Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 8
The Canals of Canada
by John P. Heisler
1 Robert Payne, The Canal Builders; The Story of Canal Engineers
Through the Ages (New York: Macmillan, 1959), p. 139.
2 There era several general treatments of canals. Among the more
useful of these is Robert Payne, op. cit. For a brief treatment
of Canadian canals prior to 1914, see Adam Shortt, ed.,
Canada and Its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People
and Their Institutions, by One Hundred Associates
(Toronto: Publishers Association of Canada, 1913), Vol. 10, The
Report of The Commissioner of Public Works, 1867 (the last
one issued by the old Province of Canada), contains a wealth of
information on all aspects of Canadian canals in the pre-confederation
Canal Construction in New France
1 Public Archives of Canada (hereafter cited as PAC), MG18, H41,
Dollier de Casson.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid., PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 33, pp. 298-300.
4 PAC, MG18, H41, Dollier de Casson.
5 PAC, MG1, C11A, loc. cit.
6 Ibid., C11G, Vol. 31: 1705-08, p. 121.
7 PAC, MG18, H25, Vol. 2, doc. 21.
8 PAC, MG1, C11G, loc. cit.
9 PAC, MG1, C11G, Vol. 1: instructions des rois aux
gouverneurs, 1704-08, p. 128.
10 Ibid., loc. cit.
11 PAC, MG1, Série B, Vol. 36.
12 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 34: 1713-14, pp. 395-6.
13 Ibid., Série E, dossier 77.
14 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 59(1), pp. 42-4; PAC, MG1,
Dépôt des fortifications des colonies, Vol. 8, pp. 481-4.
15 PAC, MG1, Série B, Vol. 59(1); 1733, pp. 351-2.
16 PAC, MG1, Dépôt des fortifications des colonies,
1700-60, carton 8.
See also PAC, MG17, 121, Vols. 11-15, Lettres de l'abbé Tronson,
1672-99. These letters contain several references to this canal; R.
Bonin, "Le canal Lachine sous le régime français," Bulletin des
Recherches Historiques, Vol. 42 (May 1938); W. J. Eccles,
Canada under Louis XIV, 1663-1701 (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1964).
Canals and the Defence of the Canadas, 1763-1844
1 PAC, MG21, G2, Haldimand Papers, B221, p. 27; also ibid.,
B99, pp. 176, 179 (memos re trade in upper country of Lakes Ontario and
Erie); see also PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 47, pp. 63, 253.
2 PAC, MG21, G2, Haldimand Papers, B188 (pt. 2), pp. 77, 87, 101.
3 See George Ingram, A History of Coteau du Lac
(Ottawa: National Historic Sites Service, Manuscript on file,
4 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 8, p. 507.
5 PAC, MG21, G2, Haldimand Papers, B154, p. 221.
6 Ibid., pp. 353-4.
7 Ibid., p. 316.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid., pp. 318-9; see also PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol.
47, p. 255, "Memorial of the Merchants trading in the Upper
Country," Montreal, 2 April 1785.
10 Ibid., pp. 453-4.
11 Ibid., pp. 427-8.
12 Ibid., p. 452.
13 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 38, pp. 1-8, "Report on the State of the
Several Locks on the Cataraqui or St. Lawrence River; The Repairs and
Alterations necessary, and a proposal for cutting a New Canal with Locks
across the neck of Land above the Cascades."
14 Ibid., pp. 68-70.
15 Ibid., pp. 72-4.
16 Gurwood, Despatches of the Duke of Wellington,
1799 to 1838 (London: 1838), Vol. 10, p. 525;
Wellington to Bathurst, 22 February 1814. Cited
in G. N. Tucker, The Canadian Commercial
Revolution, 1845-1851 (New Haven: Yale Univ.
Press, 1936), p. 33.
17 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 38, pp. 88-93, Commissary General W. H.
Robinson to Sir George Prevost, Governor-in-Chief and Commander
of the Forces, Montreal, 14 November 1814, "On the Transport of
Provisions and Stores to Upper Canada and recommending a Canal from
Montreal to Lachine.
18 Ibid.
19 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 23, p. 10, "A Journal of Lieutenant
French's Proceedings in Exploring the Lands on the Ottawa River from
Carillon to the Rideau and from the Mouth of the River to its
Source, from thence to the River Gananoncouie and down the same to its
Fall into the St. Lawrence about five Leagues North East from
20 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 191, pp. 306-8, "Memorandum relative to
Lachine Canal and Water Communication between Upper and Lower Canada
independent of the St. Lawrence."
21 Robert Legget, Rideau Waterway (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto
Press, 1955), pp. 24-5.
22 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 273, p. 19.
23 PAC, RG7, Series G, Vol. 7, Despatches and circulars with
enclosures from Colonial Office to Drummond.
24 Robert Legget, op. cit., pp. 25-6.
25 PAC, RG11, I, Vol. 38, Report on Water Communication of the
Rideau River.
26 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 24.
27 PAC, MG12, A (Admiralty), Vol. 2738, pp. 85-6, Commodore James Yeo
to Melville, 30 May 1815.
28 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 179, Richmond to Bathurst, No. 13, 10
November 1818.
29 Ibid.
30 Despatches, Correspondence and Memoranda of Field Marshal
Arthur, Duke of Wellington (here after cited as Despatches . . .
Wellington) (London, 1867-70, 5 vols.), Vol. 1, pp. 36-44, "Memoranda
on the Defence of Canada," addressed to Bathurst, 1 March 1819. Cited
in Kenneth Bourne, Britain and The Balance of Power in
North America, 1815-1908 (Berkeley: Univ. of Cal. Press, 1967), p. 42.
31 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 182, pp. 17-20, "Report on the Navigation of
the Ottawa or Grand River, Ascending from Point Fortune to the head of
the Long Sault, with observations on the means of improving it or
rendering it practicable for loading Bateaux, Gun Boats,"
Surveyed in October, 1818; also ibid., Vol. 185, pp. 206-8, Dalhousie to
Bathurst, 27 October 1820.
32 Ibid., Vol. 185, pp. 206-8, Dalhousie to Bathurst,
27 October 1820.
33 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 38, pp. 88-93, Commissary General W. H.
Robinson to Sir George Prevost, Governor-in-Chief and Commander of the
Forces, Montreal, 14 November 1814.
34 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 508.
35 Lower Canada, House of Assembly, Journals,
1795-96 (hereafter cited as Lower Canada, Journals), pp.
36 Lower Canada, Journals, 1815, pp. 104-114.
37 Lower Canada, Laws, Statutes, etc., The Provincial
Statutes of Lower Canada to 1840 (hereafter cited as Lower
Canada, Statutes), 1815 (55 Geo. III, C. 201).
38 Lower Canada, Journals, 1815, Appendix G, "Report on the
Proposed Canal between Montreal and Lachine;" see also PAC, RG11,
Vol. 2, "The Report of the Commissioners appointed under the Act of
Geo. IV, C. 6, entitled "An Act for making a Navigable Canal from the
neighbourhood of Montreal to the parish of Lachine, and to appropriate
a certain Sum of Money for the purpose and to repeal a certain Act
therein mentioned," 31 December 1821.
39 W. T. Easterbrook and H. G. J. Altken, Canadian Economic
History (Toronto: Macmillan, 1956), p. 256.
40 Lower Canada, Journals, 1821, pp. 90-1, Petition
from the Committee of the Lachine Canal, 15
January 1821; also ibid., pp. 161-2, "Report of
Committee on the Petition of the Lachine Canal
41 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 154, pp. 179-80; also PAC, RG8, C
series, Vol. 61, pp. 8-10.
42 Upper Canada, Laws, Statutes, etc., Statutes of Upper
Canada to 1840 (hereafter cited as Upper Canada, Statutes), 1821.
"An Act to make provision for the Improvement of the Internal
Navigation of this Province" (2 Geo. IV, C. 2).
43 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 28.
44 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 335 (pt. 2), pp. 288-309.
4S Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 29.
46 PAC, RG5, A1, Vol. 70; also PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 338 (pt. 2),
pp. 306-8.
47 H. P. Hill, "The Construction of the Rideau Canal,
1826-32," Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, Vol. 22
48 Ibid.
49 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 175A, pp. 117-20.
50 Ibid.
51 Despatches . . . Wellington, Vol. 2, p. 573, Wellington to
Bathurst, 6 December 1825. Cited in Kenneth Bourne, op. cit., p. 40.
