Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 8
The Canals of Canada
by John P. Heisler
Canals and the Commercial Development of the Canadas, 1791-1841
John Graves Simcoe, Upper Canada's first lieutenant governor
(1792-99), believed that the St. Lawrence must be the great highway and
transportation route into and out of the unexploited interior of the
continent. He envisaged the bulky products of the interior flooding down
to Montreal after having been exchanged for British manufactures in
Upper Canada. At the time of Jay's Treaty in 1794, Britain, recognizing
the impossibility of enforcing mercantilistic controls upon intercourse
between the United States and Canada west of Montreal, agreed to
reciprocal equalized customs duties. For a few years following the
treaty large quantities of British and West Indian goods were sold in
the lakes district, since transportation costs from Montreal to Kingston
were about one-third of those from Albany to Oswego. Meanwhile,
commencing in 1792, the state of New York started to build canals. Three
years later the London merchant, Brickwood, reported that the
Americans were improving their inland navigation by the
Mohawk,1 and in 1801 Sir Alexander Mackenzie warned that the
New Yorkers were projecting a canal from Albany to Lake
Ontario.2 Mackenzie was opposed to English capital financing
the projected American canals and he expanded upon the natural
advantages of the St. Lawrence, at the same time suggesting ways and
means of improving this waterway. Both men believed that the Canadas
must construct an enlarged system of canals if they were to counter the
American threat.
During the last decade of the 18th century, goods from Montreal
destined for Upper Canada were carted to Lachine, the location of the
first rapids. There the goods were loaded into batteaux for the
river voyage to Kingston. Several batteaux usually left Lachine
in company in order that the crews might combine their strength in
pulling each boat up the rapids. At each rapid the batteaux were
lightened and a portion of the goods carted to a landing above. A few
men remained in each batteau to keep it away from the river bank
while the others on shore towed it up the current by means of a rope
fastened to the bow.3 The standard of weight for merchandise
was a barrel of rum, which cost from $3.00 to $3.50 to carry from
Lachine to Kingston,4 and this was the scale used in
regulating the cost of transporting other goods.
The beginning of the 19th century found an increasing number of
larger boats using the St. Lawrence. The "Kentucky" boat carrying
between three and four hundred barrels of flour now appeared on the
river between Kingston and Montreal. This traffic, however, found the
existing canals antiquated and inadequate and the Canadian merchants
became concerned about the weaknesses of their transportation system. By
1800 the imperial government had already authorized Gother Mann to
inspect the canals and report on their condition;5 as a
result of Mann's report some improvements were made.
Upper Canada's trade was now rapidly expanding. The value of the
province's exports for 1801 was estimated as amounting to £105,000
currency.6 The total value of British imports from Canada for
that year, one-third of which was made up of furs, was estimated as
£600,000 currency.7 At that time Canadian produce sold
to the British government, as stores for the local garrisons, for
example, was estimated at another £600,0008 making
£1,200,000 currency, for which bills could be drawn on Britain to
pay for Canadian imports and other obligations.
During the Napoleonic Wars Britain discovered that she needed all the
lumber and grain that the British North American colonies could produce
and attract from American ports. In 1807, therefore, an imperial statute
permitted the entry to British colonial ports from the United States of
wood products and naval stores. The products flowed from the American
states through the British provinces to Great Britain and this flow
increased after December 1807 when the American government, in applying
the neutrality laws, placed embargoes on export and import trade. From
this time on Britain maintained preferences for colonial timber, a
steady supply of which was so important to a wooden navy and merchant
Until the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 nearly the whole of the
trade of the country bordering on the St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario and the
upper lakes found its way to the ocean via Montreal and Quebec. And it
is probable that it would have continued to do so had it not been for
the construction of the Erie Canal which, by affording a safe and
commodious inland water communication from Buffalo, secured to the
Americans the transport of nearly all the products of the western
country, thus depriving the Canadian provinces of the advantage they had
previously enjoyed.

9 Entrance of the Rideau Canal at Bytown, a water colour by H. F.
Ainslie, 1839. On the hill to the right is shown part of the barracks.
The rafts in the foreground were used to float lumber down the Ottawa
(Public Archives of Canada.)
With the conclusion of the War of 1812, the fertilizing stream
flowing from the British military chest dried up, and the provinces had
to depend once more upon their own natural resources and their
connection with foreign markets.10 Fully appreciating the
importance of canals to the agricultural and commercial development of
the country, the provincial governments ordered investigations made from
time to time into the cost of improving the water communication. We have
already noted how in 1817 the breadth of the military canals at the
Cascades, Split Rock and Coteau du Lac was doubled and their depth
increased to 3-1/2 feet in order to admit Durham boats and large
batteaux capable of carrying 100 barrels of flour.11
But even these improvements did not long meet the needs of the traffic.
In 1818 the legislature of Upper Canada requested the co-operation of
Lower Canada in an undertaking to improve the navigation of the St.
