Riding Mountain National Park
Parc national du Mont-Riding

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Riding Mountain is home to a staggering diversity of living things. The windswept grasslands and deep, silent forests, of secretive wolf packs, of orchids and lilies, of lakes and wetlands singing with life. Riding Mountain National Park is in Treaty 2 Territory, where we work with Anishinabe, First Nations from treaties 2, 4, and 1. We honour, acknowledge, and recognize Indigenous contributions to the park, the province, and Canada.

Le mont Riding : le sentiment d’être chez soi. C’est là que la vie a élu domicile : les terres balayées par le vent, les forêts profondes et silencieuses, les meutes de loups furtives, les orchidées et les lys, les lacs et les terres humides – ils chantent tous un hymne à la vie. Le parc national du Mont-Riding est situé dans le territoire visé par le Traité no 2 où nous travaillons avec les Anishinabe, les Premières Nations signataires des traités no 2, 4 et 1. Nous reconnaissons la contribution des peuples autochtones dans l’établissement du parc, de la province et du Canada, et nous y rendons hommage.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1929

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Management Documents

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2007)

Management Plan Amendment / Plan directeur, projet de modification (Parks Canada, 2012)

Management Plan Implementation Update / Mise à jour de la mise en œuvre du plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2015)

Provisional Master Plan, Riding Mountain National Park (Philip E. Flores, Parks Canada, 1967)

Historical Documents

A Slice of the Parkland Circa the Late 1890s-1970s (Edward S. Stozek, Leech Printing, 2008)

A Study in Conviction and Fantasy: A.S. Belaney and Grey Owl, 1888-1938 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 378 (James Shortt, Parks Canada, 1980)

Aerial Beaver Survey 2004, Riding Mountain National Park (Sean Frey and Justin Avery, Parks Canada, c2005)

Anishnabe Homeland History: Traditional Land and Resource Use of Riding Mountain, Manitoba (©Marilyn K. Peckett, Master's thesis University of Manitoba, May 1999)

An Illustrated Guide to the Common Mammals of Riding Mountain National Park/Guide illustré des mammifères les plus courants du parc national du Mont-Riding (Parks Canada, undated)

Assessment of the Historic Hydrology of the Assiniboine River and Watershed 1793-1870 Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4087 (W.F. Rannie, 2001, ©Natural Resources Canada)

Behavioral ecology of sympatric wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (C. latrans) in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (University of Alberta Libraries, 1989)

Beaver Dam Capacity in the Canadian Boreal Plains Ecozone: An Analysis of Riding Mountain National Park (©Nichole-Lynn Stoll, Master's Thesis University of Saskatchewan, December 2019)

Coyote population fluctuation and spatial distribution in relation to wolf territories in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (Parks Canada, 1982)

Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Manitoba Escarpment Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1929, Part B (S.R. Kirk, Geological Survey of Canada, 1930)

Cyclic water levels in Clear Lake, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (F.S. Parsons and R.A. McGinn, extract from Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, Vol. 2, University of Winnipeg, 1999)

Degree-day snowmelt runoff experiments; Clear Lake Watershed, Riding Mountain National Park (R.A. McGinn, extract from Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, Vol. 15, University of Winnipeg, 2012)

Diet Preference and Parasites of Grey Wolves in Riding Mountain National Park of Canada (©Tim A. Sallows, University of Manitoba, 2007)

Diseases and Parasites in Wolves of the Riding Mountain National Park Region, Manitoba, Canada (Astrid V. Stronen, Tim Sallows, Graham J. Forbes, Brent Wagner and Paul C. Paquet, extract from Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 47(1), 2011, ©Wildlife Disease Association)

Early survival and growth of white spruce plantations, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba Publication No. 1239 (R.E. Tucker, J.M. Jarvis and R.M. Waldron, Canadian Forest Service, 1968)

Ecological and Hydrological Consequences of Beaver Activity in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (Peter Sinkins, University of Manitoba, 2008)

Elk-Agriculture Conflicts in the Greater Riding Mountain Ecosystem: Building Bridges Between the Natural And Social Sciences to Promote Sustainability (Ryan K. Brook, University of Manitoba, 2007)

Elk/Moose Population Dynamics in the Riding Mountain National Park Region (Lisa K.M. Richards, University of Manitoba, August 1997)

Escarpment of Riding Mountain Area Strategy / Escarpement du Mont-Riding Stratégie de secteur (Parks Canada, 2013)

Fire Regime in Marginal Jack Pine Populations at Their Southern Limit of Distribution, Riding Mountain National Park, Central Canada (Jacques C. Tardif, Stephen Cornelsen, France Conciatori, Eben Blake Hodgin and Marlow G. Pellatt, extract from Forests, 7, 219, 2026)

