Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
A Brief History of Lower Fort Garry
by Dale Miquelon
1 william L. Morton, Manitoba: A History
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957), pp. 61-7.
2 For information on the background and milieu
of Lower Fort Garry, in addition to the above, see R. Glover,
"The Difficulties of the Hudson's Bay Company's Penetration of the
West," Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 29, No. 3 (September
19481, pp. 240-54; Arthur S. Morton, "The Place of the Red River
Settlement in the Plans of the Hudson's Bay Company," Canadian
Historical Association, Annual Report, 1929, p. 105; Frank G. Roe,
The North American Buffalo; A Critical Study of the Species in its
Wild State (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1951); W.L.
Morton, "Agriculture in the Red River Colony," Canadian Historical
Review, Vol. 30, No. 4 (December 1949), p. 316.
A New Man and a New Idea
1 Hudson's Bay Company Archives (hereafter cited as
HBCA), Governor George Simpson Journals, p. 72, first version,
2 HBCA, London Inward Correspondence from Governors
of H.B.C. Territories - George Simpson hereafter cited as London
Inward), Simpson's Dispatch, 18 July 1831, p. 377, A.12/1. The St.
Andrew's Rapids are those referred to.
3 Ibid., p. 397, A.12/1. This reveals Simpson's
apprehensions with regard to the colonists; Arthur S. Morton, Sir
George Simpson, Overseas Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company; A Pen
Picture of a Man of Action (Toronto: J.M. Dent, 1944), Ch. 9.
4 Margaret A. MacLeod, Lower Fort Garry
(Winnipeg: Privately printed, 1957), p. 6.
5 R. Harvey Fleming and E.E. Rich, eds., Minutes
of Council, Northern Department of Rupert Land, 1821-1831 (London:
Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1940), p. 444.
6 HBCA, Governor George Simpson Correspondence Books
Outward (General) (hereafter cited as Simpson Outward), Simpson to
Christie, 10 July 1837, D.4/23.
7 HBCA, London Inward, Simpson's Dispatch, 18 July
1831, A.12/1.
8 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Bishop of
Juliopolis, 16 March 1835, D.4/21.
9 Margaret A. MacLeod, "The City That Never Was,"
The Beaver, Outfit 281 (September 1950), p. 12.
10 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Cary, 28
February 1838, D.4/23.
11 Margaret A. MacLeod, "The City That Never Was,"
The Beaver, Outfit 281 (September 1950), p. 15.
12 James Hargrave, The Hargrave Correspondence,
1821-1843 (Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1938), pp. 159-60, John
Charles to James Hargrave, December 1834. "Premier" refers to Simpson
and "Governor" to Governor Christie of Assiniboia. This suggests that
Christie played some kind of supervisory role in the construction of
Upper Fort Garry, perhaps helping to design it. Folk tradition ascribes
the design of Lower Fort Garry to Christie as well, but whether this is
indeed so remains to be proven.
13 Margaret A. MacLeod, "The City That Never Was,"
The Beaver, Outfit 281 (September 1950), p. 15.
14 Ibid.
An Explorer and a Recorder
1 Alexander Simpson, Life and Travels of Thomas
Simpson, the Arctic Discoverer (London: Bentley, 1845), p. 257;
George Pendleton, "HBC Explorers: Thomas Simpson, Explorer of the
Western Arctic Coast," The Beaver, Outfit 259 (December 1928),
pp. 107-9; Douglas MacKay and W. Kaye Lamb, "More Light on Thomas
Simpson," The Beaver, Outfit 269 (September 1938), pp. 26-31;
Thomas Simpson, Narrative of the Discoveries on the North Coast of
America (London: Bentley, 1843).
2 W. Stewart Wallace, ed., The Macmillan
Dictionary of Canadian Biography (Toronto: Macmillan, 1963).
3 George Bryce, The Remarkable History of the
Hudson's Bay Company (Toronto: Briggs, 1900), p. 437.
The Queen's Men in Rupert's Land
1 HBCA, London Inward, Simpson's Dispatch, 18 June
1846, A.12/3.
2 E. E. Rich, The History of the Hudson's Bay
Company, 1670-1870 (London: Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1958),
Vol. 2, p. 542.
3 HBCA, London Inward, Simpson's Dispatch, 23 July
1846, A.12/3.
