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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 21

The First Contingent:
The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-74

by Philip Goldring

References Cited

Acadian Recorder (Halifax)

Begg, A. and W. Nursey
Ten Years in Winnipeg. Times Printing and Publishing House, Winnipeg, 1879.

British Colonist (Halifax)

Bull, W.P.
From Brock and Currie: The Military Development of Canadians in General and of the Men of Feel in Particular, 1791-1930. J. McLeod, Toronto, 1931.

Butler, William Francis
The Great Lone Land: A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North West of America. Sampson, Low, Marston, Low and Searle, London, 1872.

Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc.
An Act Respecting the Administration of Justice, and for the Establishment of a Police Force in the North-West Territories. 36 Victoria, cap. 35. [Ottawa], 1873.

Canada. National Library.
Scrapbook Debates, 1872-73

Canada. Public Archives.
MG26, A1, Papers of Sir John A. Macdonald

MG27, C8, Papers of Alexander Morris

RG2, Privy Council Office, 1, Orders in Council; 2, Records of the Privy Council

RG7, G6, Governor General's Office, Dispatches from the British Minister at Washington

RG9, II, Militia and Defence Papers, B1, Adjutant-General's Correspondence

RG13, Acc. No. 68/263, Dominion Police Files, 1873

RG18, RCMP Papers, A1, Comptroller's Office; B3, Commissioner's Records; B4, Commissioner's Office

Chambers, E.J.
The Canadian Militia and Public Works Department: A History of the Origin and Development of the Force. Mortimer Press, Ottawa, 1907.

Daily Herald (Helena)

Fullerton, J.T
"Toronto to Fort Garry," Scarlet and Gold, 17th ed., Vol. 3 (July 1935), pp. 17-18. Vancouver.

Goldring, Philip
"The Cypress Hills Massacre — A Century's Retrospect." Saskatchewan History, Vol. 26, No.3 (Autumn 1973), pp. 81-102. Saskatoon.

The Manitoba Penitentiary and Asylum, 1871-1886, Manuscript Report Series No. 28. Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1970.

Horrall, S.W.
"Sir John A. Macdonald and the Mounted Police Force for the Northwest Territories." Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 53, No. 2 (June 1972). pp. 179-200. Toronto.

Mail (Toronto)

Manitoban (Winnipeg)

Manitoba. Provincial Archives.
Morris Papers

Manitoba. Provincial Archives. Hudson's Bay Company Archives.
B303/a/1, Lower Fort Garry Journal

McKernan, James
"Expeditions Made in 1873." Scarlet and Gold, Second annual, pp. 84-6. 1920. Vancouver.

Montreal Gazette

Montreal Witness

Morris, Edmund
"Lieut-Col. Irvine and the North-West Mounted Police." The Canadian Magazine (Oct. 1911), pp. 493-503.

Morton, W.L.
Manitoba: The Birth of a Province. Manitoba Record Society, Winnipeg, 1965.

Ottawa Daily Citizen

Quebec Daily Mercury

Sharp, Paul F.
Whoop-up Country. Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. 1955.

Steele, Samuel Benfield
Forty Years in Canada," Reminiscences of the Great North-West, with Some Account of his Services in South Africa . . . . Ed. Mollie Glenn Niblett. H. Jenkins, London, 1915.

Turner, John Peter
The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1893 . . . . King's Printer, Ottawa, 1950. 2 vols.

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