Forest insects and diseases in eight of the western Canadian national parks, 1971 Information Report NOR-X-12 (W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, January 1972)

Forest insects and diseases in eight western Canadian national parks, 1973 Information Report NOR-X-90 (F.J. Emond, J. Petty, G.J. Smith and V.B. Patterson, Canadian Forest Service, May 1974)

Forest insects and diseases in nine of the western Canadian national parks, 1972 Information Report NOR-X-62 (V.B. Patterson, E.J. Gautreau, G.J. Smith, R.M. Caltrell and J.P. Susut, Canadian Forest Service, April 1973)

Forest insects collected in Riding Mountain National Park, 1948-1971 Information Report NOR-X-106 (G.N. Still, R.C. Tidsbury and J.C.E. Melvin, Canadian Forest Service, June 1974)

"Freedom in the Midst of Nature": German Prisoners of War in Riding Mountain National Park (Michael O'Hagan, extract from Forest History Today, Vol. 23 No. 2, Fall 2017)

Glacial Lake Agassiz, with Special Reference to the Mode of Deformation of the Beaches Bulletin No. 7 (W.A. Johnston, Geological Survey of Canada, 1946)

Grey Owl / Grey Owl (Parks Canada, 1985)

Guide to the Geology of Riding Mountain National Park and its Vicinity: History of its Upland and other Scenery Miscellaneous Report 20 (A.H. Lang, Geological Survey of Canada, 1974)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Riding Mountain National Park

154 Columbine Street (Accountant's Residence) / 154, rue Columbine (FHBRO No. 85-43, October 19, 1989, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Bandstand (B-9) / Kiosque à musique (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Casa Loma (A2) / Casa Loma (A2) (FHBRO No. 85-54, December 13, 1993, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Doctor's Residence and Clinic (C-5) / Résidence du médecin et clinique médicale (C-5) (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Fire Hall (Building 3) / Poste de pompiers (FHBRO No. 85-43, March 6, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Gatekeeper's Residence / Maison du gardien (FHBRO No. 85-54, May 24, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Golf Clubhouse / Pavillon de golf (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 21, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Grey Owl's Cabin (B-21) / Cabane de Grey Owl (B-21) (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 21, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Interpretive Centre / Centre d'interprétation (FHBRO No. 84-32 and 85-43, August 1, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Jamboree Hall (B-10) / Jamboree Hall (B-10) (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Park Administration Building / Édifice administratif du Parc (FHBRO No. 01-015, August 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

RCAF Pilots' Residence / Résidence des pilotes de l'ARC (FHBRO No. 85-54, August 3, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Staff Residence (B15) / Résidence du personnel (B-15) (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Superintendent's Residence & Works Garage / Résidence et garage-atelier du surintendant (FHBRO No. 84-31, March 19, 1985, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Tennis Clubhouse (Tennis Pavilion, B-6) / Pavillon de tennis (B-6) (FHBRO No. 85-54, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Warden Residence No. 1, Moon Lake Warden Station / Résidence no 1 du gardien, Station du gardien du lac Moon (FHBRO No. 84-49, July 10, 1985, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Warden's Residence, Whirlpool Warden Station, East Gate / Maison du garde du parc, Poste de garde Whirlpool, entrée est (FHBRO No. 85-43, March 19, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Historical review of elk–agriculture conflicts in and around Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada (Ryan K. Brook, extract from Human-Wildlife Conflicts, Vol. 3 No. 1, Spring 2009)

History of Riding Mountain and Area 1885-1984 (Riding Mountain and Area History Book Committee, eds., 1984)

Human Intervention in the Clear Lake Basin of Riding Mountain National Park: Land Use, Subdivision and Development (Helen Bazillion, Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, 1992)

Human Intervention in the Clear Lake Basin of Riding Mountain National Park: Visitor Services (Helen Bazillion, Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, 1992)

Indigenous Newsletter / Bulletin d'information autochtone (Parks Canada, May 2018)

Land Use Changes Around Riding Mountain National Park Discussion Paper No. 12 (Douglas Trant, Statistics Canada, May 1992)

Landscape Complexity and Vegetation Dynamics in Riding Mountain National Park, Canada (David John Walker, University of Manitoba, 2001)

Landscape-Level Vegetation Dynamics in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada (Richard Caners, University of Manitoba, 2001)

Living by the Water's Edge: Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve Water Stewardship Project (©Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve and Centre for Sustainable Watersheds, 2012)

Mammals of the Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. XLVI, 1932)

Mount Agassiz Feasibility Study: Executive Summary / Étude de faisabilité du mont Agassiz: Résumé (SE Group for Parks Canada, January 2012)

