Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
The Sixth Regiment of Foot at Lower Fort Garry
by William R. Morrison
1 Great Britain, Army, Historical Records of the
British Army (London: Adjutant-General's Office, 1837), p. 2.
2 Later they were at "South Africa, 1846-7,
1851-2-3," "Atbara," "Khartoum," and "South Africa, 1899-1902."
3 The letter is quoted in W.E. Ingersoll, "Redcoats
at Fort Garry," The Beaver, Outfit 276 (December 1945), p.
4 "Answers to quaeres submitted to Sir George Simpson
by . . . Cathcart, . . . 23 February 1846." PAC, MG12, WO1, Vol. 557, p.
17 rf.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid., p. 9, Cathcart to Gladstone, 25 February
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid., p. 139, Wellington to Gladstone, 8 April
9 Ibid., 15 April 1846.
10 Ibid., p. 187, Fitzroy Somerset to James Stephen,
1 May 1846. Crofton's journal mentions the presence of 15 women and 17
children on the journey to Red River. Great Britain. War Office,
Notes on the Route from Lake Superior to Red River and on the
Settlement Itself (London: War Office, 1870), Appendix, p. 6.
11 This biographical material is taken from the
introduction to the copy of extracts from Crofton's letters and diary in
the Winnipeg Public Library (hereafter cited as Crofton Letter
12 Great Britain. War Office, op. cit., Appendix, p.
13 Ibid., p. 4.
14 Ibid., p. 6.
15 Ibid., p. 12.
16 PAC, MG12, WO1, Vol. 557, p. 199, Crofton to
Fitzroy Somerset, 15 September 1846.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Crofton Letter Book, Letter to his wife, 15
September 1846.
22 Ibid., 29 October 1846.
23 Ibid.
24 Ibid.
25 Ibid.
26 PAC, MG12, WO1, Vol. 557, p. 199, Crofton to
Fitzroy Somerset, 15 September 1846.
27 Crofton Letter Book, letter to his wife, 29
October 1846.
28 Hudson's Bay Company Archives, Governor George
Simpson, Correspondence Inward, 23 November 1846, pp. 386-9, D.5/18.
29 Ibid.
30 Crofton Letter Book, letter to ?, 23 April
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid.
33 Ibid., letter to his wife, 25 April 1847.
34 Ibid., letter to ?, 24 May 1847.
35 PAC, MG12, WO1, Vol. 557, p. 221, letter of 21
September 1846.