52 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 426, p. 156.
53 Ibid., pp. 176-81.
54 Ibid., p. 164.
55 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 42, pp 58-67; also ibid.,
Vol. 43, pp. 54-63.
56 Ibid., Vol. 43, pp. 42-6.
57 Ibid., Vol. 42, pp. 145-56.
58 Ibid., pp. 85-8, 95-6.
59 John Mactaggart, Three years in Canada: An Account of
the Actual State of the Country in 1826-7-8 (London:
Henry Colburn, 1829), Vol. 1, pp. 119-56.
60 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 43, pp. 154-5.
61 Ibid., Vol. 44, pp. 80-90.
82 Ibid., Vol. 45, p. 223.
63 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 57.
64 Upper Canada, House of Assembly, Journals of
the House of Assembly of Upper Canada to 1840
(hereafter cited as Upper Canada, Journals), 10
March 1818.
65 Upper Canada, Journals, 30 October 1818; see also
Lower Canada, Journals, 1819, Appendix G.
66 Upper Canada, Journals, 4 November 1818.
67 Ibid., 6, 17 November 1818.
68 Ibid., 19 November 1818.
69 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 334, p. 194.
70 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Vol. 7.
71 PAC, MG11, Q series. Vol. 335 (pt. 2), pp. 287-309.
72 Upper Canada, Laws, Statutes, etc., Statutes of Upper
Canada to 1840 (hereafter cited as Upper Canada, Statutes). "An
Act to incorporate certain persons therein mentioned under the style and
title of 'The Welland Canal Company'" (4 Geo. IV, C. 17).
73 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 336 (pt. 2), pp. 506-7, Maitland to
Bathurst, 8 November 1824.
74 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 43, pp. 33-5.
75 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Vol. 6, pp. 43749-62,
"Report of Directors of the Welland Canal Company," s.d.
76 Ibid., Vol. 7, pp. 54668-87, "Report of Directors of Welland Canal
Company," 31 December 1829.
77 Ibid., Vol. 7, pp. 51722-5, Commodore Robert Barrie to Colborne,
York, 30 March 1829.
78 Buffalo Republican, 3 December 1829.
79 For the financing of the construction of the Welland Canal.
see H. G. J. Aitken, The Welland Canal Company; A Study
in Canadian Enterprise (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press,
1954), Ch. 4.
80 PAC, RG1, E5, Vol. 3, "Report on the Inland
Navigation of the Canadas," p. 3. Extract of a
despatch from Lord Glenelg to the Earl of Durham, 23 August 1838.
81 Ibid., p. 1, Instructions for Major Phillpotts of the Royal
Engineers in preparing the Report on the Inland Navigation of The
82 Ibid., pp. 60-1.
83 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 53, pp. 22-31.
84 Ibid., Vol. 56, pp. 77-83.
85 PAC, RG11, A1, Vol. 22, J. Macaulay to A. Stewart,
Kingston, 2 September 1833.
86 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1833 (3 Wm. IV, C. 18).
87 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Vol.
131, pp. 72380-406, "Report of Commissioners
for improvement of the St. Lawrence," 23 July
88 PAC, RG11, A1, Vol. 22, J. Macaulay to A. Stewart, Kingston, 2
September 1833.
89 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), loc. cit.
90 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts Report, pp. 92-101.
91 Ibid., p. 101.
92 Ibid., pp. 102-4.
93 Despatches . . . Wellington, Vol. 4, pp. 387-97. Cited in Kenneth
Bourne, op. cit., p. 42.
Canals and the Commercial Development of the Canadas, 1791-1841
1 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 88, pp. 332-7.
2 Ibid., Q series, Vol. 293, pp. 120-3, Memorandum concerning a Canal
projected by the American states from Albany to Lake Ontario and a Canal
between Lake Ontario and Montreal by which the former would be rendered
useless, London, December 1801.
3 PAC, MG24, 12. An excellent account of transportation on the St.
Lawrence in the last decade of the 18th century is given in a statement
by Robert C. Wilkins.
4 Ibid.
5 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 38, pp. 1-8, Report on the State of the
several Locks on the Cataraqui or St. Lawrence River; the Repairs and
Alternations necessary; and a proposal for cutting a New Canal across
the Neck of Land above the Cascades, Quebec, 24 December 1800.
6 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 4, p. 557.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid., pp. 565-9.
10 Ibid., p. 563.
11 Ibid., Vol. 10, p. 511.
12 Lower Canada. Statutes, 1818-19, "An Act to authorize the
appointment of Commissioners for the improvement of the water
communication with Upper Canada" (58 Geo. III, C. 10).
13 Lower Canada, Journals, 1819, Appendix G, Joint Report of
the Commissioners of Upper and Lower Canada on Water Communication
between the two Provinces.
14 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Vol. 55, pp. 22686-8, T.
Clark to Hillier, 4 January 1822.
15 Upper Canada, Journals, 1821.
16 See pp. 22, 25-6.
17 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1821, "An Act for making a
navigable Canal from the neighbourhood of Montreal to the Parish
of Lachine, and to appropriate a certain sum of money for that
purpose and to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned" (1 Geo. IV, C.
18 PAC, RG11, I, Vol. 2, Report of Commissioners for the Lachine
Canal, 31 December 1821, p. 5.
19 Ibid.
20 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 510.
21 D. G. Creighton, The Commercial Empire of the St.
Lawrence, 1760-1850 (Toronto: Ryerson Press 1937), p. 210.
22 PAC, RG11, I, Vol. 2, Report of Commissioners for the
Lachine Canal, 31 December 1821, p. 56.
23 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-34, Appendix, General Return
of Boats and their Cargos passed through the Lachine Canal from 1825 to
1832 inclusive.
24 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 4, pp. 569-75; also H. A. Innis
and A. R. M. Lower, Select Documents in Canadian Economic
History, 1783-1886 (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1933), p.
25 Ibid., p. 166.
26 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., p. 237.
27 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 209, pp. 20-3, The Memorial of the
Undersigned Merchants of Montreal, 20 February 1806.
28 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., p. 240.
29 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., p. 164.
30 Ibid., p. 171.
31 Lower Canada, Journals, 1834, Appendix Aa, Report of
the Commissioners appointed under Act of 3 Wm. IV, C. 9, entitled "An
Act for improving the Internal Navigation of the Province."
32 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 513.
33 Ibid.
34 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-34, Appendix, pp.
195-204, Report of Select Committee on the Report of Commissioners
appointed to superintend the improvement of the River Saint Lawrence;
also Lower Canada, Journals, 1834, Appendix Aa, Report
of the Commissioners appointed under the Act of 3 Wm. IV,
C. 9 entitled "An Act for improving the Internal Navigation of the
35 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1833, "An Act granting to His
Majesty a sum of money to be raised by debenture for the
improvement of the Navigation of the River Saint Lawrence (3 Wm. IV, C.
36 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., Ch. 11.
37 Ibid., p. 272, quoted from Quebec Gazette, 14 February
38 PAC, RG11, I, Vol. 7, pp. 15-16.
39 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), pp.
76195-8, VanKoughnet to Roman, 27 March 1834.
40 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts Report, pp. 3-4, Extract of a
Despatch from Lord Glenelg to the Earl of Durham, 23 August 1838.
41 Ibid., pp. 1-2, Instructions for Major Phillpotts of the Royal
Engineers in preparing the Report on the Inland Navigation of the
Canadas called In Lord Glenelg's despatch to the Earl of Durham, 23
August 1838.
42 Ibid., p. 27.
43 Ibid., pp. 64-70, 84-7, 107-12.
44 Ibid., pp. 79-83, 91-101.
45 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 36, quoting from John Howlson,
Sketches of Upper Canada (Edinburgh: 1821), p. 81.
46 Ibid.
47 Ibid., p. 66.
48 Ibid., p. 67.
49 Upper Canada, Journals, 1831-32, Appendix, Report of the
Welland Canal Company for 1831.
50 Ibid., 1832-33, Appendix, Report of the Welland Canal Company for
51 Ibid.
52 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., pp. 69-70.
53 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1837, "An Act to Loan a certain sum of
money to the Grand River Navigation Company" (7 Wm. IV, C. 731).
54 H G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p 70.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid.
57 Ibid., p.71.
58 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1837, "An Act to provide for the
permanent completion of the Welland Canal and for other purposes herein
mentioned" (7 Wm. IV, D. 92).
