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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4

The Second Battalion, Quebec Rifles, at Lower Fort Garry

by William R. Morrison

Appendix A

The HouseHeadQuarters
The Minister of Militia
and DefenceOttawa April 15th 1870


In view of the contemplated expedition to the North West Territory, I have the honor to request that the following steps may be taken without delay.

1. That two Battalions of Riflemen of 350 non-Commissioned Officers and men per Battalion (exclusive of Officers) be raised in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and engaged to serve as soldiers for one year or for such longer period as the Government may require, but not exceeding two years in all.

2. That these Battalions should consist of "7" Companies each, of 50 non Commissioned Officers and men, having one Captain, and one Lieutenant and one Ensign to each Company.

3. That the Staff of each Battalion should consist of 1 Lieut. Colonel, 1 Major, 1 Adjutant with rank of Lieutenant, 1 Pay Master, 1 Quarter-Master, 1 Surgeon, 1 Sergeant Major, 1 Quarter Master Sergeant, 1 Hospital Sergeant, 1 Armourer Sergeant, 1 Pay Master Clerk, thus making the Strength of each Battalion "382" including Officers, Staff-Sergeants, non-Commissioned Officers and men, and that 1 Chaplain be attached to each Battalion, at the usual rate of pay.

4. It is recommended that the men to form these Battalions may be engaged by Voluntary enlistment to serve therein, from the existing Corps if possible of Active Militia in the following proportions, viz:—

Military dist No 112350 per Co
Military dist No 22350 per Co
Military dist No 32350 per Co
Military dist No 41350 per Co
Military dist No 52350 per Co
Military dist No 62350 per Co
Military dist No 73350 per Co

5. That the rates of pay and allowances to the Officers of these Battalions be as laid down in Paragraph "286" of the Regulations and Orders for the Active Militia with free Rations when on the March or encamped, and the pay of the non-Commissioned Officers and men as follows—

Sergeant Major$20 per month
Quarter Master Sergt.$20 per month
Hospital Sergt.$18 per month
Pay Master's Clerk$18 per month
Armourer Sergt.$18 per month
Colour Sergt.$18 per month
Sergeants$15 per month
Corporals & Buglers$13 per month
Privates$12 per month

Non Commissioned Officers and men to receive in addition to their pay Free Rations and Lodgings.

6. That immediate instructions be given to the Deputy Adjutants General of the Districts named to call for such number of men as are authorized in Paragraph 4 care being taken that the men so selected shall be between the ages of 18 and 45 years, of good character, sober habits, and physically fit for the service and that each man so engaged be subject to a final medical examination at the District Head Quarters.

7. That each man, on final approval, be required to sign a Service Roll, and be regularly attested before a Magistrate at the District Head Quarters, where the total number of men authorized for such District be mustered, not later than the 1st May, there to be billeted and await concentration.

8. That such concentration should take place as soon as circumstances will admit after such muster, at such place or places as shall be indicated by the Lt. General Commanding.

9. That each Non-Commissioned Officer and man be outfitted on enlistment with a free kit, and be properly clothed, armed and equipped.

10. That the two Battalions be clothed as Riflemen, and Armed and equipped as follows:—

1.Short Snider Enfield Rifle, Sword bayonet, and accoutrements complete 60 rounds service ammunition-
1.Water bottle
1.Cloth (Rifle) tunic
1.Great Coat
1.Pair Beef Boots
1.Linen Blouse and Pair of Trousers
1.Tin plate & mug
1.Waterproof sheet
1.Pair Cloth Trousers
1.Forage Cap
1.Pair Ankle Boots
1Mosquito net
The Free Kit to consist of
2.Flannel Shirts
1.pair of Braces
1.Knife, fork & Spoon with Hold-all
1Cloth Brush
1.Tin Waterproof Blacking
1.Piece Darning yarn
1.Hank of thread
2pairs of socks
2linen towels
2.Blacking Brushes
1Box Blacking
2.Darning Needles
2Ordinary needles
1piece of soap
in addition to which for winter use, there will be provided
1.Tunic (Cloth)
1Winter Cap (Fur)
2.Knitted undershirts
1.Pair Cloth Trousers
1Pair Mitts
2pair knitted drawers

11. That with the exception of uniform clothing and Boots, should subsequent issue of necessaries be required, such issues to be our repayment.

12. That each Deputy Adjutant General of the Districts named be instructed to recommend the names of one Captain and one Lieutenant and one Ensign for each Company authorized to be raised in their respective Districts, and whom they may consider best qualified to act as Captain and Lieutenant and Ensign to these Companies.

13. That the selection of the Field Officers, and Battalion Staff should be undertaken by the Adjutant General subject to approval.

I have the honour to be

Your most obedient servant

      P. Robertson-Ross
Colonel, Adjt. Genl. Militia

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