Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 21

Cover: Views of the premises of the Dawson Daily News in 1973. Last used in 1954,
the press (front cover) and the type drawers (back cover, right
column) now stand in forlorn dereliction.
(Photos by E. Wylie.)
The First Contingent: The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-74
by Philip Goldring
Whisky, Horses and Death: The Cypress Hills Massacre and its Sequel
by Philip Goldring
The Dawson Daily News: Journalism in the Klondike
by Edward F. Bush
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 21
©Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1979.
A PDF version of this book is also available: Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 21.
En français ce numéro s'intitule Lieux historiques canadiens: Cathiers d' archéologie et d'histoire, n° 21.
Prepared by the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch and published under the authority of the
Hon. J. Hugh Faulkner
Minister responsible for Parks Canada
Ottawa 1979
Editor: Jean Brathwaite
Design Management: Eric Plummer
Design: Eiko Emori
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers
in Archaeology and History will be published as papers become available.
Manuscripts may be sub mitted to Chief, Research Division, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Indian and Northern
Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0H4.
Articles appearing in this series are
abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and/or America:
History and Life
En français ce numéro s'intitule Lieux
historiques canadiens: Cathiers d' archéologie et d'histoire, n°
21 (n° de catalogue R61-2/1-21F).
Catalogue No.: R61-2/1-21
ISBN: 0-660-00567-0
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No.: 70-103875