Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 8
The Canals of Canada
by John P. Heisler
The military records in the Public Archives of Canada commonly known
as the "C" series provide indispensable source material for any
study of the origins and construction of the early canals along the St.
Lawrence, Ottawa and Rideau rivers. Consisting largely of official
correspondence carried on by officers of the Royal Engineers, the
material illustrates some of the problems encountered in
construction and some of the administrative difficulties which arose, it
also indicates the methods used in financing construction, in awarding
contracts prepared by the Commissariat Departmental Quebec, and
the difficulty often encountered in acquiring land through which to
build the waterway.
Another important source of information found in the Public Archives
on the subject of early canals is the series CO42. This series consists
of the official correspondence and enclosures from the governors,
lieutenant governors and administrators of Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper
Canada and the United Province of Canada. Here one finds information on
a wide range of subjects concerning the colony, including canals and
inland waterways. Other pertinent series of records in the Public
Archives are WO1 in which volumes 861 and 567 contain material relating
to the transfer of the Rideau and Ottawa canals to the provincial
government, and Admiralty Supplementary 4 which relates to the proposed
Grand River Canal, 1820-1824.
Papers on subjects connected with the duties of
the Corps of Royal Engineers provide good material
relating to the construction of a few canals. Volumes 1 to
4 contain information on the Rideau Canal indicating why it was
constructed; the size and construction of the locks, gates, dams,
preliminary arrangements and commencement of work; advantages obtained
by the use of locks and dams; state of the work at various times;
detailed description of the works along the entire line; prices
of work and materials; rates of pay to mechanics, expense of
undertaking; military and commercial usefulness of the canal, and
the tolls collected. Volume 5 includes Lieutenant Colonel George
Phillpotts' celebrated and informative Report on the Canal
Navigation of the Canadas. Volume 8 contains an important
document relating to the projected Baie Verte canal: Report on a
Survey of a Line for a Canal to unite the Bay of Fundy
with the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in 1842, by Captain Crawley, R.
E. This volume also provides a reliable index to the first seven
The provincial statutes of Upper and Lower Canada and the journals of
the assemblies of the two provinces contain the legislation pertaining
to inland navigation and indicate the petitions received, the
resolutions and bills introduced on the subject of canals, and the
committees formed to discuss and consider the construction of
waterways. Especially useful are the appendices to the journals which
contain the reports of select committees on canals along with engineers'
survey reports on specific routes.
In 1838 the imperial government authorized Lord Durham, shortly
after his arrival in Canada, to have a survey of the whole water
route from Lake Erie to tidewater made by a competent engineer. Durham
selected for the job Lieutenant Colonel George Phillpotts of the
Royal Engineers and formerly chief engineer of the Cornwall Canal.
Phillpotts' reports of 31 December 1839 and 3 August 1840 on the inland
navigation of the Canadas are among the most valuable documents ever
prepared on Canadian canals, providing as they do a wealth of
information on the subject. In them Phillpotts presented a detailed
study of the military, economic and social importance of the
waterways for a viable Canadian community.
Following the union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada in
1841, all canals other than the ordnance canals on the Ottawa and
Rideau rivers were placed under the control of the Board of
Works. The ordnance canals (Carillon, Chute-à-Blondeau, Oresville and
Rideau), constructed by the imperial government and managed by imperial
authority, were not transferred to the Canadian government until 1886.
In the following year they were placed under the control of the
Department of Public Works. The annual reports of the department
are a useful source and especially so is the report of 1867, the last
one issued by the old Province of Canada, containing a wealth of
information on all aspects of Canadian canals in the pre-confederation
period. Throughout the period of union, 1841-1867, the
provincial statutes of Canada and the journals of the
legislative assembly of Canada and appendices contain legislation and
valuable reports on canals and inland waterways. Equally deserving of
mention are the Merritt papers in the Public Archives which abound in
manuscript material relating to canals and to the Welland Canal in
particular and which extend over the first half of the 19th
century. Finally one cannot conclude a brief treatment of source
material on canals before 1867 without mentioning the ever useful H. A.
Innis and A. R. M. Lower, Select Documents in Canadian Economic
History, 1783-1885, and G. M. Craig, Early Travellers in
the Canadas, 1791-1867.
Following confederation an "Act respecting the Public Works
of Canada" (31 Vic., C. 12) placed under the control of the
Minister of Public Works all the canals and their works on navigable
rivers constructed by the provincial governments previous to 1 July
1867. This Act remained in force until 1879. In that year the Department
of Public Works was divided into two departments. Section 4 of "An Act
respecting the offices of Receiver General and Minister of Public
Works" (42 Vic., D. 7) stated that "the present Department of Public
Works shall be divided into two departments, to be presided over and
managed by two Ministers: one of these said Ministers shall be
designated as Minister of Railways and Canals and the other as Minister
of Public Works." Section 5 went on to state that "the Minister
of Railways and Canals shall have the management, charge and
direction of railways . . . and of all canals and works and property
appertaining or incident thereto." From this time on the department's
annual reports provided information relating to construction,
enlargement, improvement, traffic, expenses and revenues of all
Disturbed by the inadequate performance of the St. Lawrence
route in relation to western trade, the Canadian government in 1870
appointed a Canal Commission, respecting the inland navigation of the
Dominion of Canada. The commission's report appeared the
following year and ranks with Phillpotts' reports as one of the
most informative statements ever made on the subject. This detailed
study of Canadian, inland navigation depicts the crucial role such
navigation must play in the newly formed confederation.