59 Upper Canada, Journals, 1837-38, Appendix, Report on the
present state and proposed deviations and improvements of the Welland
Canal by Messrs. Baird and Killaly, Civil Engineers, Toronto, 23
February 1838.
60 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts Report, p. 55.
61 Canada (Province), Provincial Statutes of Canada,
1841-1867 (hereafter cited as Canada (Province) Statutes), 1841-42, "An
Act to appropriate certain sums of Money for Public improvements
in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned" (4 and 5
Vic., C. 28).
62 Upper Canada, Journals, 1839-40, Appendix (p. 2).
63 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 42, pp. 56-67; ibid., Vol. 43, pp.
64 Ibid.
65 Ibid., Vol. 42, pp. 145-56.
66 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 500.
67 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., pp.
246-7, extract from Montreal Gazette, 12 February
68 Ibid., p. 181, extract from Montreal Gazette, 2 February 1836,
quoting from Toronto Recorder.
69 Ibid., p. 251.
70 Ibid., extract from Montreal Gazette, 11 June
1835, quoting from Quebec Gazette.
71 Ibid., pp. 70-1, extract from Montreal Gazette, 14 May 1826
quoting from Kingston Herald.
72 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, pp. 76-7.
73 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., pp.
148-9, extract from Copy of the Resolutions pasted at the
Agricultural Meeting . . . .
74 Ibid., Section, 3: Trade and Industry in the Canadas 1783-1850;
Adam Shortt, ed., Vol. 4, pp. 565-75, British Commercial Policy in
75 Ibid., p. 274.
76 Ibid., pp. 273-4, Extract from Upper Canada Legislative Assembly
Debates, 4 February 1831, reported in Montreal Gazette, 17
February 1831.
77 Ibid., p. 269.
78 Ibid., p. 267.
78 Ibid.
80 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., p. 252.
81 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., pp. 253-5,
Extract from Montreal Gazette, 27 August 1836.
82 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 4, p. 575.
83 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 196 (pt. 2), pp. 285-8,
Memorandum of the undersigned merchants.
members of the committee of trade, representing
the mercantile body of Quebec, 11 March 1830;
also ibid., CO42, Vol. 391, pp. 76-7, Memorial of
the president and directors of the Welland Canal
Company, 6 March 1830.
84 Great Britain, Laws, Statutes, etc., Statutes at
Large, United Kingdom (1 Wm. IV, C. 24).
85 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., p. 251, Extract from
Montreal Gazette, 15 March 1832.
86 Ibid.
87 Ibid.
88 H. A. Innis and A.R.M. Lower, op. cit., p. 266.
Exports of Wheat and Flour from the St. Lawrence,
89 D. G. Creighton, op. cit, p. 251
90 Ibid.
91 H. A. Innis and A.R.M. Lower, op. cit., Extract
from Montreal Gazette, 17 January 1824.
92 Canada (Province), Journals of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of Canada, 1841-1867
(hereafter cited as Canada [Province], Journals),
1849, Appendix Z, Exports and Imports.
93 Ibid., 1841, Appendix QQ, Schedule of Imports
and Exports In the Province of Lower Canada
94 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., p. 341.
95 Upper Canada, Journals, 1839, Appendix, Vol. 2,
pp. 27-36.
96 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 310, pp. 396-403,
Thomson to Russell, 27 June 1840.
97 D. G. Creighton, op. cit., p. 342.
98 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 43, pp. 42-4, Smyth to
Mann, 23 August 1826.
99 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, pp. 100-4.
100 Ibid., pp. 60-1; also PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 43,
pp. 33-5.
101 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 33: PAC, MG11, Q
series, Vol. 336 (pt. 2), pp. 506-7, Maitland to
Bathurst, 8 November 1824.
102 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 61, pp. 62-5.
103 PAC, RG11, A1, Vol. 22, J. Macaulay to A.
Stewart, Kingston, 2 September 1833.
104 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 59, pp. 43-8, Memorial
of Forwarders engaged In the Carrying Trade on
the St. Lawrence between Upper and Lower Canada.
Canals and the Early Settlement of the Canadas
1 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 182, pp. 11-16; also PAC, MG11, Q series,
Vol. 152 (pt. 1), pp. 9-17, Report on the Military Settlement in the
Neighbourhood of the Rideau pointing out the Communication which may be
established in that direction between Lachine and Kingston, Lieutenant
Colonel Cockburn to the Duke of Richmond, 26 November 1818.
2 Ibid.; also PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 182, pp. 9-10,
Richmond to Bathurst, Quebec, 14 January 1819;
also ibid., Vol. 185, pp. 206-8, Dalhousie to
Bathurst, 27 October 1820
3 Ibid., Vol. 182, pp. 11-16.
4 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 45.
5 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 4, pp. 576-7; also Montreal
Gazette, 13 December 1830.
6 Upper Canada, Journals, 1821-24, pp. 388-9.
7 Ibid., p. 589.
8 Helen I. Cowan, British Emigration to British North
America; The First Hundred Years (Toronto:
Univ. of Toronto Press, 1961), pp. 189-90.
9 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 182, pp. 143-4.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid., Vol. 191, pp. 306-8, Memorandum relative to the Lachine
Canal and Water Communication between Upper and Lower Canada independent
of the St. Lawrence; also PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 61, pp. 8-10,
Dalhousie to Bathurst, Quebec, 28 November 1822.
12 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 166 (pt. 2), pp 368-9 Dalhousie to
Bathurst, Quebec, 28 April 1823.
13 Montreal Gazette, 11 June 1829.
14 Helen I. Cowan, op. cit., p. 184.
15 Gerald M. Craig, Early Travellers in the Canadas,
1791-1867 (Toronto: Macmillan, 1955), p. 86.
16 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 219 (pt. 2), H. W. Hobhouse to
______, 7 August 1834.
17 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, pp. 10-11.
18 Helen I. Cowan, op. cit., p. 189: also Kingston Chronicle,
18 August 1832.
19 Adam Shortt, ed,. op. cit., Vol. 5, pp. 204-9.
20 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), 24 July 1840.
21 Helen I. Cowan, op. cit., p. 104.
22 Ibid., p. 190.
23 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 17: The Military Settlements.
24 Ibid., Vol. 5, pp. 204-9.
Financing the Construction of Early Canals in the Canadas,
1 PAC, MG21, G2, Haldimand Papers, B154, pp. 318-9, 351, 452.
2 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 38, pp. 1-8, Report of the State of the
several Locks on the Cataraqui or St. Lawrence River; the Repairs and
Alterations necessary; and a proposal for cutting a New Canal with Locks
across the neck of land above the Canals, Quebec, 24 December
3 Ibid., pp. 67-74.
4 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 811.
5 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 61, pp. 62-5.
6 Ibid.
7 Lower Canada, Journals, 1815, p. 104, Message from His
Excellency the Governor-in-Chief Quebec, 3 February 1815.
8 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1815, "An Act to grant and Aid to His
Majesty, to assist in opening a Canal from the neighbourhood of Montreal
to Lachine and further to provide for facilitating the execution of the
same" (55 Geo. III, C. 20).
9 Ibid.
10 Lower Canada, Journals, 1817, Appendix G, Report on the
Proposed Canal between Montreal and Lachine, Montreal, 1817.
11 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 182, pp. 143-4.
12 Lower Canada, Journals, 1819, p. 21, Petition from the
inhabitants of Montreal for making a Canal from Montreal to Lachine.
13 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1819, "An Act for making and
maintaining a Navigable Canal from the neighbourhood of the City
of Montreal to the Parish of Lachine, in the Island and County of
Montreal" (59 Geo. III, C. 6).
14 Lower Canada, Journals, 1821, pp. 90-1, Petition from the
Committee of the Lachine Canal, 15 January 1821.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid., pp. 161-2, Report of Committee on the Petition from the
Lachine Canal Company.
20 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 191, pp. 306-8, Memorandum relative to
Lachine Canal and Water Communication between Upper and Lower Canada
independent of the St. Lawrence.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
23 PAC, RG11, Series 1, Vol. 2, Reports of the Commissioners
for the Lachine Canal to the Legislature of Lower
Canada 1821-6 (hereafter cited as Reports of Lachine Canal),
31 December 1821.
24 Ibid.
2S Reports of Lachine Canal.