Lawrence.12 Both provinces appointed commissioners to
consider the advisability of building canals above Montreal and the
following year they presented a joint report.13 Concern about
the projected Erie Canal influenced their conclusions. The commissioners
urged that the proportions of the Canadian canals and locks should be at
least equal to those of the New York canal; that is, 28 feet wide at the
bottom and 4 feet deep; locks 90 feet in length and 12 feet wide in the
clear. No immediate action was taken, however. One prominent Upper
Canadian, keenly interested in the navigation of the St. Lawrence,
complained that when visiting in Lower Canada in the summer of 1821 he
inquired after the Lower Canada commissioners and learned from one of
them that they were really quite inactive and did not intend to become
involved in a matter they knew nothing about and in which they were
little interested.14 Upper Canada, however, was vitally
interested and in this same year (1821) a select committee of the
assembly referred to improvement of the navigation of the St. Lawrence
as "The great and indeed only efficient measure by which . .. a
permanent relief can be afforded to the commerce of Upper Canada and the
safe, easy, expeditious and economical exploitation of our staples to
the markets to which we have had access."15
We have already seen how prominent merchants like Adam Lymburner and
John Richardson had, during the final decade of the 18th century, urged
the construction of a canal at Lachine and how the project was left in
abeyance due to lack of public support until the transport difficulties
encountered during the War of 1812 impressed upon the government the
need for improved communication with Upper Canada.16 The
navigation of the St. Lawrence from Montreal to Lachine, a distance of
about 10 miles, was very difficult owing to the rapids and shallowness
of particular parts. It was understood by all that the construction of a
canal at Lachine would naturally facilitate the conveyance of stores to
Upper Canada and supersede the expense and delay of a portage of nine
In 1821 the legislature of Lower Canada appropriated £35,000 to
the construction of the canal and, at the same time granted free passage
to all boats of His Majesty's service on condition of an aid of
£10,000 from the British government.17 The first sod
for the Lachine Canal was turned on 17 July 1821. Being considered "a
work of great public importance and expectancy as well as forming an era
in the improvement of internal navigation in the province, it was judged
expedient that it should commence with appropriate form and
ceremony."18 On that day a group of people comprising the
commissioners (appointed by the legislature to superintend the
completion of the work), secretary, engineer, contractors, labourers,
proprietors of land and others along with the band of the 60th Regiment,
assembled at picket No. 18 to participate in the ceremony.19
When completed in 1824 the canal was about 8-1/2 miles long with 28 feet
breadth at bottom, 48 feet at water surface through earth and 36 feet
at water surface through rock. It was provided with 7 locks of cut
stone, each 100 feet long, 20 feet wide and with 5 feet depth of
water.20 According to the governor-in-chief, the Earl of
Dalhousie, the locks were of "the finest masonry I ever
saw,"21 and John Richardson, one of the commissioners, stated
that "substance had been preferred to show."22 Though opened
in 1824, vessels did not pass through till 1825 since the shipping
companies had previously contracted for the cartage of their goods over
the portage for the year 1824. Once constructed, the Lachine Canal, "the
only important project in the field of canal transportation undertaken
by Lower Canada in the period before 1840" served as an important link
both in the Ottawa-Rideau system and in the St. Lawrence route. Yet in
time it came to be the bottleneck of the entire St. Lawrence system,
carrying only 91,862 barrels of flour and 293,968 bushels of wheat
during 1832 which was a better than average season.23
Throughout the 1820s an acrimonious debate went on between Great
Britain and the United States with respect to the regulation of trade.
Huskisson's Acts of 1822 and 1826 enlarged the scope of preference but
ended for several years the previous arrangement for exporting American
goods through the St. Lawrence. The American government requested Great
Britain to open the river from the lakes to the ocean to American vessels
but this request was refused. Finally in 1827 imperial legislation once more
opened the St. Lawrence to American export trade.24 By that
time, however, the subject of the navigation of the St. Lawrence had
become involved in international politics. Americans now began to
enunciate the right of the United States, based on appeal to "natural
law," to the free navigation of the St. Lawrence from its source to its
outlet. The Americans also held that free navigation of the river had
been secured to them by treaty.25
The reception accorded in the Canadas to Huskisson's Acts disclosed
the divergent economic interests between the merchants and the farmers.
Commenting on the Canada Trade Act in 1822, the Upper Canada Gazette
and Weekly Register declared that "the Trade Act, which exacts a
duty of American produce, holds out great, nay every advantages to this
Province." Later the Montreal Gazette of 18 May 1826, commenting
on the several trade acts, declared that whereas Upper Canada had
expressed approval of the legislation, Lower Canada had disliked the
heavy duties on American lumber and agricultural produce. This
newspaper implied that Lower Canada was united in its dislike of the
legislation, though such was not the case. There, as in Upper Canada,
the agricultural interests strongly favoured it. Memorials from
agricultural interests in Lower Canada praised the Acts of 1825 for the
protection they afforded Canadian agriculture against American supplies.
"Even in the columns of the Montreal Gazette itself a
correspondent pointed out that the urban population of Lower Canada
numbered probably only 39,000 out of an estimated total of 400,000; and
asked why Great Britain should oppress 361,000 farmers for the sake of
the Canadian merchants."26
On 23 January 1826, the Montreal merchants held a meeting at which
they expressed through a series of resolutions their dissatisfaction
with the trade acts. Once again they enunciated their belief that the
St. Lawrence was the natural outlet for the raw products of the interior
of the continent. They complained that by placing duties on American
flour at the inland port of entry and by prohibiting the importation of
products such as beef and pork into the British possessions, the trade
acts simply drove the produce of the interior down the new American
canals.27 However, modifications of the new trade laws were
not long in coming. The imperial statute of 1826 permitted the
importation into Canada of salted beef and pork duty free for
exportation only to Newfoundland via the warehousing port of Quebec.
Imported flour ware housed at Quebec enjoyed an imperial preference when
shipped direct to the British West Indies while American flour bonded
through from the inland ports to Quebec, did not pay the regular duty. A
further imperial statute of the following year (1827) admitted American
timber, lumber, tallow, fresh meat and fish duty free when brought by
land or inland navigation. Foreign produce could be warehoused at the
free warehousing ports for exportation anywhere. Kingston and Montreal
were to be the warehousing ports for goods entering Canada by land or
inland navigation. American goods entered at western frontier ports
could be bonded through without payment of duty. The Acts of 1826 and
1827 also laid down that timber, lumber and
potash imported into Canada by land and inland navigation were to be
deemed Canadian produce when imported into Great Britain. This meant
that hence forth "some American commodities entered Canada duty free,
others escaped the new tariff through the bonding system; and in
addition there were a few important products which acquired Canadian
status by the mere passage down the St. Lawrence."28
Meanwhile there was considerable public discussion regarding the St.