Natural area - jack pine in Riding Mountain National Park Project MS 114, Internal Report MS-15 (N. Bruce, Canadian Forest Service, January 1966)

Notes on the Birds of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (Donald A. Blood, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 78, 1964)

Notes on the Vegetation in Riding Mountain National Park Manitoba National Park Forest Survey Report No. 2 (R.H. Bailey, Forest Management Institute, 1968)

Overview, Riding Mountain National Park of Canada (Parks Canada, undated)

Plants of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba / Flore du Parc national du mont Riding, Manitoba (Parks Canada, 1988)

Preliminary observations on Populus Tremuloides (Michx.) clones at the Riding Mountain National Park (J.F. Dronzek, Canadian Forest Service, February 1969)

Prisoners of War at Riding Mountain National Park (Blog by Michael O'Hagan)

Probable Black Bear, Ursus americana, Retrieval of an Elk, Cervus elaphus, Carcass from a Small Lake in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (William J. Walley, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 120 No. 1, 2006, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Range relationships of elk and cattle in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba Canadian Wildlife Service Wildlife Management Bulletin Series 1 Number 19 (Donald A. Blood, Canadian Wildlife Service, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment, 1966)

Riding Mountain Lookout (Parks Canada, June-July 1987)

Riding Mountain National Park: Built Heritage Resource Description and Analysis (C.J. Taylor, Edward Mills and Patrick Buchik, Parks Canada, 2001)

Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada: A Dominion Series View Book (Date Unknown)

Riding Mountain POWs: The Teacher's Tale (Bill Waiser, excerpt from Manitoba History, No. 61, Fall 2009)

Riding Mountain: Yesterday and Today (Emma Ringstrom, Prairie Publishing Company, 1981)

Souvenir View Book of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada: Manitoba's National Playground (c1930s)

Souvenir View Book of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada: Manitoba's National Playground (Date Unknown)

State of the Community Report: Wasagaming / Rapport su l'état de la collectivité: Wasagaming (Parks Canada, November 2006)

Surficial Geology, Riding Mountain Map-Area Geological Survey of Canada Paper No. 64-1 (R.W. Klassen, Geological Survey of Canada, 1963)

The Beaver of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. L No. 1, January 1936)

The Beaver of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. L No. 2, February 1936)

The Beaver of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. L No. 3, March 1936)

The Beaver of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. L No. 4, April 1936)

The Beaver of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. L No. 5, May 1936)

The Birds of Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Wildlife Management Bulletin Series 2 Number 6 (J.D. Soper, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1953)

The Effect of Logging and Intensive Camping on Vegetation in Riding Mountain National Park (A. de Vos and R.H. Bailey, extract from The Forest Chronicle, Vol. 46 No. 1, February 1970)

The Festuca Scabrella Association in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (Donald A. Blood, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 80 No. 1, 1966)

The Future of Mount Agassiz/L'avenir du mont Agassiz (Parks Canada, 2014)

The impact of depression/detention storage on the spring freshet, Clear Lake Watershed, Riding Mountain, Manitoba (R.G. McDonald and R.A. McGinn, extract from Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, Vol. 1, University of Winnipeg, 1998)

The mammals of Manitoba Canadian Wildlife Service Wildlife Management Bulletin Series 1, Number 17 (J. Dewey Soper, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1961)

The Park Insider: Issue 1, Summer 2016Issue 2, Summer 2017Issue 3, Summer 2018 / La gazette du parc: Numéro 1, Été 2016Numéro 2, Été 2017Numéro 3, Été 2018 (Parks Canada)

The Riding Mountain Forest Reserve (Department of the Interior — Forestry Branch, 1909)

The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. XLVII No. 6, September 1933)

The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. XLVII No. 7, October 1933)

The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. XLVII No. 8, November 1933)

The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba (H.U. Green, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. XLVII No. 9, December 1933)

Today's View of Mount Agassiz and the Escarpment of Riding Mountain/Vue du mont Agassiz et de l'escarpement du Mont Riding (Parks Canada, April 2016)

Trail and Backcountry Use Plan, Riding Mountain National Park (Draft, Parks Canada, September 2009)

Wasagaming Community Plan: Amended 2011 / Plan communautaire de Wasagaming: Modifié 2011 (Parks Canada, 2014)

Wastewater reclamation and re-use in the Clear Lake watershed, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (W.H.N. Paton, J.C. Champagne and R.A. McGinn, extract from Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, Vol. 10, University of Winnipeg, 2007)

Xplorers (Parks Canada)

Xplorers (Winter) / Xplorateurs (Hiver) (Parks Canada, 2022)


Beaver Family 16:00 (National Film Board of Canada, 1930)

Beaver People 8:00 (National Film Board of Canada, 1928)

Last Updated: 03-Mar-2025