26 Reports of Lachine Canal, 31 October 1823.
27 Reports of Lachine Canal, 5 January 1826.
28 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 199, pp. 1-2, Report on the Navigation of
the Ottawa or Grand River ascending from Point Fortune to the
head of the Long Sault with Observations on the means of
improving it, or rendering it practicable for loaded Bateaux and
Gun Boats, Surveyed in October 1818.
29 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 518.
30 Canada, Department of Public Works, Report of Commissioner
of Public Works, 1867 (hereafter cited as Report 1867),
Appendix 70, pp. 568-9.
31 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 61, pp. 8-10, Dalhousie to Bathurst, 28
November 1822.
32 Ibid., Vol. 43. p. 35.
33 Ibid., Vol. 426. p. 15-6, Board Minute of 16 March 1826.
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid., pp. 164-70, Memorandum as to the formation of the
Rideau Canal between the Ottawa River and Lake Ontario, 14 March 1826,
addressed to General Mann, Inspector General of Fortifications, by
Major General Sir James Carmichael Smyth.
38 Ibid.
39 Ibid.
40 Ibid.
41 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 44, pp. 80-90.
42 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 41.
43 Ibid., p. 42.
44 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 44, pp. 80-90.
45 John Mactaggart, op. cit., pp. 119-56.
46 PAC, RG5, A1, Vol. 89, By to Mann, 5 May 1828.
47 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 44, pp. 202-5.
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid., Vol. 45, pp. 1-5.
SO Ibid., pp. 71-4.
51 Ibid., pp. 105-10.
52 Ibid., pp. 215-6.
53 Ibid., Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 62.
54 PAC, RG5, A1, Vol. 89, By to Kempt, 29 June 1828.
55 Canada, Public Archives, Report, 1890, pp. xxx-xxxi.
56 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 45, pp. 215-9, 223-5.
57 Ibid., p. 216.
58 Ibid.
59 Ibid.
60 Ibid., Vol. 51, p. 32.
61 Ibid.
62 Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons,
Canada Canals, Return to an Order of the
Honourable House of Commons dated 3 February
1832 . . . (London: 1832).
63 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 63.
64 Ibid.
65 Quoted in Robert Legget, op. cit., pp. 63-4.
66 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 64.
67 Report, 1867, p. 59, Rideau Canal; also Appendix
70, p. 484.
68 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1824, "An Act to Incorporate
certain persons therein mentioned under the style and title of The
Welland Canal Company" (4 Geo. IV, C. 17).
69 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 77.
70 Upper Canada, Journals, 1825.
71 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1825, "An Act to repeal part of
and extend the provisions of, an Act passed in the fourth year of
His present Majesty's Reign, entitled 'An Act to Incorporate certain
Persons therein mentioned under the Style and Title of the
Welland Canal Company'" (6 Geo IV, C. 2).
72 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., pp. 77-8.
73 Ibid., p. 78.
74 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 338, (pt. 2), pp. 302-5, Memorial
of the Welland Canal Company to Maitland, 14 April 1825.
75 PAC, RG7, Series 1, Vol. 104A, Bathurst to Maitland, 31 August
76 Upper Canada, Journals, 1825-26, Report of Select Committee on
petition of directors of Welland Canal Company.
77 PAC, MG11, Q series. Vol. 344. (pt. 1), pp.
156-65, Report of President and Directors of
Welland Canal Company to Stockholders, York,
12 March 1827.
78 Ibid.
79 Ibid.
80 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1826, "An Act to authorize the
Government to Borrow a certain Sum of Money upon Debentures to be
loaned to the Welland Canal Company" (7 Geo. IV, C. 20).
81 PAC, MG11, Q series, loc. cit, (Vol. 344, [pt. 1], pp.
156-65, Report of President and Directors of Welland Canal Company to
Stockholders, York, 12 March 1827.
82 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., pp. 82-3.
83 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1827, "An Act to enable the
President and Directors of the Welland Canal Company, to accept an aid
from His Majesty's Government towards the completion of the said Canal,
and to secure to His Majesty the free use thereof"
(8 Geo. IV, C. 2).
84 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 43, pp. 33-S.
85 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1827, "An Act for affording Public Aid
towards the Completion of the Welland Canal" (8 Geo. IV, C. 17).
86 Ibid.
87 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1827, "An Act to appropriate a sum of
money therein mentioned to subscribe for shares in the
undertaking of the Welland Company in Upper Canada" (8 Geo. IV, C.
88 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 381, pp. 109-11, Dunn to Hillier, 10 March
89 Ibid.
90 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 86.
91 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 381, pp. 107-8.
92 Ibid., Vol. 382, pp. 101-2; see also H. G. J. Aitken, op.
cit., p. 86.
93 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 381, pp. 456-8, Maitland to Huskisson, 31
December 1827.
94 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 88.
95 Ibid.
96 PAC, MG11, Q series. Vol. 350, (pt. 2), p. 244.
Subscription list for Welland Canal.
97 Report of the Welland Canal Company 1828.
88 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 391, pp. 74-7; see also ibid., Q series,
Vol. 335, pp. 127-9.
98 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 70.
100 Ibid.
101 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 391, pp. 74-7, Colborne to Murray, 10 March
102 Upper Canada, Journals, 1830.
103 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 391, pp. 74-2, also Upper
Canada, Statutes. 1830, "An Act to grant a further
Loan to the Welland Canal Company and to
Regulate their further operations" (11 Geo. IV,
C. 11).
104 Lower Canada, Journals, 1830.
105 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 391, pp. 74-7; see also
H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 93, 106; Upper Canada, Journals,
107 Ibid., 1831, Appendix, Report of Select Committee on Welland
Canal petition, 11 February 1831.
108 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1831, "An Act to afford further aid to
the Welland Canal Company and to repeal part of and amend the Laws now
in force relating to the said Company" (1 Wm. IV, C. 18).
109 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 95.
110 Ibid.
111 Ibid.
112 Ibid., p. 96.
113 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 411, pp. 97-9, Colborne to Goderich, 22
February 1832.
114 Ibid., Vol. 443, pp. 75-6, Goderich to Colborne,
30 May 1832.
115 Upper Canada, Journals, 1832-3, Appendix, Welland Canal
Company's balance sheet, No. 1832.
116 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., pp. 98-9.
117 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-4, Appendix, Report of
Commissioners of the Welland Canal.
118 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1834, "An Act to alter and amend the
Charter and increase the Stock of the Welland Canal Company and to
authorize His Majesty's Receiver General to subscribe stock in the said
Company on behalf of this Province" (4 Wm. IV, C. 39).
119 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 418, pp. 237-9, Address from the Assembly
to the King, 1 April 1834.
120 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 384A, pp. 95-6, (Spring Rice) to
Colborne, 30 July 1834.
121 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., pp. 102-3.
122 Ibid., p. 103-4.
123 Ibid., p. 106.
124 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Clark to Joseph, November
125 Upper Canada, Journals, 1836, Petition of the President
and Director praying that the Canal maybe made a public work;
also First Report of Select Committee on the Welland Canal
recommending the purchase of the Canal by Government.
126 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 460, p. 83.
127 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1837, "An Act to provide for the
permanent completion of the Welland Canal and for other purposes herein
mentioned" (7 Wm. IV, C. 92).
128 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 106.
129 Ibid., p. 107.
130 Ibid.
131 Ibid.
132 Upper Canada, Journals, 1839-40, Appendix, pt. 2.
133 Ibid.
134 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 460, pp. 75-83, Arthur to Normanby, 8 June
135 Upper Canada, Journals, 1839-40, Appendix, pt. 2, Report
of Select Committee on petition of Shareholders to the Welland
136 Upper Canada, Journals, 1839-40, Motion to Address the
Crown, 25 January 1840.
137 Canada (Province), 1844, "An Act to authorize the Stock held by
private parties In the Welland Canal to be purchased on behalf of the
Province" (4 and 5 Vic., C.48).
138 Canada (Province) Statutes, 1843, "An act to Repeal a certain Act
therein mentioned, and to make further provision for enabling the
Provincial Government to purchase the Stock held by private parties in
the Welland Canal" (2 Vic., C. 34).
139 Report, 1867, Welland Canal.
140 Upper Canada, Journals, 1816.
141 Lower Canada, Journals, 1819, Appendix G, Joint
Report of the Commissioners of Upper and Lower
Canada on Water Communication between the
two Provinces; also PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper
Canada Sundries), Vol. 38, pp. 18074-5, 18732-4.