Lawrence navigation. The Quebec Mercury of December 1824 carried
a letter to the editor expressing some of the views and intentions of a
group of gentlemen who organized a St. Lawrence
Association.29 The association set itself the task of inquiring
into the most feasible methods of improving the navigation of the St.
Lawrence through the whole length. The members of the association were
hopeful that the discerning inhabitants of the two provinces would
zealously support such a measure. A few years later, the Montreal
Gazette of 29 March 1831 quoted from a reprint of a circular on
improvement of the navigation of the St. Lawrence River addressed to the
members of the legislature of Upper Canada.30 The circular
was written by W. H. Merritt and dated at St. Catharines, 15 February
1831. Merritt maintained that this subject was the most important
measure of all for the future welfare and prosperity of the Canadas. The
unnatural division of Upper and Lower Canada deprived Upper Canada of a
seaport town or commercial city and the province could increase neither
in population nor wealth in proportion to its natural advantages until
it enjoyed a free and uninterrupted
access to the sea. A difference of opinion existed, however, as to
the best method of effecting that object. Some contended that the Rideau
Canal, then on the eve of completion, would remedy every convenience.
Others asserted that a navigation between Prescott and Montreal, from
the cheapness of its construction, would be preferable. Merritt pointed
out that Lake Ontario was already connected with the Hudson River by the
Erie Canal 208 miles long, 574 feet lockage and 4 feet depth of water.
The Rideau route when completed would be over 200 miles long, over 500
feet lockage and 5 feet of water. The St. Lawrence, however, would be
only 120 miles of artificial navigation containing less than 200 feet
lockage; or, in fact, a canal of 37-1/2 miles in length would connect
Lake Ontario with the ocean. One objection raised against a ship canal
was the inability of the province of Upper Canada, with her heavy debt,
to complete it. Merritt estimated the cost based on surveys at
£750,000. This sum he expected could soon be paid off by merely
carrying the same quantity of merchandise and produce as was then
transported on the St. Lawrence and charging the same tolls as on the
Erie Canal; this even making allowances for the trade which would be
diverted on the Rideau. Such a canal of suitable dimensions would make a
seacoast of the inland lake shore. The route would then be used by the
American Midwest, for no other could successfully compete with it.
Merritt suggested that the province could undertake the project alone,
using its credit to obtain the necessary money, and become the
proprietor on the same principle adopted by New York state in
constructing the Erie Canal. Or, should the province refuse to shoulder
the burden, it could incorporate a company with a capital stock of
£750,000 with individuals and provincial government subscribing to
the stock. According to Merritt this improvement should have been
commenced long since, and it was a reflection upon the intelligence and
enterprise of the country that this had not been done.
Yet nothing was done till 1833 when the opening of the Welland Canal
the previous year provided a stimulus to the improvement of the St.
Lawrence below it. In that year Upper Canada passed "An Act granting to
His Majesty a sum of money to be raised by debentures for the
improvements of the navigation of the River St. Lawrence" (3 Wm IV, C.
18). The Act pointed out that it was highly important to the economy of
the province that the navigation of the St. Lawrence should be improved
and that it was expedient to raise a sum of money by way of a loan for
this purpose. The receiver general was therefore authorized to raise
£70,000 by debentures for this purpose. At the same time two
commissioners were appointed whose duty it was to obtain a survey or
surveys and a plan or plans of improvements by canals and locks to be
made in the navigation of the St. Lawrence between Prescott and the
eastern extremity of the province. The legislatures of both provinces
now proceeded to obtain information and professional opinion in the
matter. Two American engineers were asked to examine the St. Lawrence
waterway and report on the practicability and the probable expense of
improving it by means of canals. In April 1834 one of them wrote, "It is
certain to my mind that with such a canal as I have projected along the
St. Lawrence, and Welland Canal in good order, that all the products of
the soil from all the upper Lakes can be carried to tidewater a good
deal cheaper by this route than can ever be done by the Erie Canal or
any other work."31
During this same year (1834) work was begun on the one major canal
project undertaken in Upper Canada before the union of the provinces.
The Cornwall Canal on the north side of the St. Lawrence extending from
Cornwall to Dickinson's Landing was designed to avoid the Long Sault
Rapids at the head of Lake St. Francis. In 1816 the legislature of Upper
Canada discussed the matter of building a canal at this point, and two
years later it was one of the subjects dealt with by a joint commission
appointed by the legislatures of both provinces to report on the water
communication of the upper St. Lawrence. Construction of canals on this
stretch of the river, to be not less than 4 feet deep and to cost
$600,000, was recommended. Yet nothing was done, though in 1826 the
lieutenant governor submitted a report of Samuel Clowes which outlined
two plans, one for a canal with 8 feet depth of water and one for a
4-foot waterway.32 In 1830 the town of Brockville, fearing
that the Rideau-Ottawa system of canals would draw traffic away from
the St. Lawrence and thus adversely affect the commercial life of the
town, had a survey made for a canal around the Long Sault Rapids and
pressured the legislature to take action in the matter.33 In
1832, therefore, the legislature passed a resolution favoring the
construction of a canal having 9 feet of water. Two engineers, Benjamin
Wright and John B. Mills, submitted plans for the Cornwall and
Williamsburg canals. The canals projected by the Canadas at this time
were planned under one direction and formed virtually a single scheme;
the plans called for canals of 9 feet depth throughout, 55 feet wide and 200
feet long. The gross estimate for the works in Upper Canada came to
£350,000 and the cost of improvements in Lower Canada was expected
to total at least £235,782.34
The legislatures of Upper and Lower Canada reacted differently to the
proposed construction of these canals; this difference reflected the
divergent economic interests of merchant and farmer. The Upper Canada
legislature, controlled by the economically minded Tories, authorized
the construction of the Cornwall Canal which was begun in 1834.35
To finance the project the province floated a series of loans in London.
