Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Second Battalion, Quebec Rifles, at Lower Fort Garry
by William R. Morrison
At the Lower Fort
The expedition reached Fort Garry on 24 August, and
the whole affair ended with a whimper, when it was found that Riel and
his followers had fled. The British regulars were almost immediately
sent back to eastern Canada, as had been previously agreed, and the
troops moved into quarters, the First Ontario Rifles at Fort Garry and
the Second Quebec Rifles at Lower Fort Garry. It should be noted here
that during this period one company of the First Battalion served at
Kingston, and one company of the Second Battalion served at St. Helen's
Island, Montreal.
The stone fort had been suggested by S. J. Dawson as
a good place for quartering the troops before the expedition started
out, and even before the arrival of the troops, plans were under way to
build new structures at the lower fort for the Quebec Rifles. The
"Proposed Appropriation of Buildings in Lower Fort as Barracks for the
Quebec Rifles" is a most important document in this respect, both for
its glimpse into the stay of the battalion at the fort, and for the
information it gives on the contemporary physical layout of the fort. It
is therefore reprinted in full in Appendix B.
Apparently not all the officers actually lived in the
fort; the evidence for this assertion rests on a letter from J.W.
Irvine, who was representing the control department on the expedition,
to Colonel Wolseley:
The quarters placed at our disposal, by the
Hudson's Bay Company for the use of officers at the two Forts, afford
very limited accommodation and as it is necessary that as many officers
as possible live in these buildings, few if any will have the space that
would be allotted to them in ordinary Barracks. Those who cannot be
accommodated will find the greatest difficulty in obtaining lodgings and
will have to pay exceedingly high rents . . . submit the case for your
consideration with a view to authority being obtained for the issue of
all allowances in kind to them.21
The work of altering the two forts to suit the needs
of the troops went on through the autumn of 1870, and was completed
before the worst of winter set in. S. J. Dawson wrote to Colonel
Wolseley on 6 September 1870, informing him that:
I have already ordered the purchase of all the
lumber to be procured in the settlement and have entered into
communication with the manager of a small saw mill at Pembina, in the
hope of obtaining an additional quantity . . . . nails, glass etc. have
been ordered from St. Clouds' and the carpenters, now on the line of
route between Fort Francis and Lake Superior have already been sent for.
The difficulty of finding skilled labour and the scarcity of material in
this remote section must occasion delay but I trust nevertheless to have
the work well on before the severe weather sets in.22
The troops at both forts were supplied mostly by
contract, let out locally. An example of an invitation to submit tenders
has been preserved:
Notice Sealed Tenders (in duplicate) will be
received by the Assistant Controller, Fort Garry, until noon on Thursday
the 1st September next. . . for the supply of such quantities of the
undermentioned articles as may be required by the troops stationed at
Fort Garry and the Stone Fort up to the 30 June 1871 - viz:
Fresh Bread at per lb
Flour per 100 lbs
Fresh Beef per lb
Potatoes per Bushel
Coffee per lb
Tea per lb
Sugar per lb
Salt per lb
Pepper per lb
Fuel Wood per Cord
Coal Oil per Gallon
Pine lumber per 1000 feet
Timber for building purposes, per log.23
The commissariat at the lower fort was superintended
by "Captain Peebles and his assistant." Controller Irvine suggested to
Wolseley "the appointment of a Non.Commd. Officer as Store keeper but
all supplies received direct from Contractors, should be received by the
Quarter Master of the Regiment."24
Documentary evidence on the duties and routine of the
Quebec Rifles at Lower Fort Garry is, unfortunately, far from abundant.
No one attached to this battalion seems to have written his memoirs, or
deposited any papers in an archives or a library. The military records
afford only glimpses of the activities at the fort and it seems we must
be content with these. The problem was the same in 1870 as with the
military expedition of 1846; all the activity which was considered
important enough to record took place at the upper fort, and what went
on at the lower fort was largely ignored at the time and afterward.
One such glimpse comes from correspondence between
Father M. J. Royer, who was Roman Catholic chaplain to the Quebec
Rifles, and Sir George Cartier. On 23 September 1870, Royer wrote to
Cartier complaining that there was no chapel at the stone fort and that
he was therefore unable to minister to his flock. He had, he said,
decided to move to St. Boniface, where he would be able to minister to
Catholics of both battalions.25 He seems to have carried out
this plan, for on 28 November, he wrote to Ottawa protesting that the
spiritual needs of his charges at the lower fort were being
J'ai en aussi de fraiches nouvelles de la chapelle
au Fort d'en bas. M. [illeg.], chargé des travaux qui doivent se
faire ici, m'a dit qu'il ne pourrait me faire préferrer d'appartement
pour cet objet, parce qu'il n'avait pas assez de bois. Je ne sais
franchement comment je ferai pour faire du bien aux soldats; sans
chapelle, je regarde la chose comme impossible . . . . ah! mon cher
Monsieur, nos pauvres jeunes gens auraient pourtant bien besoin
d'exercises religieux, pour les maintenir dans leur foi, au milieu de
Protestants.26 It will be remembered that the French
Canadians in the battalion were in a distinct minority. The chapel,
despite Royer's pleas, was never built.