4 This account of the occupation of Lower Fort Garry
is from "Copy of the Diary of the Late Colonel J.F. Crofton, Commander
of the First Red River Expedition, 1846-1847, forwarded to the Winnipeg
Public Library by his son, Mr. H.T. Crofton of Oldfield, England,
1901." (Typescript.)
5 W.E. Ingersoll, "Redcoats at Fort Garry," The
Beaver, Outfit 276 (December 1945), p. 17.
6 Eden Colvile, London Correspondence Inward from
Eden Colvile, 1849-1852 (London: Hudson's Bay Record Society,
1956), pp. lxxiv-lxxv. This introduction by W.L. Morton is by far the
best social and political history of Red River in the 1840s and early
1850s. It has been used extensively as a reference.
7 Ibid.
The Gentle Occupation
1 Ibid., pp. xciv-xcvi.
2 Ibid., p. cii.
3 Ibid., p. c.
4 Ibid., p. cvii.
5 John Rae, John Rae's Correspondence with the
Hudson's Bay Company on Arctic Exploration, 1844-1855 (London:
Hudson's Bay Company, 1953), p. 220.
6 David Anderson, Notes of the Flood at Red River,
1852 (London: Hatchard's, n.d.), p. 220.
The Fort and the Transportation Revolution
1 W.L. Morton, Manitoba: A History (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1957), p. 84.
2 Robert M. Ballantyne, Hudson Bay; or Everyday
Life in the Wilds of North America During Six Years Residence in the
Territories of the Hon. Hudson Bay Company (London: Thomas Nelson,
1916), pp. 98-100; Harold A. Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada, an
Introduction to Canadian Economic History (Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1956), p. 291.
3 Robert M. Ballantyne, op. cit., p. 153,
4 Canada, Public Archives (hereafter cited as PAC),
MG19, A25, Robert Campbell, From the Highlands to Fort Garry, p.
5 Robert M. Ballantyne, op. cit., p. 153.
6 HBCA, Lower Fort Garry, Post Journals (hereafter
cited as Journal), for example, Tuesday, 7 September 1869,
7 Ibid., 26 July 1862, The date at which this route
was opened remains unknown to the author.
8 Paul Kane, Wanderings of an Artist Among the
Indians of North America (London: Longman, Brown, Green, 1859), p.
9 Harold A. Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956), p. 293.
10 Alvin C. Gluek, Jr., "The Minnesota Route," The
Beaver, Outfit 286 (Spring 1956), pp. 44-5.
11 Alvin C. Gluek, Jr., "The Fading Glory," The
Beaver, Outfit 288 (Winter 1957), p. 51.
12 Ibid., p. 52.
13 Harold A, Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956), p. 294.
14 Alvin C. Gluek, Jr., "The Minnesota Route," The
Beaver, Outfit 286 (Spring 1956), p. 45.
15 Alvin C, Gluek, Jr., "The Fading Glory," The
Beaver, Outfit 288 (Winter 1957), p. 52.
16 Harold A. Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956), p. 341.
17 Sir James Carnegie, Earl of Southesk,
Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains (Edinburgh: Edmonston and
Douglas, 1875), p. 34.
18 Alvin C. Gluek, Jr., "The Fading Glory,"
The Beaver, Outfit 288 (Winter 1957), pp. 53.
19 lbid., p. 53; but Robert Campbell's Journal (p.
175) contradicts this.
20 Ibid.
21 HBCA, Journal, 26 August 1869, 24 June 1872, 13
July 1872, 26 September 1873.
22 Ibid., 29 August 1871.
23 Alvin C. Gluek, Jr., "The Fading Glory," The
Beaver, Outfit 288 (Winter 1957), pp. 54-5.
24 Henry M. Robinson, The Great Fur Land
(London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle, 1879), pp. 78-9.
25 Donald Gunn and Charles R. Tuttle, History of
Manitoba from the Earliest Settlement to 1835 (Ottawa: MacLean
Roger, 1880), pp. 269-70.
Traders, Shippers, Builders and Farmers
1 Henry M. Robinson, op. cit., pp. 74-7.
2 Manitoba. Public Archives, Samuel Taylor's Journal,
3 Ibid., p. 25.
4 HBCA, Journal.
5 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Cary, London, 28
February 1838, D.4/23.
6 Roderick Campbell, "Reminiscences of H.B.C.
Pioneers: Alexander Lillie," The Beaver, Vol. 4, No. 1 (October
1923), pp. 16-7.