The Reformers in the assembly, representing the agricultural interests,
professed to be horrified by any such increase in the public debt and
advised delay in construction of the canal.36 However, the
unsettled political situation culminating in the Rebellions of 1837,
combined with the severe depression which set in at that time, made it
impossible for the province to sell its bonds. Work on the canal was
therefore suspended for some years and was not resumed until after the
union. In Lower Canada, where agricultural and professional interests
controlled the assembly, no action was taken in the matter. To the
French Canadian debts were always burdens. One member of the commercial
community speaking in the Lower Canada assembly declared, "The question
was whether by borrowing we did not enrich ourselves."37
Another prominent member of the Lower Canada commercial group
The apprehensions of the evils of a Public Debt . . .
prevailing in Lower Canada appears to me unreasonable in the present
case, for our money is not to be wasted in foreign wars, or in
useless pomp and pageantry, but in the
accomplishment of works of a general benefit from which an ample
return is sure to be made, equal in a very few years to the
reimbursement of principal as well as interest . . . the ideas of
the evils of a public debt no matter for what purpose incurred continues
to be a bug bear in Lower Canada.38
The Tory parties in both provinces closely connected as they were
with the business community, advocated a policy of public works and the
economic development of the country by private capital and public
expenditure. One prominent Upper Canada Tory politician wrote to the
civil secretary of the province in March, 1834, urging that the St.
Lawrence canals must be pushed forward as the best security for his
party's success in the approaching election.39
A new era in canal construction dawned with the arrival in 1838 of
Lord Durham as governor general of the British North American colonies.
Realizing that the commercial and agricultural depression helped to
foment political unrest, he urged the British government to complete the
St. Lawrence canal system.40 At the same time Durham
instructed Lieutenant Colonel Phillpotts of the Royal Engineers to
prepare a report on the inland navigation of the Canadas.41
In his two able reports on the subject, Phillpotts maintained that only
the completion of a series of canals between Lake Erie and tidewater
would assure prosperity to the Canadas. "Unless," he asserted, "we open
an uninterrupted navigation for large freight steamers capable of
carrying a cargo of at least 300 tons without trans-shipment
before they arrive at Montreal or Quebec, we have no chance whatever of
securing any great portion of that vast and important trade which must
ere long be carried on between the Western
States and the Atlantic Ocean."42 He urged that the
Welland and Lachine canals be enlarged to a depth of 9 feet and that the
Cornwall Canal be completed as quickly as possible.43 In
conclusion Phillpotts strongly recommended the immediate construction
around the remaining rapids on the St. Lawrence of a series of canals
with the same dimensions as the Cornwall.44 And there the
matter of the St. Lawrence canals remained until the formation of the
new Province of Canada in 1841.
The years immediately following 1815 found Upper Canada deep in the
throes of an economic depression. In 1821, therefore, an informed
observer could write: "Most of the merchants have many large outstanding
debts which, if collected by means of suits would ruin two-thirds of the
farmers of the Province; and should the Montreal wholesale dealers have
recourse to similar measures, many of their correspondents would become
insolvent likewise."45 Already in 1817 the Americans had
begun to build the Erie Canal. This greatly alarmed the Upper Canadians
for such a canal would in all likelihood divert much of the upper lake
traffic to New York and away from the St. Lawrence route. The building
of the Erie, however, fired the imagination of one Upper Canada
businessman, W. H. Merritt, who decided to emulate it by a canal based
on the Welland River which would circumvent impassable Niagara. The
Niagara peninsula, a neck of land 27 miles wide, separated the waters of
Lakes Erie and Ontario and was a barrier to water communication between
the upper lakes and the sea. Lake Erie was 300 feet higher above sea
level than Lake Ontario, and the two were connected by the Niagara River
with the falls marking the difference in level. It took Merritt from
1818 to 1829 to effect construction of an artificial waterway connecting
the two lakes. But still more was required and in 1830 it was decided to
undertake the construction of a new section of the canal which would
provide a direct entrance to Lake Erie. This new extension would avoid
relying on the dangerous and inconvenient navigation of the Welland and
Niagara rivers. In 1832 work was pushed forward on a direct cut to Lake
Erie which was completed by March 1833. There was now a direct line of
navigation from Port Colborne on Lake Erie to Port Dalhousie on Lake
Ontario, a distance of 28 miles.46

10 Map showing Canadian Ship Canal at Sault Ste.
Marie; also St. Mary's Falls Canal, Michigan U.S.A.
(Annual Report, 1894-95, Dept. of
Railways and Canals.) (click on image for a PDF version)

11 Locks of the Rideau canal near Ottawa, a pencil
sketch wade by H. J. Warre about 1840, showing the type of boat used at
that time to transport goods through the canal.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
A line of boats was now organized to make daily trips between Grand
River and Port Dalhousie. The Welland Canal Company announced that "an
effort will be made in ensuing season to procure a sufficient number of
vessels to leave Prescott every day if not oftener for Port Dalhousie,
thence to Sandwich, touching at the intermediate ports on Lake
Erie."47 Such measures were an attempt to deflect the lake
trade away from the Erie Canal and the Niagara portage.