142 Report, 1867, Cornwall Canal.
143 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 513.
144 Upper Canada, Journals, 1832, Report from Select Committee
on improving the water communications of the Provinces.
145 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1833, "An Act granting to His Majesty a
sum of Money to be raised by Debentures for the improvement of
the Navigation of the River Saint Lawrence" (3 Wm. IV, C. 18).
146 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Vol.
131, pp. 72380-72406, Report of Commissioners
for Improvement of the St. Lawrence, 23 July
147 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1834, "An Act to repeal
part of, amend and extend the Provisions of an
Act passed in the last Session of the present
Parliament entitled 'An Act granting to His
Majesty a sum of Money to be Debentures for
Improvement of the Navigation of the River
Saint Lawrence'" (4 Wm. IV, C. 40).
148 Upper Canada, Journals, 1840, Report of a Select Committee
to the House of Assembly, 30 January 1840.
149 Report, 1867.
Problems in the Construction of Canals: Land and Contracts
1 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), p. 44089, By to Maitland, 7
January 1827.
2 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 43, pp. 107-21.
3 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), p. 44089, By to Maitland, 7
January 1827.
4 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1827, "An Act to confer upon His Majesty
certain powers and authorities, necessary to the making, maintaining,
and using the Canal intended to be complete under His Majesty's
direction for connecting the waters of Lake Ontario with the River
Ottawa, and for other purposes therein mentioned" (8 Geo. IV, C.
5 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 43.
6 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1827, loc. cit.
7 Ibid.
8 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 206, p. 12; also ibid., Vol. 45,
pp. 37-44.
9 Ibid., also ibid., Vol. 51, pp. 54-55.
10 Ibid., p. 49.
11 Ibid., pp. 50-1.
12 Ibid., pp. 46-8.
13 Ibid., pp. 58-9.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 PAC, RG5, A1 (Upper Canada Sundries), Vol. 93.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid., Vol. 94.
23 Ibid., Vol. 95.
24 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 52, pp. 31-4.
25 Ibid., pp. 35-6.
26 Ibid., pp. 240-1.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid., Vol. 51, pp. 214-5.
29 Ibid., Vol. 52, pp. 235-6.
30 Ibid., Vol. 206, pp. 49-54.
31 Ibid., Vol. 53, p. 66.
32 Ibid., Vol. 57, pp. 21-4.
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid., Vol. 56, pp. 68-9.
35 Ibid., Vol. 57, pp. 21-4.
36 Ibid., Vol. 51, p. 143.
37 Ibid., Vol. 59, pp. 88-9.
38 Ibid.
39 Ibid., Vol. 58, pp. 157-9.
40 Ibid.
41 Ibid., Vol. 59, pp. 37-8.
42 Ibid.
43 Ibid.
44 Ibid., pp. 67-9, 88-9.
45 Ibid., Vol. 51, p. 244.
46 Ibid., Vol. 52. p. 23.
42 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1821.
48 PAC, RG4, A1, Vol. 195, The Report of the Committee
appointed under the Act of 1 Geo. IV, C. 6 entitled "An Act for making
a Navigable Canal from the neighbourhood of Montreal to the
parish of Lachine, and to appropriate a certain Sum of Money for
the purpose and to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned."
49 Ibid.
50 Ibid.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 Ibid.
54 Ibid.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid.
S7 Ibid.
58 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1833, "An Act to
appropriate a certain sum of money, therein mentioned towards
continuing, and completing, the Lachine Canal" (3 Geo. IV, C.
59 Lower Canada, Journals, 1823-4, Appendix D.
60 Ibid.
61 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, pp. 509-19.
62 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1824.
63 Upper Canada, Journals, 1825-26, Appendix, First Report of Select
Committee on Welland Canal Company.
64 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1826.
65 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 344. (pt. 1), pp.
156-85, Report of President and Directors of
Welland Canal Company to Stockholders, York, 12 March 1827.
66 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 375, pp. 200-1.
67 Ibid., Vol. 381, p. 456.
68 PAC, MG11, Q series, Vol. 32, p. 288; also
ibid., Vol. 77. p. 247.
69 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1827, "An Act relating to the
Improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu."
70 Lower Canada, Journals, 1828-29, p. 178.
71 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 53, p. 63.
72 Ibid.
73 Ibid.
74 Ibid., Vol. 56. p. 67, also ibid., Vol. 58, p. 40.
75 Quoted in Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 41.
76 Ibid.
77 Ibid., p. 53.
78 Ibid., p. 43.
79 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 44, pp. 80-90.
80 Ibid.
81 Ibid.
82 Ibid.
83 Ibid.
84 Ibid.
85 Ibid.
86 Ibid.
87 Ibid., Vol. 45., pp. 71-4.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 Robert Legget, op. cit., p. 46.
91 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 381, p. 123.
92 Ibid., Q series, Vol. 344 (pt. 1), pp. 156-66, Report of the
President and Directors of Welland Canal Company, to Shareholders, York.
12 March, 1827; see also PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 381, p. 123, Report . . .
93 Ibid.
94 Ibid.
95 Ibid.
96 H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 61.
97 Ibid., p. 62.
98 Ibid.
99 Ibid., pp. 62-3.
100 Ibid., p. 64.
101 Buffalo Republican, 3 December 1821.
102 Reports of Lachine Canal, 31 December 1821.
103 Ibid.
104 Ibid.
105 Ibid.
106 Ibid.
107 Ibid.
108 Ibid.
109 Ibid.
110 Ibid.
111 Ibid., 16 January 1826.
112 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 56, p. 77.
113 Ibid., Vol. 57, pp. 150-3.
114 Ibid.
115 Ibid., Vol. 56, p. 77.
116 Ibid.
117 Upper Canada, Journals, 1812-18, p. 313.
118 Lower Canada, Journals, 1819, Appendix G.
119 Upper Canada, Journals, 1826-27, p. 36.
120 Ibid., 1831, Appendix.
121 Ibid., 1832-33, p. 68.
122 Ibid., 1833-34, Appendix, pp. 67-9; see also
Lower Canada Journals, 1834, Appendix Aa.
123 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, p. 80.
124 Ibid., pp. 81-S.
125 Ibid.
126 Ibid.
127 Ibid.
128 Report, 1867, Cornwall Canal.
129 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1818, "An Act for making and maintaining
a Navigable Canal from, at, or near the Town of St. John, upon the River
Richelieu through the Barony of Longueuil and the
Seigneury of Chambly to terminate at the Basin of Chambly (58
Geo. III, C. 18).
130 Lower Canada, Statutes, "An Act to grant an aid to His Majesty
for the purpose of making a navigable Canal, from or near the town of
Saint John to the Basin of Chambly, upon the River Richeleu" (3 Geo.
IV, C. 41).
131 Lower Canada, Journals, 1828-29, p. 178.
132 Ibid., 1835, Appendix O, Report of the Commissioners of the
Chambly Canal under the authority of the Act (3 Geo. IV, C.
133 Lower Canada, Journals, 1835, Proclamations.
134 Journals of the Special Council of Lower Canada
1839-40, Vol. 5, p. 79; see also Canada (Province)
Journals, 1841, Vol. 1, Appendix O, Report of
the Commissioners of the Chambly Canal.
Canals in the Province of Canada, 1841-1867
1 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., p. 266, "Exports
of Wheat and Flour from the St. Lawrence, 1838-61."
2 PAC, RG1, E. Phillpotts' Report, pp. 17-113.
3 Canada (Province) Journals, 1841, pp. 7-8.
4 Canada (Province) Statutes, 1841-42. "An Act to repeal certain
Ordinances therein mentioned and to establish a Board of Works in the
Province" (4 and 5 Vic., C. 38).
5 Canada (Province) Statutes, 1841-42, "Act to authorize the raising
by way of Loan in England, the sum of One Million Five Hundred
Thousand Pounds, sterling, for the construction and completion of
certain Public Works In Canada" (6 Vic., C. 8).
6 Report 1867, Lachine Canal.
7 Ibid.
B Ibid.
9 Ibid., Beauharnois Canal.
10 Lower Canada, Journals, 1834, Appendix AA.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid., 1835-36, Appendix ZZ.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, p. 94.
