, undated) Wood Buffalo National Park Bison Survey, March 2014 (Lana Cortese and John McKinnon, Parks Canada, 2015) Wood Buffalo National Park Water Quality: Status and Trends from 1989-2006 in Three Major Rivers; Athabasca, Peace and Slave (Nancy E. Glozier, David B. Donald, Robert W. Crosley and Douglas Halliwell, May 2009, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada) Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site Action Plan / Plan d'action pour le site du patrimoine mondial du parc national Wood Buffalo (Parks Canada, 2019) World Heritage Committee World Heritage Nomination IUCN Technical Review: Wood Buffalo National Park (IUCN, April 15, 1983) Books/Livres | |||||
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