The Welland Canal, however, never really enjoyed "a high volume of
remunerative traffic." In the early years, lake shippers showed a lack
of confidence in the canal. Mishaps, malicious rumours and lack of
adequate credit and transportation facilities on the line of the canal
discouraged Lake Erie forwarders from patronizing it. Upper Canada
commercial centres along the canal, like St. Catharines, "could not
compete with the commercial credit extended by Buffalo mercantile houses
backed by the resources of the New York market."48 Moreover,
there was at first a lack of vessels designed for the double voyage on
the lakes and the navigation of the canal. It seemed that the Welland
would not be able to break the Erie's monopoly of the Ohio trade.
Yet the canal did bring in some revenue. During its first two seasons
tolls amounted to £3,667 and the company stated hopefully that
"the increase alluded to is entirely exclusive of the New York trade,
scarcely a ton of which passed this route last season [1831]. The
transit is wholly from Upper Canada and to and from Oswego
principally wheat down and salt up. This trade is confined to Lake
Ontario; and from the number of superior flowing mills recently erected
at Oswego cannot fail of increasing to an immense extent."49
It was hoped, however, that once the Lake Erie cutting was completed and
the direct Lake Erie line was open, there would be an increase in
American traffic. In 1832 traffic increased somewhat, a significant
feature being an increase in wheat from American ports amounting to
100,000 bushels.50
Upward traffic was principally salt, 35,000 bushels of which passed
through the canal during the year.51 The next few years
witnessed an encouraging increase in traffic. Whereas tolls in 1833
totalled £3,618, in 1834 they increased to £4,300 while a
total of 570 schooners, 334 boats and scows and 66 rafts passed the
canal. In 1833, tolls were paid on 9,611 barrels of pork and 30,942 feet
of square timber whereas in 1834 toll was collected on 23,422-1/2
barrels of pork and 392,055 feet of square timber.52
The Grand River Navigation Company, active in developing the western
part of Upper Canada, was responsible for part of the increased
traffic.53 Part of the increase also represented the
Welland attracting some of the Ohio-New York trade. "Of the 264,919
bushels of wheat which passed the canal during 1834, only 18,464 came
from Canadian ports on Lake Erie; the remaining 246,455 bushels came
from American ports and of these 234,285 were consigned to the New York
market by way of Oswego."54 Actually the Welland did more to
swell the traffic of Oswego (and New York) than that of Montreal, since
the route from Lake Ontario by the Rideau Canal and the Ottawa River was
roundabout while the passage down the St. Lawrence from Lake Ontario to
Montreal, even with canals at the most difficult parts, was risky for
men, boats and cargoes. Equally encouraging in relation to increased
traffic was the fact that by the end of 1834, Canadian and American
shipyards were constructing new vessels designed specially for the
Erie-Ontario trade.
By this time it was clear that the Welland Canal stimulated the
development of the country adjacent to it. The canal spurred on the
inhabitants in the more remote areas to improve the rivers and streams
flowing into Lake Erie in order to avail themselves of the advantages
afforded by the canal. This improvement in the more remote waterways
tended to create new sources of trade.
The 1835 season witnessed a three-fold increase over the previous
year in the amount of produce passing the canal and an increase in the
tolls from £4,300 to £5,807.55 However, the
outlook for the canal was far from cheerful. Repairs and improvements were
needed but the company had no funds. In 1835 and again in 1836, the
directors resorted to printing their own money in the form of promissory
notes redeemable in one year, in order to finance temporarily the
operation of the canal.56 But this was not enough. An
interruption in the flow of government assistance in 1836 resulted in
the canal being closed for 93 out of 184 working days when it should
have been open for navigation. After being in use for nearly a decade
the wooden locks were, in 1837, rapidly decaying and required immediate
replacement. "Stopgap aid, humbly petitioned for by the board and
grudgingly granted by small minorities in the Assembly would no longer
suffice. What was required was nothing less than a complete
reconstruction on a permanent basis."57 In 1837 the
legislature passed an Act which converted all previous loans into stock.
The Act also provided for an additional subscription for the completion
of the canal in a desirable manner with stone locks and also for a
complete survey of the canal by two competent engineers.58 N.
H. Baird and H. H. Killaly were appointed to make a complete survey and
they submitted a report in 1838.59 They recommended no
drastic changes in the plan of the canal but only enlargements, the
total cost of which was estimated at just over £300,000.
It was about this time that the imperial government intervened. As
already noted, Durham selected Phillpotts to make a survey of the inland
navigation from Lake Erie to tidewater. In his first report dated 31
December 1839, Phillpotts strongly recommended that the Welland Canal
should be reconstructed with stone locks on a much larger scale. Wishing
to emphasize the commercial value of the canal, Phillpotts urged that
enlargement was essential and must not be postponed.
It is quite impossible, in the present state of the work, to
ensure the navigation being kept open much longer unless the whole canal
be immediately put into an efficient and permanent state of repair
if permanent and efficient measures be not adopted without delay,
there is great danger that this highly important communication will soon
become impassable.60
By now the canal was in such poor condition and capital was so
desperately needed that the director of the Welland Canal Company
recommended that serious thought should be given to the abandonment of
the canal as a navigable waterway and use it as a source of water only.
With the formation of the new Province of Canada in 1841, the canal was
placed under the direction of the Board of Works and in September of
that year the legislature voted £450,00061 for the
canal's reconstruction and enlargement. At the same time the New York
stockholders of the old Welland Canal Company were compensated for their
investment in what they described as a "public work which for usefulness
and profit, under proper management, is not equalled in
We have seen how the Upper Canada legislature believed that the
Ottawa-Rideau route could never compete commercially with the St.