In 1903, the Canadian government, realizing that the shipment
of western grain was the most urgent transportation problem of
the day, set up a Royal Commission on Transportation. The commission
considered every possible artery by which the products of the West could
reach ocean navigation. Its report in 1908 is another of the key
documents relating to the crucial role of canals in the
transportation facilities of Canada.
One further source of information deserves mention. The pamphlet
collection of the Public Archives contains an abundance of contemporary
material relating to canals (see Catalogue of Pamphlets in the
Public Archives of Canada, 1497-1932 [Ottawa, King's Printer,
1931-32], 2 vols.). This material consists of survey reports of
engineers; reports, plans, surveys and correspondence ordered by
the legislative assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada; reports
of select committees of the legislative assemblies on
canals; speeches on the subject of canals delivered in the House
of Commons; series of pamphlets issued in furtherance of a
specific project, and reports of surveys and estimates of costs
of specific projects made by the Department of Public Works. As
one would expect, these pamphlets are of uneven quality but they provide
useful source material.
Documentary Primary Sources
Canada. Public Archives.
MG1, Archives des Colonies.
MG11, Public Record Office: Colonial Office Papers, Series CO42 and Q
MG12, Admiralty. War Office and Foreign Office Papers; Section A
(Admiralty); Section B (War Office); WO55 (Ordnance Miscellanea,
1740-1863), Vol. 284, Report of Richard Eaton and J. S. Eliot on canals
in Canada, 1840.
MG17, Religious Archives, Section A, Lettres de l'abbé Tronson,
MG18, Pre-Conquest Papers, H25, Robinson Collection, 1832-1899, Vol.
2; H41, François Dollier de Casson, 1689-1694.
MG21, Transcripts from Papers in the British Museum, Section G.
Haldimand Papers.
MG24, Pre-Confederation Manuscripts. E1, Merritt
Papers, 1778-1892; E2, Rideau Canal Lands, 1818-49; E3, Welland Canal,
1823-28; E5, Shubenacadie Canal, Nova Scotia, 1826-90; E6, John
Mactaggart, 1827-28; I2, Robert Wilkins.
RG1, Executive Council, Canada, 1764-1867; Section E, Phillpotts'
first and second reports on the inland navigation of the Canadas, 31
December 1839 and 3 August 1840.
RG8, Civil and Provincial Secretaries' Offices, Canada West,
1788-1867, Section A, Upper Canada Sundries, 1766-1840.
RG7, Governor General's Office, Section G1, Despatches,
RG8, British Military and Naval Records, C series (British Military
RG11, Department of Public Works. Series I, Lachine Canal Navigation
Company, 1819-21; Commissioners for the Lachine Canal, 1821-42;
Commission for the improvement of the Richelieu River, 1829-96;
Welland Canal Company, 1828-46; Commission for the Improvement
of the Navigation of the Inland Water of the Newcastle District,
1837-41; Commission for the Improvement of the River Trent, 1837-41,
Series II, Records of the Office of the Chairman of the Board of
Works, 1839-46.
Printed Primary Sources
Bishop, Olga Bernice
Publications of the Government of the Province of
Canada, 1841-1867. National Library of Canada,
Ottawa, 1963.
Buffalo Republican,
Buffalo, N.Y.
Canada. Bureau of Statistics.
The Canada Year Book, 1954; 1955; 1956; 1960;
1964; 1966. Queen's Printer, Ottawa.
Canada. Canal Commission.
. . . A Letter to the Hon. the Secretary of State from the
Canal Commission Respecting the Improvement of the Inland
Navigation of the Dominion of Canada. Queen's Printer,
Ottawa, 1871.
Canada. Department of Public Works.
General Report of the Department of Public Works,
1867-1882. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1883.
Georgian Bay Ship Canal, Report upon Survey with
Plans and Estimates of Cost, 1908. King's Printer,
Ottawa, 1909.
Canada. Department of Railways and Canals.
Annual Reports of the Minister of Railways and Canals
for the Fiscal Years 1884-1925, Ottawa.
The Canals of Canada under the Jurisdiction of the
Department of Railways and Canals, 1931. King's
Printer, Ottawa, 1931.
The Welland Ship Canal between Lake Ontario and
Lake Erie 1913-1932 (Reprint of articles appearing In "Engineering"
during the years 1929, 1930 and 1931, by Major P. J. Cowan). Printed by
order of the Hon. Minister of Railways and Canals, London,
Canada. Department of Trade and Commerce. Economic Research
The St. Lawrence Waterway and the Canadian Economy,
Ottawa, 1951.