18 Report 1867, Beauharnois Canal.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid., Cornwall Canal.
24 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, p. 87.
25 Report 1867, Cornwall Canal.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Canada (Province) Journals, 1842, Appendix Q, Report of
Board of Works.
29 Report 1867, Cornwall Canal.
3D Ibid.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid.
33 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-34, Appendix, Report of
Commissioners for the Improvement of the River Saint Lawrence.
34 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, p. 84.
35 Report 1867, Farran's Point Canal.
36 Ibid.
37 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-34, Appendix, Report of Commissioners
for the Improvement of the River Saint Lawrence.
38 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, p. 83.
39 Report 1867, Rapide Plat Canal.
40 Ibid.
41 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-34, Appendix, Report of Commissioners
for the Improvement of the River Saint Lawrence.
42 PAC, RG1, E, Phillpotts' Report, p. 81.
43 Ibid., p. 82.
44 Report 1867, Galops Canal.
45 Ibid.
46 Ibid.
47 Ibid.
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid.
50 Ibid.
51 Canada (Province), Journals, 1843, Appendix O, Report of
Board of Works.
52 Report 1867, Welland Canal.
53 Canada (Province) Statutes, 1841-42, "An Act to
appropriate certain sums of Money for Public Improvements In the
Province, and for other purposes herein mentioned" (4 and 5 Vic., C.
54 Report 1867, Welland Canal.
55 Canada (Province) Journals, 1843, Appendix Q, Report of
Board of Works.
56 Report 1867, Welland Canal.
57 Ibid.
50 Ibid.
59 Ibid.
08 Ibid.
61 Ibid.
62 Ibid.
63 Ibid.
64 Ibid.
65 In 1826 a company was incorporated to build this canal which was
opened to traffic in 1837. Extending from Burlington Bay to Dundas, it
was just over 3-1/2 miles long, 33 feet wide, and navigable for
vessels drawing up to 7-1/2 feet of water.
66 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1823. "An Act to provide for
constructing a navigable canal between Burlington Bay and Lake
Ontario" (4 Geo. IV, C. 8); also "An Act to amend and extend the
provisions of an Act at the last session of Parliament, entitled
'An Act to provide for constructing a navigable canal between
Burlington Bay and Lake Ontario.'" (4 Geo. IV, C. 16).
67 Canada (Province) Journals, 1830, Appendix, Report on the
Burlington Bay Canal.
68 Report 1867, Burlington Bay Canal.
68 Canada (Province) Journals, 1843, Appendix O, Report of
Board of Works.
70 Report, 1867.
71 Ibid.
72 Ibid.
73 PAC, RG8, C series, Vol. 363, pp. 4-6, Portland to Hunter, 13
March 1800.
74 Ibid., pp. 8-9.
75 Ibid., p. 10.
76 Ibid., pp. 11-12.
77 Ibid., p. 152.
70 Ibid., p. 156.
79 Canada (Province) Journals, 1851, p. 20, Petition of A. D.
Macdonell and others for incorporation of a Company, to construct
a Ship Canal around the Sault Ste. Marie Falls.
80 Ibid., p. 52, Petition of F. C. Capreol praying for passing of an
Act authorizing him to construct a Canal around the Sault Ste.
Marie connecting the waters of Lakes Huron and Superior with corporate
81 Ibid., p. 43, Bill to provide for the construction of a Canal to
connect Lakes Superior and Huron.
82 Report, 1867, Ste. Anne Lock.
83 Ibid.
84 Ibid.
85 Ibid.
86 Ibid.
87 Ibid.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid., Ordnance or Military Canals.
90 Ibid.
91 Ibid.
92 Ibid.
93 Ibid.
94 Canada (Province), Statutes, 1855, "An Act relating to the
Ordnance Lands and Naval and Military Reserves in this Province and for
other purposes" (18 Vic., C. 91).
95 Ibid., 1856, "An Act for transferring to one of Her
Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State the powers and estates and
property therein described In Her Majesty the Queen, for the benefit,
use and purpose of this Province" (19 Vic., 0.45).
96 Report, 1867, Ordnance or Military Canals.
97 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1818, "An Act for making and
maintaining a navigable canal from, at, or near the Town of St. John,
upon the River Sorel or Richelieu through the Barony of Longueuil and
the Seigneury of Chambly, to terminate at the Basin of Chambly (58 Geo.
III, C. 18).
98 Lower Canada, Journals, 1821-22.
99 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1823, "An Act to grant an Aid to Her
Majesty for the purpose of making a navigable canal, from,
at, or near the Town of Saint John to the Basin of Chambly, upon
the River Sorel or Richelieu" (3 Geo. IV, C. 41).
100 Lower Canada, Journals, 1826, p. 32.
101 Ibid., 1829, pp. 175, 182.
102 Ibid., 1831, Appendix H, Report of Commissioners appointed under
3 Geo. IV, C. 41.
103 Report, 1867, Chambly Canal.
104 Lower Canada, Journals, 1835-6, Appendix N, Report of
Commissioners of Chambly Canal.
105 Lower Canada, Statutes, 1834, "An Act to appropriate a
further sum of money therein mentioned for enlarging dimensions
of the Locks of the Chambly Canal sanctioned by Proclamation" (4
Wm. IV, C. 36).
106 Ibid., 1840, "An Ordinance to amend and render permanent an
Ordinance passed in the second year of Her Majesty's Reign, entitled
"An Ordinance for making the Canal from Saint John to Chambly, to
borrow a certain sum of money to complete the said Canal" (3
Vic., 0.20).
107 Report, 1867, St. Ours Lock and Dam.
108 Ibid.
109 Ibid.
110 Ibid.
111 Ibid.
112 Upper Canada, Journals, 1826-27, Report of Committee on
navigable waters of Newcastle District.
113 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1833, "An Act to provide for the
improvement of certain Inland Waters in the District of Newcastle" (3
Wm. IV, C. 33).
114 Report, 1867, Trent Navigation.
115 Upper Canada, Journals, 1833-34, Appendix, Report . . . on
the practicability of rendering the River Trent navigable from its mouth
or confluence with the Bay of Quinte to Rice Lake, by N. H.
Baird, Montreal, 28 November 1833. See in same volume: Report of
Commissioners for superintending the improvement of the navigable waters
of the Newcastle District, 6 November 1833; and Report of Select
Committee on documentation relating . . . to River Treat; also Report
of Committee respecting Survey of the River Trent, 3 February
116 Ibid.
117 Ibid., 1836, Appendix, Report on the moat eligible route for a
Canal between Lake Simcoe and Rice Lake, and on the practicability and
probable expense of connecting those Lakes, by N. H. Baird, 31
December 1835.
118 Ibid.
119 PAC, RG5, A1, (Upper Canada Sundries), pp.
93204-11, Robert Jameson Civil Secretary Joseph,
1 October 1836, enclosing Resolutions passed
at a meeting held at Fenelon Falls regarding navigation from Lake
Huron to Bay of Quinte.
120 Upper Canada, Statutes, 1836, "An Act to improve the Navigation
of the Inland Waters of the District of Newcastle" (6 Wm. IV, C.
121 Ibid., 1837, "An Act to amend an Act passed during the last
Session, entitled 'An Act to improve the Navigation of the inland Waters
of the District of Newcastle'" (7 Wm. IV, C. 53).
122 Ibid., 1839, "An Act to make further provision for the completion
of the improvement of the Navigation of the Inland Waters of the
District of Newcastle" (2 Vic., C. 40).
123 Ibid.
124 Report, 1867, Trent River Navigation.
125 Ibid.
126 Canada (Province), Journals, 1844, Appendix CC, Memoranda
respecting Public Works heretofore in progress.
127 Report, 1867, Trent River Navigation.
128 Canada (Province), Journals, 1846, Appendix N, Report of
the Chairman of the Board of Works.
129 Report, 1867, Trent River Navigation.
130 Ibid.
131 Ibid.
132 Ibid., pp. 68-70. Survey of a Projected Canal between the St.
Lawrence and Lake Champlain.
133 Ibid.
134 Ibid.
135 Ibid.; also Lower Canada, House of Assembly,
Return, to an Address from the Legislative Assembly of
the 28th ultimo. For copy of Mr. Jarvis' report relative to the survey
of the proposed Caugheawaga Canal, and the amount of the cost of such
surveys as submitted by the said Engineer, (Mr. Jarvis) Quebec, March
20, 1855, 76 pp.
