Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 8
The Canals of Canada
by John P. Heisler
Canals and the Early Settlement of the Canadas
In any new country occupation of land by the settler is a prime
necessity. The Canadian waterways, by making such occupation possible,
played a significant role in opening up the country and in creating a
viable society in the Canadas. At the conclusion of the American
Revolution there were few if any roads west of Kingston. The St.
Lawrence and the Great Lakes provided the only highway and a means of
cheap transportation to the Loyalists moving into the area and settling
in the vicinity of the military posts at Kingston, Niagara and
A few years later, following the War of 1812, the Ottawa-Rideau
waterway was planned as a military route linking Montreal and Kingston.
At the same time it was decided to establish settlements along the
proposed route. Disbanded soldiers and Scottish settlers assisted by
the British government, of whom 250 settled at Perth in 1816, moved into
the range of new townships laid out west of the Rideau River and an
industrious and loyal population was soon settled throughout the
townships. In 1818, 500 families were established at the village of
Richmond; additional Scottish immigrants kept arriving and upwards of
5,000 people were by then settled along the Rideau.1 Two
years later another 2,000 unemployed Scottish weavers and their
families, assisted by the British government, settled in the Rideau
district. It was hoped that from the retired officers and disbanded
soldiers there would eventually be formed a military force capable of
protecting this wide area back of the St. Lawrence.2
Clearly in this instance settlement was linked with defence.
Moreover, there was an additional reason, also relating to defence, for
encouraging immigrants to settle along the Rideau. The events of the War
of 1812 had clearly shown that the inhabitants of the more distant parts of Upper
Canada, especially those in the neighbourhood of Lake Erie, were unable
either to participate in the general defence of the province or to
defend their property against invading enemy forces. These people
suffered heavy property losses from the enemy and, once the war was
over, they sought compensation from the provincial government. As a
result of this experience, some officials believed that in future it
would be wiser to place the immigrants from Britain on lands at the
military settlements rather than scatter them throughout the distant
parts of the province.3 Once work was started on the Rideau
Canal two companies of the Royal Sappers and Miners, each consisting of
81 men, were raised in England to work on the project. These companies
arrived on the Rideau during the summer of 1827 and, following the
completion of their work, were discharged in June 1831. Many of these
men decided to settle along the canal route. "They and their descendants
provided a thin chain of British settlers through the still untouched
bush between Bytown and Kingston."4
After 1822 there was a revival in Great Britain of interest in
colonial affairs and the subject of emigration received much attention.
Plans were presented to the British government for the joint purpose of
relieving distress in Britain and furnishing settlers for the colonies
overseas by a state-fostered and -directed system of emigration. A
special committee of the British House of Commons investigated the
subject in 1826. The side of the question which held the most attraction
for the propertied classes in Britain was that of getting rid of
surplus population. The question whether indigent immigrants from the
British Isles would make successful and resourceful settlers in Canada
received little consideration. Numerous experiments in emigration were
made between 1826 and 1832 resulting in a great migration of people
overseas as indicated by the numbers of immigrants arriving at Quebec
each year, as follows:5
1827 | 12,648 |
| 1830 | 28,000 |
1828 | 12,084 |
| 1831 | 50,254 |
1829 | 15,945 |
| 1832 | 51,746 |
In 1823 the Upper Canada assembly, recognizing the necessity for
increased immigration if the province were to develop and prosper,
entered into a prolonged debate on the subject. In a series of
resolutions passed on 8 March to be forwarded to the Secretary of State
for the Colonies, the assembly expressed its opinions regarding the
factors which possibly hindered immigration and at the same time made
suggestions as to how it might be encouraged.6 The assembly
believed that in the past immigration had been retarded and diverted
from the province, first by the great increase in fees for grants of
land, and second by the system of location of immigrants whereby numbers
of poor people were settled on portions of land distant from each other
and remote from mills and roads so necessary for the comfort of
settlers. The assembly believed that if the land of Upper Canada were to
form a safe investment for capital it must be concentrated in order to
be useful and not split up into non-productive units of clergy and crown
reserves. The assembly held that a tract of 200 acres of land was really
a moderate quantity for an industrious man with a family. Anything less
was scarcely worth his occupation. On 29 December 1823, the assembly
passed a further resolution to the effect "That immigration into the
Province has been during the last two years, greatly retarded, and great
numbers of British subjects arriving in Lower Canada have been passed
into the United States of America."7 A few years later the
development of necessary waterways and construction of roads spurred on
immigration by opening up vast tracts of wilderness. A considerable
number of immigrants came to the Canadas with the intention of buying
land and becoming farmers and the majority of these settled in Upper
Canada. Just how much capital such immigrants brought into the province
is difficult to estimate. However, "official immigration reports gives
figures of £250,000 and £600,000 as estimates of funds
brought in by immigrants arriving at Quebec in 1831 and 1832

15 Locks at the Ottawa River end of the Rideau Canal, photographed
about 1861.
(Public Archives of Canada.)

16 Taken about 1862, this photograph of the lower end of the Rideau
Canal shows the beginnings of construction of the Parliament Buildings.
(Public Archives of Canada.)