7 Roderick Campbell, The Father of St. Kilda
(London: Russell, 1901), pp. 112-3.
8 Manitoba. Public Archives, "Survey of Jan. 1, 1875
by A.H. Vaughan, Deputy Surveyor." (Photostat of map.)
9 Photo of garden in National Historic Sites Service
10 HBCA, Journal, 7 April 1869, 26 April 1869.
11 Ibid., 26 April 1869, 19 November 1871.
12 Ibid., 19 October 1869, 4 April 1870.
13 Manitoba. Public Archives, Samuel Taylor's
Journal, September 1863.
14 Ibid., November 1865, p. 25.
15 HBCA, London Inward, Simpson to Governor and
Committee, 23 July 1846, A.12/3.
16 HBCA, Journal, 14 November 1870.
17 Ibid., 18 April 1871; see also Manitoba,
Public Archives, Archibald Papers, Spence, Collector of Customs, to Lt.
Gov. Archibald, 9 March 1871.
18 Henry M, Robinson, op. cit., pp. 80-1. "Whale
boats" refers to York boats.
A Role Against Riel
1 The present account follows those of G.F.G. Stanley
in his Louis Riel (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1963) and The Birth
of Western Canada (London: Longmans, Green, 1936).
2 HBCA, Journal, 28 October 1869.
3 Ibid., 3 November 1869.
4 Alexander Begg, Red River Journal and Other
Papers Relative to the Red River Resistance of 1869-70 (Toronto: The
Champlain Society, 1956), pp. 188-9.
5 HBCA, Journal, 28 November 1869.
6 Ibid., 27 November 1869.
7 Ibid., 29 November 1869.
8 Ibid., 1 December 1869.
9 Ibid., 2 December 1869.
10 Ibid., 4 December 1869.
11 Ibid., 6 December 1869.
12 Ibid., 10 December 1869.
13 G.F.G. Stanley, Louis Riel (Toronto:
Ryerson Press, 1963), p. 155,
14 HBCA, Journal, 11 December 1869.
15 Ibid., 13 December 1869.
16 Ibid., 16 December 1869.
17 Ibid., 17 December 1869.
18 G.F.G. Stanley, op. cit., p. 90; HBCA, Journal, 18
January 1870.
19 Ibid., 24 January 1870.
20 Alexander Begg, op. cit., pp. 318-9.
21 HBCA, Journal, 21 February 1870.
22 Alexander Begg, op. cit., p. 320.
23 HBCA, Journal, 22 February 1870.
24 Robert Watson, Lower Fort Garry, a History of
the Stone Fort (Winnipeg: Hudson's Bay Company, 1928), p. 36.
Inkster was certainly wrong in another recollection here recorded that
"Donald A, Smith never spent a night at this time away from the Upper
Fort." In telling this tale Watson admits, "Close investigation hardly
bears this out."
25 Ibid., p. 35.
26 G.F.G. Stanley, Louis Riel (Toronto:
Ryerson Press, 1963), p. 109.
27 Alexander Begg, The Creation of Manitoba
(Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1871), p. 295.
28 HBCA, Journal, 24 March 1870.
29 Ibid., 21 July 1870, 23 July 1870.
30 Ibid., 26 July 1870.
31 Ibid., 23 August 1870.
32 G.F.G. Stanley, Louis Riel (Toronto:
Ryerson Press, 1963), p. 155.
33 HBCA, Journal, 24 August 1870.
34 Ibid., 26 August 1870; 28 August 1870; 30 August
1870; 31 August 1870.
35 Ibid., 6 September 1870.
36 Ibid., 19 September 1870.
37 Ibid., numerous references between 14 September
and 4 November 1870.
38 Ibid., 15 January 1871.
39 Ibid., 27 January 1871.
40 Ibid., 18 April 1871.
41 Ibid., 7 June 1871.
42 Ibid., 4 October 1871.
43 See correspondence between Archibald and
Joseph Howe in PAC, MG24, B29, Joseph Howe Papers, Correspondence, Vols.
6-10, 30.
44 HBCA, Journal, 6 October to 10 October 1871.
45 Ibid., 19 October 1871 to 20 November 1871.
46 Ibid., 28 November 1871.
47 Donald Gunn and Charles R. Tuttle, op. cit., pp.
Government Activities at the Fort
1 HBCA, Journal, 22 May 1871.
2 Robert Watson, op. cit., pp. 43-4, 53.
3 G.F.G. Stanley, The Birth of Western Canada
(London: Longmans, Green, 1936), p. 208, quoting Archibald to Howe, 19
July 1871.