136 Ibid.
137 Ibid.
138 Ibid.
139 Treadwell, Charles Platt, comp., Arguments in favour of the
Ottawa and Georgian Bay Ship Canal; the shortest, safest, and cheapest
route to the Ocean from the Great West, through Canadian Territory; and
the only certain means of reviving and restoring the Trade of United
Canada, Ottawa, City, Canada West. 1856. Printed at the office of The
Ottawa Citizen, 43 pp.
140 Report, 1867, Ottawa River and French River Surveys.
141 Ibid.
142 Ibid.
143 Ibid.
144 Ibid.
145 Upper Canada, Journals, 1826, Report of Committee on the
Navigation of the Lake St. Peter.
146 Ibid., 1831-32, Capt. Bayfield's Report of the Survey of
Lake St. Peter, See also Canada (Province) Department of Public
Works, Report of the Commissioners of Public Works for
1861. St. Lawrence Navigation. Also PAC, MG12, A6, Selected Papers from
the Hydrographic department of the Admiralty.
147 Journals of the Special Council of Lower
Canada, 1838, pp. 95-6. The Petition of the Montreal Committee of Trade,
Montreal, 5 May 1838.
148 Canada (Province), Journals, 1844-45, Appendix AA, Report of the
Board of Works: Lake St. Peter.
149 Ibid., 1850, pp. 172-3, Committee . . .to make provision for
raising a sum of money for improving Lake St. Peter.
150 Report, 1867, Lake St. Peter.
151 Canada (Province), Department of Public Works, Report of
Commissioner of Public Works for 1866; also Canada (Province),
Journals, 1854-55, Appendix CC.
152 Ibid., Tug Service.
153 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., pp. 342-56,
"The Commercial Revolution of the 1840's."
154 Ibid., p. 347.
155 Gilbert N. Tucker, The Canadian Commercial Revolution,
1845-1851 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1936), p. 82.
156 Canada (Province), Statutes, 1849, "An Act to provide for
the free admission into Canada of certain Articles of the growth
or production of the United States of America, on certain
Articles of the growth or production of the United States of
America, on certain conditions therein mentioned" (12 Vic., C. 3).
157 Canada (Province), Journals, Appendix UU, First Report of the
Standing Committee on Railways and Telegraph Lines, 21 July 1851.
158 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 413.
159 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., p. 494.
160 Ibid., p. 483.
161 Ibid.
182 Ibid., pp. 472-3.
163 Ibid.
164 Ibid.
165 Ibid.
166 Ibid.
167 Canada (Province], Journals, 1858, Appendix 2.
168 Canada (Province), Department of Public Works, Report
of Commissioner of Public Works for 1859.
169 Ibid.
170 Ibid.
171 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., p. 473.
172 Ibid., p.481.
173 Ibid., pp. 481-2.
174 Sessional Papers, 1862, No. 3.
175 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., p. 471.
176 Canada (Province), Department of Public Works, Report
of Commissioner of Public Works for 1863, Appendix C, p.
177 Canada (Province), Journals, 1858, Appendix 2.
178 Canada (Province), Department of Public Works, Report
of Commissioner of Public Works for 1861, Inland Navigation, p.
179 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., p. 479.
180 Ibid.
181 Ibid., p. 590.
182 Encyclopedia Canadians (Toronto: Grolier, 1965), Vol. 7;
183 Report, 1867, Appendix No, 25, Statement of Water Power and of
Buildings and other leased lots to various parties.
184 G. M. Craig. (Toronto: Macmillan, 1955) pp. 265-76,
Economic Growth at Montreal in the 1860s.
185 Ibid.
186 Ibid.
187 Ibid.
188 Ibid.; also Report, 1867, Appendix No, 3, pp.
12-16, Description of the Works on the Lachine.
189 Ibid., St. Lawrence Navigation, p. 7.
190 Canada (Province), Department of Public Works, Report of
Commissioner of Public Works 1860, Appendix O, Lachine Canal.
191 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 5, pp. 283-5.
192 W. T. Easterbrook and H. G. J. Aitken, op. cit., p. 531.
Canals in the New Confederation, 1867-1914
1 Canada, Canal Commission. . . . A Letter to the Hon. Secretary of
State from the Canal Commission Respecting the Improvement of the
Inland Navigation of the Dominion of Canada (Ottawa: 1871), p. 34.
2 Ibid., p. 40.
3 Ibid., Royal Commission, pp. 97-100, dated 16 November 1870.
4 Ibid., p. 71.
5 Ibid., p. 72.
6 Ibid., p. 73.
7 Ibid., p. 67.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid., p. 53.
10 Ibid., p. 74.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid., p. 75.
13 Ibid., p. 79.
14 Ibid., p. 78.
18 Canada, Baie Verte Canal, Synopsis of Reports on Baie Verte
Canal from 1822 to 1874 (Ottawa: I. B. Taylor, 1874). Also
Canada, Department of Public Works, General Report of the Department
of Public Works, 1867-1882, Appendix No. 30, pp. 830-3, Projected
Baie Verte Canal.
16 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., pp.
17 Ibid., pp. 156-6.
18 Canada, Canal Commission, op. cit., p. 51.
19 Ibid., p. 83.
20 Ibid., p. 48.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid., p. 49, trade figures.
23 H. A. Innis and A. R. M. Lower, op. cit., pp.
470-86, Inland Navigation; pp. 486-94, Railways.
24 Canada, Canal Commission, op. cit., pp. 83-8.
25 Ibid., pp. 88-65.
26 Canada, Department of Public Works, General Report of
the Department of Public Works, 1867-1882. Appendix No. 30, pt.
1, No. 3, St. Lawrence Navigation, pp. 797-9; see also Appendix
No. 40, Memorandum on Canadian Canals and Plans and Models sent to the
Paris Exhibition in 1878.
27 Ibid.; for further details respecting the enlargement of
the St. Lawrence Canals see ibid., Report of John Page, Chief Engineer
of Canals dated 16 February 1880.
28 Canada, Department of Public Works, General
Report of the Department of Public Works, 1867-1882,
Appendix No. 30, pt. 1, No. 4, St. Peters Canal, p. 799.
29 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals,
Annual Reports of the Minister of Railways and
Canals for the fiscal years 1884-1926 (Ottawa),
Annual Report, 1912, St. Peters Canal; also
ibid., 1913, St. Peters Canal.
30 The Shubenacadie Canal Company, The Charter and Bye Laws of
the Shubenacadie Canal Company; with the Acts of the General
Assembly of Nova Scotia, Relating to the Canal (Halifax:
1829); also Canada, Department of Public Works,
General Report of the Department of Public Works, 1867-1882
(Ottawa), Appendix No. 30, pt. 4; Shubenacadie Canal, pp. 902-3.
31 Canada, Department of Public Works, General
Report of the Department of Public Works, 1867-1882
(Ottawa), Appendix No. 30, pt. 1, No, 23;
Projected Baie Verte Canal, pp. 830-3.
32 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 533.
33 Ibid.
34 Canada, Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Department of Public Works, 1867-1882 (Ottawa), Appendix No. 30,
pt. 1, No. 30, Fort Francis Canal, pp. 828-7.
38 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 830; also Canada,
Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report, 1912: Total quantity
of freight passed through the several divisions of the Canadian canals
during the season of 1912.
36 Canada, Department of Public Works, General Report of
the Department of Public Works, 1867-1882 (Ottawa), Appendix No.
30, pt. 1, No. 30, pp. 838-9, Projected Ottawa Snip Canal; Appendix No.
30, pt. 1, No. 30, p. 840, Table of Principal Rivers note A,
Ottawa Ship Canal; Appendix No. 30, pt. 1, No. 31, Memorandum A,
The Ottawa and French River Navigation; Appendix
No. 30, pt. 1, No. 32, Memorandum B, The proposed Georgian Bay and
Ottawa Canal; also Canada, Department of Railways and Canals,
Annual Reports, 1886, 1889, Upper Ottawa River:
Culbute Locks and Dams.
37 Canada, Department of Public Works, General Report of
the Department of Public Works, 1867-1882 (Ottawa), Appendix
No. 30, pt. 1, No. 30, pp. 841-2, Table of Principal Rivers
noted, Culbute Canal.
38 Canada, Canal Commission, op. cit., p. 83.
39 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual
Report, 1882, pp. cv-cvi.