Canada. Department of Transport. General
Engineering Branch.
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway,
Ottawa, 1949.
Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Statutes of Canada, 1867-1967, Ottawa.
Canada. Parliament.
House of Commons Debates, 1867-1914, Ottawa. Report of
the Select Committee Appointed to Consider the
Practicability and Propriety of Constructing a Ship
Canal between the Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario, via Lake
Simcoe. Queen's Printer, Quebec, 1864. Also published as Appendix
No. 2 Journals of the Legislative Assembly, 1864.
Return to an Address from the Legislative Assembly of
the 28th ultimo. For a copy of Mr. Jarvis' Report relative
to the Survey of the Proposed Caughnawaga Canal, and the Amount
of the Coat of such Surveys as submitted by the said
Engineer (Mr. Jarvis). Quebec, 20 March 1858.
Canada. Parliament. House of Commons.
Return to an Address from the Legislative Assembly to His
Excellency the Governor General, dated the 5th Instant, praying His
Excellency to be pleased to cause to be laid before
the House, a Return of the recent Survey and Report of
the Engineers on the Ottawa Ship Canal, 1860.
Canada (Province)
Annual Reports of the Department of Public Works,
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province
of Canada, 1841-1867.
Provincial Statutes of Canada, 1841-1867.
Canada. Public Archives.
Report of the Public Archives. Queen's Printer, Ottawa,
Canada. Royal Commission on Coasting Trade.
Report, 9 December 1957. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1988.
Canada. Royal Commission on Transportation.
Report of the Royal Commission on Transportation,
1903-1908, King's Printer, Ottawa, 1906.
Craig, Gerald M.
Early Travellers in the Canadas, 1791-1867, Macmillan,
Toronto, 1988.
Great Britain. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Papers on Subjects connected with the Duties
of the Corps of Royal Engineers . . . 1839-76, J. Weale,
London, 1839-76, 10 vols.
Great Britain, Laws, Statutes, etc.
Statutes at Large, United Kingdom.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Canada Canals, Return to an Order of the Honourable House
of Commons dated 3 February 1832; for,
Copies or Extracts of Correspondence between the Board of
Ordnance and Officers under their Orders in Canada; and of
any Reports from them since the Date of the last Papers
presented to the House, Respecting the Progress of
the Canal Communications In that Country, and the Past and
Prospective Expenditure thereon; and any Correspondence with the
Treasury and Colonial Office on the same Subject, Ordered by
the House of Commons to be Printed, 30 May 1832.
Innis, H. A. and A. R. M. Lower
Select Documents in Canadian Economic History,
1783-1885, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1933.
Lower Canada. House of Assembly.
Journals of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada to
Lower Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc.
The Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada to 1840.
Mactaggart, John
Three Years in Canada: An Account of the actual
State of the Country in 1826-7-8, Henry Colburn, London, 1829,
2 vols.
Shanly, W.
Report of W. Shanly, C. E., to the Directors of
the Caughnawaga Ship Canal Co'y. Penny, Wilson & Co.,
Montreal, 1874.
Shubenacadie Canal Company
The Charter and Bye Laws of the Shubenacadie Canal
Company with the Acts of the General Assembly of
Nova Scotia, Relating to the Canal, Printed by Order
of the Board of Directors, Halifax, 1829.
Smith, Marcus
Report on the Montreal, Ottawa and Georgian Bay
Canal, by Marcus Smith, M. Inst., C.E., October 1st,
1895. Thorburn & Co., Ottawa, 1898.
St. Lawrence Waterway Project
1. Correspondence Between the Governments of Canada and the United
States, 1927-28, 2. Report of the Canadian National Advisory Committee,
1928, etc, 3. Orders in Council Referring to the Supreme Court of Canada
Certain Questions as to Water Power Rights of the Dominion and the
Province. King's Printer, Ottawa, 1928.
The Colonial Advocate
No. 6, Published Sept. 27th, 1824. containing an
Essay on Canals and Inland Navigation, and the Reports to the
President and Directors of the Welland Canal Company of
Messrs. Francis Hall, James Clowes, and Nathan Roberts,
Engineers Employed to Survey a Line of Canal to connect
Lakes Erie and Ontario. William L. Mackenzie, Queenston,
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The Empire.
The Mail.
The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
Annual Report, 1959. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1960.
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Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission,
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Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada to
1840, Report of the Committee of the House of Assembly
of Upper Canada relative to the Welland Canal, with the
letter of J. B. Yates, Esq. to said Committee; Some Editorial
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Esq. . . . . Lyon, Toronto, 1834.
Upper Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Statutes of Upper Canada to 1840.
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Canada under Louis XIV, 1663-1701. McClelland and
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A History of Coteau du Lac. National Historic Sites
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Inland Navigation, with Suggestions as to the
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