Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
A Brief History of Lower Fort Garry
by Dale Miquelon
Government Activities at the Fort
The garrisoning of troops was only the first of many
uses to be made of Lower Fort Garry by the Canadian government. On 22
May 1871, a group of officials appeared at the fort to inspect the stone
store with a view to using it as a penitentiary until a more suitable
structure could be erected for the purpose.1 The penitentiary
was established in the fort sometime after the Quebec Rifles left in
June, 1871, and remained there until 1877. Its presence necessitated
certain building modifications. A wooden stockade was placed around the
prisoners yard, both inside and beyond the fort walls. The gate that now
serves the public on the northeast side was probably built at this time.
The colombage structure by the northwest gate later came to be
used as a women's asylum.2
An event of notable importance occurred at the Stone
Fort in August, 1871, when Indian Commissioner Wemyss Simpson and
Lieutenant-Governor Archibald negotiated the young Dominion's first
Indian treaty. The treaty with the Chippewa and Swampy Cree was an
essential prerequisite to more extensive settlement of the West.
Archibald had reported to Joseph Howe, Secretary of State for Provinces,
that the Indians had interfered with emigrants, warning them not to come
on the ground outside the Hudson's Bay Company surveys."3
They were "very much excited on the subject of their lands," Simpson
recorded.4 Lower Fort Garry was chosen as the site for the
negotiations as being that place nearest the Indian settlement affording
pleasant accommodation.
On Monday, 24 July, Flett recorded in the journal
that the Queen's representatives, "Governor Archibald and his family
with the Indian Commissioner W. Simpson Esquire, Provincial Secretary
Howard and several other gentlemen arrived here this evening preparatory
to the negotiations that have been appointed to take place with the
Indian tribes of this province tomorrow."5 Thirty-five troops
were brought down to invest the proceedings with a martial air and
fifteen of these remained until the negotiations were
concluded.6 The meetings were held outside the fort near the
north bastion in an area now traversed by the main highway.7
On Tuesday, "The Indians collected here were about six hundred but owing
to a great number not being yet present the negotiations after some
parley was put off till the twenty-seventh."8 On Thursday,
"The Governor and Commissioner had a parley with the
Indians."9 Archibald opened the negotiations with a fine
speech. "Your Great Mother, the Queen," he began, "wishes to do justice
to all her children alike. She will deal fairly with those of the
setting sun, just as with those of the rising sun."10
According to Flett, "nothing was done further than talking. They are all
to assemble again tomorrow at 10 o'clock."11 On Friday,
negotiations continued until interrupted by rain at two o'clock.
Meetings, continued on Saturday and Monday, but on Tuesday were
suspended while Archibald was absent. On Wednesday, negotiations reached
a temporary impasse.12 "Governor Archibald came down last
evening," wrote Flett, "and he with the commissioner and their
assistants held meetings twice with the Indians today but without any
favourable result as nothing was settled."13 The following
day, 3 August 1871, terms were agreed upon and the treaty was
In addition to agreements on money payments and the
extent of land grants, however, certain verbal promises were made, and
these were not completely fulfilled. Resulting Indian dissatisfaction
was only accentuated by the more generous terms given other tribes in
later treaties. Thus in 1875, the annuities were increased from three
dollars per person to five, and chiefs were given twenty-five dollars
and a suit of clothing every three years.15 This example of
Canadian niggardliness was only a portent. The Dominion's relationship
with western Indians begun so auspiciously amid feathers and resplendent
uniforms under the creamy walls of Lower Fort Garry deteriorated soon
enough in the depression wrought tragedies of the 1880s.