Government works, especially large ones like the Rideau Canal
financed entirely by the British government, afforded immediate
employment for the indigent immigrants. The Duke of Richmond wrote to
Bathurst in May, 1819, that Captain Mann was proceeding with the
projected improvements on the Ottawa as far as the limited means of his
own detachment would allow and that he (Richmond) intended from time to
time to send Mann a certain number of labourers selected from the
immigrants who would probably arrive during the summer and who would
require immediate employment.9 Richmond believed that
employment might be the means of preventing many immigrants from passing
into the United States.10 Three years later (1822) in a
letter to Bathurst, the
Earl of Dalhousie urged the completion of the Grenville Canal on
the Ottawa, adding that the work at present afforded employment to many
hundreds of starving immigrants, thereby enabling them to settle along
the Ottawa near the canal which would in turn greatly advance the
settlement of the country between the Ottawa and Kingston, at that time
an immense wilderness and forest.11 The following year, 1823,
Dalhousie wrote again to Bathurst that 10,000 persons were arriving
annually at Quebec, three-fourths of whom were literally paupers. The
governor stated that society and country were becoming alarmed and that
he had to grant immediate relief and try if possible to get employment
for them, possibly on the canals.12 During the construction
of the Rideau the contractors needed an immense labour force to do the
vast amount of handwork required. A thousand labourers were advertised
for at one time.13 In 1829 the canal gave work to 2,700
men, the large percentage being Irish immigrants who for one reason or
another were not prepared to go immediately upon the land.14
Still later, two shiploads of Irish immigrants were brought out by Peter
Robinson. These people worked on the Rideau Canal and settled along the
banks of the river. As one early traveller in the Canadas reported,
The Rideau Canal has annually employed two thousand labourers
since 1826, and has been of incalculable benefit to the pauper
immigrants; for they seldom remained at the works above a year; but in
that time they gained a knowledge of the country, and the kind of work
they would have to perform in clearing land for their own farms. Some of
the Irish labourers are very troublesome characters; they even
threatened on several occasions to
shoot the officers superintending and directing the works. "I'll fix
my flint for you in the fall! I'll knock the navigation out of ye!" were
expressions sometimes employed when they were threatened with punishment
or dismissal.15
Not only did the Rideau Canal afford employment to the pauper
immigrants, it also presented the settler in the adjacent military
townships with a ready market for surplus produce, employment, and at
no cost to him, with much needed roads constructed to assist in the
building of the canal.
During this period, lack of roads throughout the province meant that
internal navigation afforded the principal means of transportation and
opening up of the interior. Hence the Welland Canal became an important
factor in the growth of Upper Canada. Like the Rideau it stimulated,
economically and socially, the area adjacent to it. Small communities
stretching along its banks prospered as the canal made water-power
available for mills of all kinds. Industry set up along the canal route
as well as on the rivers accessible to the canal. One colonization
scheme, hoping to make a settlement on the banks of the Rideau Canal,
urged that its plan would, by increasing the population, greatly enlarge
the business of the canal.16
Besides affording employment to the indigent immigrant, canal
construction created a demand for the importation of skilled labour from
Britain. Starting with the Cornish miners who were brought from England
to do the rock-cutting on the small military canals constructed on the
St. Lawrence by the Royal Engineers in the period 1779-83, this trend
continued with the construction of the military canals on the Ottawa
along with the Lachine, Rideau, Welland and Cornwall canals. Engineers
and stone-masons, along with accounting clerks, were among those brought out.
Phillpotts reported in 1840 that the necessary enlargement of the
Welland Canal to accommodate large steamers could be completed in three
years after it had been properly commenced, "provided an adequate number
of workmen can be procured for the purpose of carrying it on properly;
which can only be done by encouraging emigration on a large
So long as public works like canals, roads and buildings were under
construction, there was employment for the immigrant and an inducement
for him to remain in the province. In 1832 over 50,000 persons
disembarked on the St. Lawrence, yet at that time the demand for
labourers exceeded the supply.18 Three years later it was
estimated that at least 20,000 men would be required for public works.
These works, however, were mainly connected with transportation and
military establishments and themselves gave little permanent
employment once they were completed.19 In 1840 the government
of Upper Canada decided upon the further expenditure of public money
toward the completion of various public works likely to be immediately
advantageous both with a view to accommodating the public and to the
employment of immigrants then arriving and still expected to
arrive.20 Two years later a select committee of the British
House of Commons investigating unemployment and poverty suggested
government aid for emigration along with the development of public works
for Canada which would enable the colony to take in 50,000 persons
annually.21 In the same year, however, immigrants and casual
labourers were hard hit when work on the Lachine and Grenville canals
was quickly finished while that on the Welland Canal and some of the roads did not
For those seeking work there was available, besides employment on
public projects and hiring themselves out as labourers in the lumber
industry, employment offered by the older settlers. The prevailing
system of settlement in the Canadas, particularly Upper Canada, was that
of finding the settlers employment with pioneer farmers for the first
season at least. This enabled the immigrant to learn how to clear land,
cultivate it and erect a cheap habitation. He would then start upon what
was termed a bush farm.23 Throughout this period, however,
one of the principal and persistent difficulties connected with the
emigration problem in Canada was the lack of capital on the part either
of the agricultural class or of those who might have developed the
industry of the country. The consequence was that regular employment
was altogether inadequate when compared with the numbers seeking it
people who for one reason or another could not themselves go
directly upon the land.24
The public works undertaken in the Canadas prior to union were highly
necessary for the development of the country and it would have been a
mistake to construct them on a more limited scale. At the same time,
the general development of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada did
not keep pace with their transportation facilities, It was difficult to
build up the country with an impecunious body of settlers who, though
physically capable, could hardly be expected to make encouraging
progress when simply left face to face with the wilderness and
possessing little else than their physical strength.