Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 21
The First Contingent:
The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-74
by Philip Goldring
The North-West Mounted Police force was created in 1873 to provide a
buffer between the native population of the plains and the incoming
settlers from Ontario and elsewhere. Its earliest efforts were to be
directed against American-based whisky traders, whose operations in
Canada's remote unsettled lands were threatening the welfare of the
natives and mocking the Dominion's sovereignty over lands it could not
police. The first administrative headquarters of the North-West Mounted
Police was Lower Fort Garry, a Hudson's Bay Company post of declining
commercial importance in Manitoba. There the first contingent of 150 men
received basic training and the weaknesses caused by hasty recruitment
of inexperienced men were ironed out over the winter of 1873-74. At
Lower Fort Garry plans were made to outfit the force for its long march
to the foothills of the Rockies. In June 1874 the first contingent moved
south to join at Fort Dufferin, Manitoba, the second contingent, which
had been trained in Toronto.
This work has profitted from the help and advice of the staffs of the
Public Records Division, Public Archives of Canada, and of the
Provincial Archives of Manitoba. Grateful acknowledgement is made to the
Hudson's Bay Company for permission to quote from documents in their
archives. Mr. S.W. Horrall, official historian of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, gave valuable assistance at several stages of the
project of which this report forms a part. Responsibility of
interpretations and for possible shortcomings remains, as usual, with
the author.
Submitted for publication 1972, by Philip Goldring, National Historic
Parks and Site Branch, Ottawa.
Originally published in
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 21
©Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1979