Forillon National Park
Parc national Forillon

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Forillon: naturally vibrant! Come and admire the landscapes during a hike and immerse yourself in the history of Forillon National Park. Watch the whales in Gaspé Bay while fishing for your meal at the end of the Grande-Grave wharf.

Forillon : vibrant de nature ! Venez admirez les paysages lors d’une randonnée pédestre et plongez-vous dans l’histoire du parc national Forillon. Observer les baleines dans la baie de Gaspé tout en pêchant votre repas au bout du quai de Grande-Grave.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1970

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Management Documents

Consultation Report for the Renewal of the Forillon National Park Management Plan/Rapport de consultation dans le cadre du renouvellement du Plan directeur du parc national Forillon (Parks Canada, 2022)

Management Plan / Plan Directeur (Parks Canada, 2010)

Management Plan / Plan Directeur (Parks Canada, 2022)

Year in Review 2015 / Rétrospective 2015 (Parks Canada, 2015)

Year in Review 2016 / Rétrospective 2016 (Parks Canada, 2016)

Year in Review 2017 / Rétrospective 2017 (Parks Canada, 2017)

Year in Review/Rétrospective 2019 (Parks Canada, 2019)

Year in Review/Rétrospective 2018 (Parks Canada, 2018)

Year in Review/Rétrospective 2020 (Parks Canada, 2020)

Year in Review 2021 / Rétrospective 2021 (Parks Canada, 2022)

Historical Documents

A Guide to Forillon National Park: The Harmony Between Man, The Land, and The Sea (Maxime St-Amour, Parks Canada, 1985)

Adaptation aux changements climatiques au Parc National du Canada de Forillon : Contexte et base de connaissances (Scott Parker, Patrick Nantel, Élyse Mathieu, Julia Thomas et Mathieu Côté, Parks Canada, 24-26 Octobre 2017)

Cap-des-Rosiers Natural Dynamics Restoration and Coastal Ecosystem Enhancement: Final Report / Restauration de la dynamique naturelle et mise en valeur de l'écosystème côtier de Cap-des-Rosiers : Rapport final (Daniel Sigouin, Parks Canada, April 2022)

Climate Change Adaptation Workshop: Forillon National Park, Gaspé, Que. / Série de rapports d'ateliers sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques : Parc national Forillon, Gaspé, Qc (Parks Canada, October 2017)

Fishing at Grande-Grave in the Early 1900s / La pêche à Grande-Grave au début du XXe siècle History and Archaeology/Histoire et archéologie 4 (Roch Samson, Parks Canada, 1980)

Geographic Perspectives of a National Park and a Provincial Park on the Gaspe Peninsula (Margaret F. Boorstein, extract from Middle States Geographer, Vol. 35, 2002)

Geomorphologic Analysis of Forillon National Park, Quebec, Canada (Murray A. Roed, extract from Maritime Sediments, Vol. 15 Nos. 2 and 3, August-December, 1979)

Guide du Parc National Forillon : L'harmonie entre L'homme, la Terre et la Mer (Maxime St-Amour, Parcs Canada, 1984)

Habitat Parameters and Small Mammal Associations of the Gaspe Shrew, Sorex gaspensis, in the Eastern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec (Christian Fortin and Denis Comeau, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 122 No. 2, 2008, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Forillon National Park

Alfred W. Dolbel House / Maison Alfred-W.-Dolbel (FHBRO No. 01-66j, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Cap de Gaspé Lighttower / Phare de cap Gaspé (FHBRO No. 89-180, December 2, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Charles Philip Bartlett House / Maison Charles-Philip-Barlett (FHBRO No. 01-66d, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Daniel Gavey House / Maison Daniel-Gavey (FHBRO No. 01-66e, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Elias Gavey House / Maison Elias-Gavey (FHBRO No. 01-66c, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Hyman House and Store / Résidence-Magasin-Hyman (FHBRO No. 01-66a, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Hyman Warehouse / Entrepôt Hyman (FHBRO No. 01-66b, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Joseph Gavey House / Maison Joseph-Gavey (FHBRO No. 01-66f, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

St. Peter's Anglican Church / L'église anglicane St. Peter's (FHBRO No. 91-44, February 28, 1997, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Xavier Blanchette Barn / Grange Xavier-Blanchette (FHBRO No. 01-66h, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Xavier Blanchette House / Maison Xavier-Blanchette (FHBRO No. 01-66g, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Xavier Blanchette Shed / Hangar Xavier-Blanchette (FHBRO No. 01-66i, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

La pêche à Grande-Grave au debut du XXe siècle Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 249 (Roch Samson, Parcs Canada, 1977)

L'anse Blanchette à Grande-Grave Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 321 (Jean Lavoie, Parks Canada, 1977)

Les bâtiments Hyman à Grande-Grave; Compte rendu d'une mission ethnographique Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 322 (Jean Lavoie, Parks Canada, 1978)

L'établissement Fruing de Grande-Grave Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 322 (Jean Lavoie, Parks Canada, 1979)

L'expropriation du territoire de Forillon : étude du processus décisionnel des responsables étatiques fédéraux et provinciaux, 1968-1975 (©Aryane Babin, Master's thesis Université Laval, 2013)

Macrolichen and calicioid flora of Forillon National Park, Quebec, Canada: the big and little lichens and their associates (©Hayley Anne Paquette, Master's Thesis Carleton University, 2019)

Observations sur le chêne rouge et le pin blanc au parc national du Canada Forillon, automne 2004 (Sylvain Fortin and Mathieu Côté, March 2005)

Spiders and Ants Associated with Fallen Logs in Forillon National Park of Canada, Quebec (©Hirondelle Varady-Szabo, Master's Thesis McGill University, August 2004)

Stratigraphy of parts of the Gaspe Limestones in the Forillon Peninsula area, Gaspe East County (Preliminary Report) (Pierre J. Lespérance, October 1973)

The First French-Canadian National Parks: Kouchibouguac and Forillon in History and Memory (Ronald Rudin, extract from Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, Vol. 22 No. 1, 2011, ©Canadian Historical Association)

The Origin and Evolution of Penouille Spit, Forillon National Park, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec (Rebecca L. Haney, extract from 3rd Kreck Symposium Volume, April 1990)

The Rare Plants of Forillon National Park (Ghislain Lefebvre, Pierre Morisset and Jean Bédard, Parks Canada, 1983)


A Day in Forillon 7:00 (Michel Bouchard, National Film Board of Canada, 1978)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025