Lawrence. We have also seen how Colonel By believed the exact opposite,
and how when planning the Ottawa-Rideau waterway he was moved by
commercial as well as military considerations. On 13 July 1825, By
recommended the creation of an uninterrupted steamboat navigation from
Quebec to Lake Superior by enlarging the locks so as to allow the
passage of steamboats then being built for the navigation of the Great
Lakes.63 Use of such vessels, measuring from 110 to 130 feet
in length and from 40 to 50 feet in width and drawing 8 feet of
water when loaded, would, By believed, give Britain possession of the
trade on the borders of the lakes and completely nullify the strong
efforts the Americans were making to dominate the trade by constructing
canals. The lakes area, with its dense population, could then serve as a
great outlet for British manufactured goods.64 Moreover,
during this period the commercial intercourse between Upper and Lower
Canada via the St. Lawrence meant passing through waters over which the
Americans claimed jurisdiction; the navigable channel of the St.
Lawrence in the neighbourhood of Cornwall. By hoped that the Ottawa-Rideau
waterway would prevent the critical trade between the two
provinces from getting interrupted by the Americans.65
With the opening of the Rideau Canal in 1832, inbound cargoes used
this waterway to the lakes from the St. Lawrence and Ottawa, and only
outbound cargoes followed the risky route down the rapid stream of the
St. Lawrence with its small inadequate canals. A heavy traffic now
developed over the Ottawa-Rideau waterway between Kingston and
Montreal. Forwarding companies were formed to engage in the trade. One
of these was McPherson and Crane (the Ottawa and Rideau Company) which
at one time ran a line of 13 high-pressure steamers along with barges
and batteaux between Kingston and Montreal. This company owned a
private lock at the mouth of the Ottawa River, thereby overcoming the
dangerous navigation at that place and enjoying a monopoly of the towing
business till 1841, when Captain R. W. Shepherd in the steamer St.
David discovered a safe channel through the rapids at Ste.
The construction of the Rideau Canal assisted in opening up
Montreal's hinterland, thereby increasing the trade of
that commercial centre. The mid-1830s found Lower Canada preparing
for a substantial increase in trade notwithstanding the disadvantages
of a periodically closed navigation, the distance of Quebec and
Montreal from the sea, and the risk of delay and damage by ice in the
Gulf of St. Lawrence. Large stores were built in Montreal and wharfage
for boats and sea-going vessels was greatly extended. These operations
and hopes of increasing commerce were partly encouraged by the rapidly
increasing population and production of Upper Canada and partly by the
new channels of communication opened up by the Welland and Rideau canals
between Lower Canada and the American states bordering on the Great
Lakes.67 As the Toronto Recorder pointed out in 1836,
"It has been proved last season that the goods from Montreal can be
delivered at Toronto in five days by way of the Rideau Canal at an
expense of two pounds ten shillings per ton with a certainty of two and
probably only one trans-shipment."68
Moreover, the Rideau Canal played a part in the beginning of an
export trade in Canadian products to the United States. Prior to the
1830s "all exports to the United States had been merely British goods
in transit."69 Contiguous Canadian and American territories
produced the same products and there was little trade between them.
However, with the rapid increase in population and the disappearance of
the forest in the United States, Canada was drawn on for supplier of
food and wood. A second market began to develop as the following two
documents indicate. In June 1835 the Montreal Gazette printed the
following excerpt from the Quebec Gazette,
United States traders have this year come into Canada, bought up
wheat, flour, provisions and lumber, and paid heavy duties on their
transport out of this country. We believe that the rise in the prices
which warranted these experiments was more speculative than founded upon
scarcity. Although scarcity to some extent exists, in the great
producing countries of the West, where extensive emigration has lately
turned exports to westward instead of eastward. The progress of
emigration to the West is this year almost unprecedented.70
A year later in May 1836 the same newspaper carried the following
excerpt from the Kingston Herald.
A vast quantity of lumber has been prepared on the Ottawa River
for transportation by the Rideau to Oswego and New York. Two gentlemen
alone have two millions of feet ready for the American market by this
route; and a new steamboat is nearly built at Smith's Falls which is
specially designed to convey this lumber to this town from which it will
be shipped in schooners for Oswego. The Kingston Stave Forwarding
Company have engaged two schooners to bring these staves from the
different ports on Lake Erie by the Welland Canal, to their wharf at
Garden Island; these and other schooners will take lumber from this port
to Oswego; and from thence to the upper lakes. Hence by carrying freight
along the whole route they will be able to reduce the rates, and the
public will be doubly benefitted#151;by an increase of trade and a
reduction of expense. Thus besides the other benefits of the Rideau
Canal, it is opening an entire new trade to this part of the Province,
and will render the immense pine forest on the Ottawa, available for
supplying the demand from the States. The prosecution of this new trade
becomes doubly important as it is almost certain that the British
Ministry will reduce the duties of Baltic timber next year. Besides
lumber, we are also sending grain of different kinds to Oswego; as oats,
barley, pease of which two or three schooner loads have gone already and
more are to follow.71
However, a few years later Colonel Phillpotts, while viewing the
Ottawa and Rideau canals as being most useful from a military point of
view, "and in the event of war with the United States they would be
invaluable," considered that commercially these canals were of little
use. He believed that they were too circuitous and too impeded by
lockage to compete with the American canals for the trade of the western
states. He pointed out that some of the locks in the Ottawa canals "were
too small for steamers and even if they were enlarged to the size of the
Rideau locks they would be altogether too small for the steamers which
navigate Lake Ontario and the Upper Lakes and therefore a trans-shipment
at Kingston would be necessary."72 Though the military expert like
Phillpotts might consider the Rideau Canal to have little commercial
value, this view was not shared by the inhabitants of the province, who
considered it to have great value, both military and commercial.