The exact composition of the Quebec Rifles may be
ascertained from the monthly pay sheets which are preserved in the
papers of the Department of Militia and Defence. A copy of the list for
October 1870 appears in Appendix C.
The names of the officers and especially of the men
who served in the battalion are more difficult to discover, for no
nominal roll seems to have survived. The names of some of the officers
are known: Lieutenant-Colonel L.-A. Casault, the commanding officer;
Major A.G. Irvine (not the same man as Controller Irvine); Captain
Thomas Howard, the paymaster; Captain C.L. de Bellefeuille, of No. 1
Company, St. Helen's Island; Captain LaBranche of No. 5 Company; Herbert
Neilsen (or Neilson), the medical officer; Captain Peebles, the
quartermaster; Lieutenant Henri Bouthillier, who was appointed
Lieutenant-Governor Archibald's orderly officer.27 The rest
are, unfortunately, anonymous, except when their names appear in the
official correspondence.
One file of correspondence which does shed further
light on the matter is that which contains the letters which were
written to the government from members of the battalion asking for
commissions. One Arthur Charland, of No. 1 Company, petitioned the
government to give him a commission in the event that, as was generally
expected, the battalion should be increased to 1,000 men.28
(The petition was sent from Thunder Bay and was approved by Captain
deBellefeuille. This raises a question: How did No. 1 Company come to be
in Thunder Bay when it was meant to serve, and did serve, on St. Helen's
Island, Montreal? Can we assume that this company went all the way to
lakehead or Red River and then returned to Montreal? This seems rather
unlikely, though the facts are missing. Perhaps all requests from the
regiment were forwarded through the regimental headquarters, which would
seem more likely.) Similar petitions were received from G.P. Dillon,
Sergeant Thomas Garon and Sergeant Matthew Thomas de Beaujeu Hunter. One
C/Sgt. Herman Martineau wrote directly to Cartier, reminding him of his
promises that the military would be a fine career for young French
Si je m'adresse directement à vous, c'est que j'ai
foi et confiance aux promesses, par vous faits aux jeunes canadiens
qu'ont tout sacrifié pour joindre l'Expédition et embrasser la carrière
militaire. Je suis un de ces jeunes canadiens, j'ai suivi l'Expédition
depuis Toronto jusqu'au Fort Garry.29
It would seem that none of these petitions was
granted, for there were no vacancies for officers, and the strength of
the battalions was not increased.
What did the Quebec Rifles do during their stay at
the lower fort? On these points the records are, unhappily, silent.
Presumably they mounted guard, drilled, and carried out the numerous
daily tasks of soldiers everywhere. But there seems to have been no
extraordinary event in their service at the fort.
For amusement, the Quebec Rifles had a brass band,
the instruments of which had apparently been purchased from the
departing British regulars at the end of August, 1870.30 The
plan of the alterations made at the fort shows no canteen; presumably
the men had to go into the settlement to find a tavern, though it is
likely that beer would have been available at the Hudson's Bay Company
store, which continued to operate throughout the military occupation of
the fort.
Some few members of the Quebec Rifles joined a police
force which was raised by Lieutenant-Governor Archibald at the end of
1870. This unit comprised one officer, one sergeant, twelve men from the
two militia battalions, and ten civilians. These men were to serve as a
civil police force and would presumably have been more unbiased in their
approach to the colony's peculiar problems than a force made up entirely
of settlers so, at any rate, Archibald believed.31
By the spring of 1871, arrangements were well under
way for the removal of the troops from Red River. This measure was not
popular with the English settlers, and petitions poured in to the
government at Ottawa denouncing it. One from Kildonan read:
The rebels of last winter have gained confidence
from the fact that they remain unpunished . . . . The appointment of
rebels to office and the arbitrary and unwarrantable actions of those in
high office has produced a want of confidence in the disposition or
power of the Government [of Manitoba] to ensure to us safety and
prosperity . . . . Indians in our neighbourhood are in an unquiet state,
and say that if murder and robbery can go unpunished with us, it must
also with them.32
On 19 January 1871, the Privy Council authorized the
reduction of the force in the West to two companies, one from each
battalion, who were to volunteer to serve for six months from the first
of May, plus an extra six months if required.33 What actually
happened to these companies is not recorded.
The arrangements for moving the rest of the troops
were made in April, and the men left, apparently, in that month or early
in May. It will be remembered that the volunteers were to be encouraged
to stay in the West. Some 380, all ranks, from both battalions decided
not to do so. On the other hand, 100 of the troops at Kingston and St.
Helen's Island decided to exercise their option to go to Manitoba at
government expense.34 Thus the West gained about half, or
slightly more of the force. The rest went home. Some members of the
Ontario Rifles felt inspired to write reminiscences of the expedition,
but no one in the Quebec battalion felt the same impulse, and the
contribution of that latter group was very quickly forgotten.