40 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals,
Annual Report, 1896, pp. ixix-ixx; also pt. 1,
Report of Chief Engineer, No. 3; Canals; see
also Sessional Papers, 1893, No. 9.
41 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual
Report, 1902, principal canal traffic during 1901 season.
42 Ibid., 1904, p. ix.
43 Sessional Papers, 1893, No. 9; also Canada, Department
of Railways and Canals, Annual Report, 1909, pp.
238-42, Welland Canal, 44.
44 Ibid.
45 Ibid., No. 9a.
46 Ibid.
47 Ibid.
48 Ibid.
49 PAC, RG2, I, Minutes of Privy Council, Vol. 468, pp.
50 Sessional Papers, 1893, No, 9, Appendix No. 8; also Canada,
Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report, 1900, pp.
176-88, Soulanges Canals; also ibid., 1901, pp. 212-7,
Soulanges Canal.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 Ibid., pp. xlix-li.
54 Canada, Department of Transport, General Engineering
Branch, The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway
(Ottawa: 1949), Soulanges Section: existing power developments.
55 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals.
Annual Report, 1887, Appendix No. 16, Murray
Canals; also ibid., 1889, Appendix No. 7, Murray
Canal; also ibid., 1894, St. Lawrence District,
Murray Canal; also Sessional Papers, 1893, No, 9.
56 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals.
Annual Report, 1895.
57 Ibid., 1900, Lachine Canal; ibid., 1886, Appendix No, E, No, 1,
Lachine Canal.
58 Ibid., Cornwall Canal.
59 Ibid.
60 Ibid., 1906, Cornwall Canal.
61 Ibid., 1900, Farran's Point Canal.
62 Ibid., Galops Canal.
63 Ibid., 1904, Galops Canal.
64 Ibid., 1896, Rapide Plat Canal.
65 Canada, Royal Commission on Transportation, Report, 1903-1905,
preamble; see also Report of Committee of Privy Council, approved
19 May 1903.
66 Ibid.
67 Ibid.
68 Quoted in Report of F. W. Cowls, C. B., attached to Third Interim
Report of Royal Commission on Transportation.
69 Sessional Papers, 1893, No. 9, Trent River Navigation.
70 Ibid.
71 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report,
1900, Trent Canal.
72 Ibid.
73 Ibid.
74 Ibid.
75 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report,
1904, Canals.
76 Ibid.
77 Ibid., 1913, Trent Canal.
78 Ibid., 1908, Trent Canal.
79 Ibid., 1909 and 1910, Trent Canal.
80 Ibid.
81 Ibid., 1913, Trent Canal.
82 Ibid.
83 Ibid.
84 Ibid.
85 Ibid., 1903, Canadian Canal System.
86 Ibid., 1901, Ottawa River Survey (Report by H. A. F. MacLeod on
Surveys made in the autumn of 1900).
87 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 834.
88 The Mail (Toronto), 12 July 1892.
89 Ibid.
90 The Empire (Toronto), 26 November 1891.
91 Ibid.
92 Ibid.
93 The Mail (Toronto), 12 July 1892.
94 Ibid.
95 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report,
1902, Canal Statistics, for season of navigation 1901; also statement
of revenue together with the increases and decreases of all the
canals for the seasons of 1899-1901.
96 Ibid.
97 Adam Shortt, ed., op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 536.
98 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report, 1902,
Canal vs. Railway Transport of Grain from the West.
99 Ibid.
100 Ibid., 1908, Water Transport.
101 Ibid.
102 Ibid., 1902, Report for 1902 of Superintending Engineer of the
Soulanges Canal.
103 Ibid., 1908, Ship Building.
104 Ibid., 1913, statements re traffic through Canadian canals
during the past decade; ibid., 1914, volume of traffic 1913.
105 Ibid., 1909, Welland Ship Canal.
106 Ibid., 1908, Welland Canal.
107 Ibid.
108 Ibid.
109 Ibid., 1909, Welland Ship Canal.
110 Ibid., 1914, Welland Canal.
111 Ibid., 1904, Harbour Improvements; also ibid.,
1903, Canadian Canal System.
112 Ibid.
113 Canada, Canal Commission, op. cit., Chambly Canal.
114 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals,
Annual Report, 1896, Expenditure on Canal Works.
115 Ibid., 1903.
116 Ibid., 1910, St. Ours Lock.
117 Ibid.
118 Ibid.
119 Ibid.
120 Ibid., 1913, St. Ours Lock.
121 Ibid.
122 Ibid.
Canals 1918-
1 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report, 1925,
state of the canals.
2 Ibid., 1920, Report of Chief Engineer of the Department
of Canals.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid., 1929, Welland Ship Canal.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
13 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, The Welland Ship
Canal between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, 1913-32 (Reprint
of Articles appearing in "Engineering" during the years 1929, 1930,
by Major P. J. Cowan) (London: Minister of Railways and Canals,
14 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report, 1929,
Welland Ship Canal.
15 Petrie, F. J., "First Welland Canal Opened Back in 1829," Inland
Seas, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Spring 1969), pp. 62-3; also ibid.,
Vol. 23, No. 4 (Winter 1967), p. 319.
16 "An Act respecting the Beauharnois, Light, Heat and Power Company
Limited" (21-22 Geo. V, C. 19).
17 "An Act to declare certain works of the Beauharnois Light, Heat
and Power Company Limited, to be for the general advantage of Canada"
(21-22 Geo. V, C. 20).
18 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway (Dept. of
Transport: Engineering Branch, Ottawa, 1949), p. 16.
19 Canada, Department of Transport, General Engineering Branch, op.
cit., Chap. II: St. Lawrence River Power Developments the demand
for energy; see also n. 17.
20 Ibid., Chap. II, St. Lawrence River Power Developments
the development sites.
21 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual Report,
1929, Trent Canal.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid.
24 Ibid.
28 For treatment of Richelieu-Champlain Waterway, see
Chambly Canal Centenary, op. cit.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, Annual
Report, 1918, St. Peters Canal.
29 Canada, Department of Railways and Canals, The Canals of Canada
Under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Railways and
Canals, 1931 (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1931).
30 Ibid.
31 Canada, Bureau of Statistics, The Canada Year
Book, 1955 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1955)
(hereafter cited as Canada Year Book),
"Canals; St. Lawrence Seaway."
32 Canada Year Book, 1960, op. cit.
33 H. G. Moulton, C. S. Morgan and A. L. Lee, The St.
Lawrence Navigation and Power Project (Washington: The Brookings
Institute, 1929).
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid.
39 Canada Year Book, 1955, op. cit., International
40 Ibid.
41 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway (Dept. of Transport,
Engineering Branch, Ottawa, 1949), Controlled Single Unit Project.
42 Canada Year Book, 1988, op. cit.
43 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway, op. cit.
44 Ibid.
48 Canada, Department of Trade and Commerce,
Economic Research Division, The St. Lawrence
Waterway and the Canadian Economy (Ottawa:
46 Canada Year Book, 1988, op. cit.
47 Ibid.
48 Constituted as a corporation by chap. 24, Statutes of
Canada, 1981, new chap. 242, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1982, "By
virtue of the Act of Incorporation, the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
undertook the provision of facilities between Montreal and Lake Erie
to allow 27-foot navigation concurrently with the International
Rapids Section of the St. Lawrence River by the Saint Lawrence Seaway
Development Corporation of the United States."
49 Canada Year Book, 1955, loc. cit.
50 Ibid.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 Ibid.
54 Ibid.
55 Inland Seas, vol. 23. No, 4, (Winter 1967), p. 326.
56 Canada Year Book, 1956, "Canals; St. Lawrence Seaway."
57 Ibid.
58 Ibid.
59 Ibid.
60 F. J. Bullock, Ships and the Seaway (Toronto:
J. M. Dent, 1989).
61 Ibid.
62 The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, Annual Report 1959 (Ottawa:
Queen's Printer, 1960).
63 Ibid.
64 Ibid.
65 Ibid.
66 Ibid.
67 Canada Year Book, 1966, "Canals; St. Lawrence
68 Ibid.
69 Ibid.
70 Ibid.
71 F. J. Bullock, op. cit., St. Lawrence Power Project.
72 Ibid.
73 T. Richards, "Proposals for the Chatham Ship Canal, 1857-1893,"
Inland Seas Vol. 24, No. 3 (Fall 1968), p. 209.