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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 18

A Campaign of Amateurs: The Siege of Louisbourg, 1745

by Raymond F Baker

Appendix D. Terms for the Surrender of Louisbourg, June 27, 1745.


Camp before Louisbourg, June 16, 1745 [O.S.]


We have before us yours of this date together with the several articles of capitulation on which you have proposed to surrender the town & fortifications of Louisbourg with the territories adjacent under your government to his Brittanic Majesty's obedience to be delivered up to his said Majesty's Forces now be sieging said place under our command which articles we can by no means concede to but as we are desirous to treat you in a generous manner, we again make you an offer of the terms of surrender proposed by us in our summons sent you 7th May last, and do further consent to allow and promise you the following articles, viz.:

First that if your own vessels shall be found insufficient for the transportation of your persons and proposed Effects to France, we will provide such a further number of vessels as may be sufficient for that purpose, also any provisions for the voyage that you cannot furnish yourselves with

Secondly that all the commissioned officers belonging to the garrison and the inhabitants of the town may remain in their houses with their families and enjoy the free exercise of their religion and no person shall be suffered to misuse or molest any of them till such time as they can be conveniently transported to France

Thirdly that the non-commissioned officers and soldiers shall immediately upon the surrender of the town and fortresses be sent on board some of his Britanic Majestys ships till they can also be transported to France

Fourthly That all your sick & wounded shall be taken tender care of in the same manner with our own

Fifth That the commander in chief now in the garrison shall have liberty to send off two covered wagons to be inspected only by one officers of our that no warlike stores may be contained therein.

Sixth That if there are any persons in the town or garrison which you shall desire may not be seen by us, they shall be permitted to go off masked.

The above we do consent to & promise upon your compliance with the following conditions, viz —

First That if said surrender & due performance of every part of aforesaid premises be made & completed as soon as possible

Second That as a security for the punctual performance of the same the Island Battery or one of the Batteries of the town shall be delivered with all the artillery & warlike stores thereunto belonging into the possession of his Britanic Majestys troops at six o'clock this afternoon.

Third that his Britanic Majestys ships of war now lying before the port shall be permitted to enter the harbour of Louisbourg without any molestation as soon after six o'clock this afternoon as the commander in chief of the ships shall think fit.

Fourth That none of the officers, soldiers nor inhabitants in Louisbourg who are subjects of the French king shall take up arms against his Britanic Majesty nor any of his allies until after the expiration of the full term of 12 months from this time.

Fifth That all subjects of his Britanic Majesty who are now prisoner with you shall be immediately delivered up to us; in case of your non-compliance with these conditions, we decline any further treaty with you on the affairs & shall decide the matter by our arms.

     W. Pepperrell
     P. Warren

Mons Du Chambon


Camp before Louisbourg, June 16, 1745 [O.S.]


I have yours by an hostage signifying your consent to the surrender of the town & fortresses of Louisbourg & territories adjacent, &c. on the terms this day proposed to you by Commodore Warren & myself excepting only that you desire that your troops may march out of the garrison with their arms and colours — to be them delivered into our custody till said troops arrival in France at which time to have them returned to them which I consent to & send you an hostage for the performance of what we have promised & have sent to Commodore Warren that if he consents to it also he should send a detachment on shore to take possession of the Island Battery

     Wm Pepperrell1

Mons Du Chambon

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