Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Sixth Regiment of Foot at Lower Fort Garry
by William R. Morrison
Primary Sources
Canada. Public Archives.
MG12, WO1, Vol. 557. Fort Garry, 1846.
Hudson's Bay Company Archives
(on microfilm).
Winnipeg Public Library
Crofton Letter Book. A collection of extracts from the official and
private papers of John Ffolliott Crofton, presented by his son, H. T.
Crofton of Oldfield, England.
Secondary Sources
Great Britain. Army.
Historical Records of the British Army, The
Sixth or Royal First Warwickshire Regiment of Foot.
Adjutant-General's Office, London, 1837.
Great Britain. War Office.
Notes on the Route from Lake Superior to Red River and on the
Settlement Itself, War Office, London, 1870. Appendix: Reports
Regarding the Routes to Fort Garry, Red River Settlement; with a
Description of the Colony, 1845 to 1848.
Ingersoll, W.E.
"Redcoats at Fort Garry." The Beaver, Outfit
276 (December 1945), pp. 14-7.
Kingsford, C.L.
The Story of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Country Life, London, 1921.
A Short History of the Royal Warwickshire
Regiment. Gale & Polden, London, 1921.