4 Robert Watson, op. cit., p. 45, quoting Wemyss
5 HBCA, Journal, 24 July 1871,
6 Manitoba, Public Archives, Archibald Papers, Items
395, 402; Robert Watson, op. cit., p. 46, quoting Wemyss Simpson.
7 Watson map. Traditionally ascribed site.
8 HBCA, Journal, 25 July 1871.
9 Ibid., 27 July 1871.
10 G.F.G. Stanley, The Birth of Western Canada
(London: Longmans, Green, 1936), pp. 208-9.
11 HBCA, Journal, 27 July 1871.
12 Ibid., 28 July 1871 to 2 August 1871.
13 Ibid., 2 August 1871.
14 Robert Watson, op. cit., pp. 46-7, quotes Wemyss
Simpson on treaty terms.
15 G.F.G. Stanley, The Birth of Western Canada
(London: Longmans, Green, 1936), p. 431. For treaty and verbal
agreement, see Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1891), Vol. 1, pp. 282-5, with map of
surrender territory.
The Mounties Learn to Ride
1 PAC, RG18, B3, Vol. 1, Osborne Smith's Letter Book
as Acting Commissioner of N.W.M.P. The book runs from 17 October to 13
December 1873. It seems unlikely that he began his duties at such a late
2 Ibid., p. 8.
3 Ibid., p. 54.
4 PAC, RG18, A1, Item 70-74, Colonel French's Report
on Condition of N.W.M.P., Lower Fort Garry, 7 January 1874.
5 Ibid., Vol. 2, Item 79-74, Account Statement, "The
Dominion Government to A. MacArthur et Co., For building and alterations
and repairs at Lower Fort Garry for Mounted Police."
6 Ibid., 81, N.W.M.P. Papers, Osborne Smith's Letter
Book, pp. 72, 84, 88.
7 Ibid., pp. 34, 42-4.
8 Ibid., pp. 42-4; French, "Report."
9 Ibid., French, "Report."
10 Ibid., Smith's Letter Book, p. 7.
11 Ibid., French, "Report."
12 Samuel 8. Steele, Forty Years in Canada
(Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild, Stewart, 1918), p. 63.
13 PAC, RG18, 81, Smith's Letter Book, p. 11.
14 HBCA, Journal, 26 October 1873.
15 PAC, RG18, 81, Smith's Letter Book, p. 42.
16 Ibid., French, "Report."
17 Ibid., Smith's Letter Book, pp. 38-9.
18 Samuel B. Steele, op. cit., p. 60.
19 Thomas M. Longstreth, The Silent Force (New
York: Century, 1927), pp. 9-10.
20 PAC, RG18, 81, French, "Report."
21 Ibid.
22 Samuel B. Steele, op. cit., pp. 60-1.
23 John P. Turner, The North West Mounted Police,
1873-1893 (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1950), p. 99.
24 Samuel B. Steele, op. cit., p. 62.
25 John P. Turner, op. cit., p. 99.
26 Ibid., pp. 102-3.
27 Samuel B. Steele, op. cit., p. 63. At this time
the police were wearing an irregular uniform consisting of "scarlet
serge frocks with dark blue collars and cuffs and Canada Militia buttons
the uniform of the Toronto Military School." John P. Turner, op.
cit., p. 119.
Countess of Dufferin and Descendants
1 W.T. Easterbrook and Hugh G.J. Aitken, Canadian
Economic History (Toronto: Macmillan, 1956), p. 426.
2 John M. Gibbon, Steel of Empire (New York:
Bobbs-Merrill, 1935), p. 178.
3 Ibid., pp. 176-8.
4 Ibid., pp. 191-2.
5 W.T. Easterbrook and Hugh G.T. Aitken, op. cit., p.
6 John M. Gibbon, op. cit., p. 182.
7 Donald G. Creighton, John A. Macdonald
(Toronto: Macmillan, 1955), Vol. 2, p. 287.
8 W.T. Easterbrook and Hugh G.T. Aitken, op. cit., p.
9 Harold A. Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956), p. 343.
10 Ibid., p. 344
11 Ibid.
12 Winnipeg Evening Tribune, Magazine
Section, 16 May 1931.
A Half Century of Gracious Living
1 Canada, Order in Council, P.C. 255, 17 January 1951.