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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4

A Brief History of Lower Fort Garry

by Dale Miquelon


Primary Sources

Canada, Public Archives.

MG19, A25, Robert Campbell's Journal, From the Highlands to Fort Garry.

MG24, B29, Joseph Howe Papers, Correspondence.

RG18, Al, A2, North-West Mounted Police Papers, Misc.

RG18, B1, North-West Mounted Police Papers, Osborne Smith's Letter Book.

Hudson's Bay Company Archives

Section A: Headquarters Records

A.12/1-3 London Inward Correspondence from Governors of Hudson's Bay Company Territories — George Simpson, 1823-47.

Section B: Post Records

B.303/a Lower Fort Garry, Post Journal, 1868-74.

Section D: Governors' Papers

D.4/17-46 Governor George Simpson Correspondence Books Outward (General), 1830-53.

Manitoba. Public Archives.

Archibald Papers.

Samuel Taylor's Journal, 1863-67.

Winnipeg Public Library

"Copy of the Diary of the Late Colonel J.F. Crofton, Commander of the first Red River Expedition, 1846-1847 forwarded to the Winnipeg Public Library by his Son, Mr. H.T. Crofton of Oldfield, England." 1901. Typescript.

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