Possibly no better expression of Upper Canada public opinion regarding
the Rideau Canal can be found than that contained in a resolution passed
at an agricultural meeting held at Richmond Hill in the Home District
on 9 December 1840, to the effect "that the people of Upper Canada . . .
considered the construction of the Rideau Canal at the expense of the
British Government as a most valuable boon conferred upon them and a
mark of the deep interest their Sovereign took in their

12 Map showing line of Welland Canal between Lakes Erie and Ontario
indicating feeder line from Port Maitland. Also indicated is the line of
the old canal from Fort Dalhousie to the Niagara River via the Welland.
(Annual Report, 1894-95, Dept. of
Railways and Canals.) (click on image for a PDF version)

3 Dam at the Hog's Back, showing the breach in the stone work when
the dam was under construction in 1830. Sketched in 1845 from the bed of
the river by Capt. Thomas Burrowes.
(Ontario Province Archives.)

14 View from the entrance to the first eight locks of the Rideau
Canal, 1848, by C. E. Ford. Note the sidewheeler to the right of centre.
Other vessels used in river travel are also shown.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
Something must here be said of the relationship of the provinces of
Upper and Lower Canada to the British imperial trading system, for upon
that relationship depended to some extent their existence as viable
communities.74 A new country enjoying abundant natural
resources must be able to market its natural riches to progress
economically. The principal products of the Canadas, indeed nearly the
only products at this time, were wood, grain and, to a lesser degree,
potash. The economic structure of the Canadas in the period under review
was largely dependent on these commodities. The Canadas enjoyed a
protected overseas market for these products due to the British
preferential duties on colonial timber and grain.
During the Napoleonic Wars, wood had become the Canadas' most
valuable product and came to form nearly two-thirds amounting in 1834
to £784,45775 of the value of exports to Great Britain
whose taxpayer actually subsidized Canadian timber. So high were the
differential duties on timber that Baltic timber was shipped to British
North America and then reshipped to Britain since anything that touched
colonial soil became colonial and was entitled to the preference. A
fierce battle of vested interests in Great Britain waged about the
colonial preference on timber lasting from about 1820 to 1846.
Supporters of Baltic timber demanded abolition while the colonial
interests insisted on continuance. The following account of a debate in
the Upper Canada legislative assembly on 4 February 1831 presents the
standard arguments against the repeal of the differential duties.
On motion of Mr. Morris the House went into Committee on certain
resolutions respecting the Timber Trade. Mr.
Morris said,... "The Imperial Parliament are about to alter the duty
on Baltic Timber. . . . Any material change affecting the Timber
Trade of the Canadas will cause its utter ruin and the bankruptcy of
many persons who have embarked their fortunes with a confident
belief that no sudden change would take place. . . . The
expensive voyage to Canada, and the high rate of wages to labourers and
seamen put it out of the power of the Canadian merchant to compete with
the Baltic trade, unless some protection is afforded. . . . The
importance of this trade to the Empire ought to induce His Majesty's
Government to listen with caution to representations (as to the repeal
of the duties) which would drive 700 ships out of a trade that employs
thousands of British seamen and causes the consumption of vast
quantities of the manufactures of our countrymen, and thereby gives
employment to foreigners." Another advantage of the trade with Canada he
thought to be the means of removing vast numbers of emigrants to the
Colony, who could not leave home but for the cheap passage afforded by the
ships arriving at Quebec in ballast. These persons became respectable
settlers and thereby relieve the nation of a serious burthen. It has
been argued that the lumber trade was an injury to the country as it
diverted the farmer from agricultural pursuits; but this opinion he
could by no means agree with. The thousands of persons employed in that
business consume vast quantities of the flour and pork sent from the
western parts of the Province and are the means of introducing an
extensive circulation of money which could not otherwise exist.76
The Canadian timber industry at first developed in the form of square
lumber both "because of the habit of the British market and because
little fixed capital was necessary for getting it out."77
Later there grew a demand for sawn lumber and this developed as a second
branch of the industry.78 Sawn lumber meant the construction
of mills built along the main waterways since they had to ship by water
in the export trade.79 In the mid-1830s traffic in sawn
lumber began in the United States though on a much smaller scale than in
Great Britain. Some lumbermen turned to the milling of cheaper boards
and planks for American sale and this Canadian lumber was exported to
the United States via St. Johns on the Richelieu, Kingston on the Rideau
Canal route, or through the Welland to the Erie Canal.80 And
while Canadian mills were beginning to produce for the American market,
American lumber interests were starting to seek Canadian timber
The second major export product of the Canadas was grain. In this
respect the British Corn Law of 1826 admitted Canadian grain exports to
the British market upon payment of an import duty below that levied
against foreign food stuffs.82 It was found, however, that
notwithstanding this preference, at times Canadian grain could still be
kept out of the British market due to high transatlantic shipping costs,
poor Canadian harvests or low British prices. In 1830 the merchants of
Quebec and the directors of the Welland Canal joined in proposing a
radical reduction of duties on American wheat, grains and salted
provisions brought into Canada by land or inland
navigation.83 The following year they got even more than they
had asked for. The Canadian Trade Act of 183184 allowed
American wheat and flour to be admitted duty free to Canada for export
via the St. Lawrence to markets overseas. American wheat could now be
milled in Canada and qualify as Canadian flour. This piece of
legislation, combined with improving world economic conditions after
1837, proved a boon to the St. Lawrence grain trade. It was estimated
that in 1831, 81,144 barrels of flour were exported from Quebec of which
41,856 barrels had come from the United States by inland
navigation.85 Three years later the Welland Canal carried
22,170 bushels of wheat to Montreal from American ports along with
18,464 bushels from Canadian ports.86 And in 1835 the Welland
carried 18,917 bushels of wheat shipped to Montreal from the midwestern
United States.87 Moreover, by 1839, 249,471 bushels of wheat,
compared to 99,377 bushels in 1829, passed out of the St. Lawrence for
markets overseas, and the following year the number had increased to
1,739,139 bushels.88 It was expected that this increase would
continue. Such a rapidly increasing traffic put a severe strain on the
existing inadequate St. Lawrence navigation and made improved
canalization of the river above Montreal an absolute necessity; all the
more so if the St. Lawrence route was to meet effectively the
competition of the American Erie Canal route, For in 1834, at the same
time as the Welland Canal carried 40,634 bushels of wheat for Montreal,
it also carried 224,285 bushels for the American port of Oswego on Lake
Ontario.89 And while the Lachine Canal carried 91,862 barrels
of flour and 293,968 bushels of wheat in 1832, "in 1834 which was a
relatively poor year, 977,027 barrels of flour and 748,433 bushels of
wheat were transported by the Erie Canal to tidewater."90
The third major Canadian product for export was potash. Potash and
pearl ash were by-products of clearing land for settlement. The hardwood
which stood on fertile land was burnt and the potash and pearl ash
extracted from the ashes. As seen in the following excerpt from the
Montreal Gazette of 17 January 1824, this product was exported in
large quantity.
The articles of ashes which now forms perhaps the staple of the
country exceeds in 1823 that of the year preceding by a very large
amount, viz: 76,603 cwt. which taking for both kinds, the average price of 30 s.
per cwt. would give an excess in the value of the exports of 1823, above
that of 1822, of £115,205; applying the same average price to the
export of the article we should have a capital employed in that branch
of our trade of £327,511. It is indeed probable from the unusually
high price of ashes last winter, that more than this amount has been
engaged in the trade, and that £350,000 has been employed, a sum
somewhat less than half the whole value of merchandise imported in the
same year. This profitable part of our trade we owe in a great measure
to the free admission of the article from the bordering States, which is
perhaps one example of the advantages of unrestricted trade between the
colony and our neighbours.91
The few years preceding the union of 1841, therefore, witnessed a
commercial revival in the Canadas. There was noticeable improvement in
trade and an increase in real estate values. There were good markets
abroad for Canadian primary products, exports of which from Montreal
and Quebec in 1841 were valued at over 2 million pounds, in which sum
were included 356,210 barrels of flour and 562,862 bushels of
wheat.92 This flourishing export trade was reflected by a
rise in the tonnage of vessels clearing outward from Quebec
from 354,739 in 1838 to 457,906 in 1840.93 At the same time there was
a steady increase in traffic and tolls on the Lachine and Welland canals
while the ports above Montreal were blocked with supplies of wheat and
flour pouring in from the United States.94
The provincial finances, however, were in a less flourishing
condition. The unfinished or imperfectly completed public works had been
suspended for lack of funds. The interest on the loans made for such
public works almost equalled the revenue of Upper Canada.95
Such revenue being derived principally from a low tariff was
inadequate, it was estimated that in the last year before the union the
combined provincial deficits equalled nearly £66,000.96 Canadian
credit was shaky on the London market. "The two provinces went into
union with an inadequate revenue, a broken credit and a combined debt of
£1325,000 currency."97
It would appear then from what has been said that prior to the union
of Upper and Lower Canada in 1841, canal construction served as a
measure to promote both military defence and economic development in
the provinces. However, as already pointed out, one can detect
throughout the period a certain conflict of interests in regard to canal
construction between the imperial government, preoccupied with the
problem of defence and the survival of British power in North America on
the one hand, and the political and commercial interests involved in
regional economic development on the other. Each side tended to regard
the construction of canals from its own point of view. Sir James
Carmichael Smyth stoutly rejected for military reasons the opening of
the Richelieu River by enlarged locks to allow steamboats to enter
Lake Champlain and thereby secure for Quebec the commerce from that part
of Canada and of the United States bordering on the lake.98
The military authorities vetoed the construction of the Beauharnois
Canal on the south shore of the St. Lawrence though it would cost much
less to construct it there than on the north side.99
Moreover, the military authorities were of two minds about the Welland
which allowed naval vessels to pass from one lake to the
other.100 On the other hand it was located on the Niagara
peninsula which lay exposed to invasion from the United
States.101 The military authorities continued to retain
control over the small canals on the St. Lawrence which the commercial
interests believed should be handed over to civilian control for better
management.102 One prominent commercial man wrote in
The propriety of the Military works at the Cascades and Coteau
du Lac being given up to the Province . . . Government can
surely have no desire to retain Military control over the works on the
St. Lawrence provided a suitable agreement can be made for the
transportation of public stores and troops, and it is very certain that
Canals intended for commercial purposes chiefly will not be so well
managed by Military as by a Civil Board of Directors.103
Two years later, in March 1835, a memorial of forwarders, engaged in
the carrying trade on the St. Lawrence between Upper and Lower Canada,
was sent to the governor-in-chief, Lord Aylmer stating
That in order to attract the produce of the Western States of
America, and the distant shores of Lake Erie to the provincial markets
and the transmission of goods from these markets to those distant
shores, your memorialists have reduced the freight inwards and outwards
more than fifty per cent whilst the passage through the Government
Locks has been increased forty per cent as if every relaxation on the
part of your memorialists to benefit the Country and its Commerce met
a countereffort on the part of His Majesty's Government inimical to
their interests and prejudicial to the Trade.104
Finally, there were also conflicting opinions regarding the best
route of communication between the two provinces. The commercial
interest preferred to use the more exposed St. Lawrence route to
the secure but roundabout Ottawa-Rideau waterway constructed by the
military for purposes of defence. Lower Canada constructed the Lachine
Canal and Upper Canada the Cornwall Canal in order to improve the
navigation along the St. Lawrence in response to the needs of trade and