Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 18
A Campaign of Amateurs: The Siege of Louisbourg, 1745
by Raymond F Baker
Appendix B. William Shirley to the Lords of the Admiralty: Scheme for
Attacking Louisbourg.
MEMO. In order for the attacking of Louisbourg this Spring by
surprize it is propos'd that 3000 Troops should Embark from hence in
Sloops & Schooners and proceed for Canso, well armed which should be
the place of Rendezvous it being within 20 Leagues of Louisbourg; and
its being uncertain that so many vessels should be able to keep Company
together when they are arrived at said Port, to take a favourable
opportunity to sail from thence in order to be at Gaberus Point by Dusk,
from whence it is but 3 Leagues from Louisbourg, then to push into the
Bay, and as soon as said vessels are at an anchor to man as many
whaleboats as they have & send them along the shore as near as
possible, which will make it the more difficult for them to be
discovered, & when they come to the cove which faces the low part of
the wall, there to land if the sea will permit and scale that place if
possible, & if otherwise as the Wall breaks off a little on the
other side of the East [Maurepas] gate, not far from that there are
picketts put for a considerable distance across a pond over to the Wall
on the Beach on the other side of the Pond, and as this Pond is frozen
all the month of March it is not very difficult to get over them: but
if the weather will not permit their landing in the above place, let
them proceed along the shore till they come to a long Range of Rocks
that goes towards the Island, at the End of which is a Passage where
the shallops go through, let them go in there and follow the Ledge of
Rocks right back again, then they will land right against the East gate
on a point [Rochefort Point], and as there are some Houses there, it
will hinder their being seen, but one Boat ought to go first &
surprise the People in those Houses a little time before the others come
up. Each whale boat must have two ladders in them of fifteen foot long
which may be put in the middle of the Boat without hindrance to the men;
but the Boatmen must lay still at this Point till they think the main
body is got near the Town, & that a party of as many men as shall be
judg'd proper shall be ready to attack the Grand Battery, its necessary
it should be low water if no Drift Ice aground along the Shore.
The remainder of the men are to go round the Picketts by the north
gate [Porte Frédéric], and when they get round with Ladders of
15 feet long, they can scale the Wall facing the Harbour which is a
Quarter of a mile round, and it will be absolutely necessary to appoint
a Time to strike the blow all at once, which can be done by agreeing
upon a certain hour just before Day, which is the Sleepiest Time, and
the Commanding officer of each Detachment to know the time, and when the
Time comes by his Watch to begin without further ceremony; The Enemy
finding themselves attacked at so many different places at once its
probable it will breed such confusion among them that our men will have
time to get in unmolested; & it is to be observ'd that as the men
march from the above point the low wall is on the left hand of the gate,
and the Picketts on the right hand; as all the enemy's troops are in the
citadel except a small guard or two it will be a considerable time
before the men are drest & got ready to march out, and even then it
is quite in the other end of the town.
This is what probably may succeed, but least any accident should
happen to prevent it, it will be necessary to provide accordingly &
in case our People should be discover'd & Repuls'd the above number
of men being sufficient to command the field, it will be necessary in
order to reduce the place to have what shipping can possibly be got to
cruise off the Harbour's Mouth in order to intercept their Provision
vessels which they Expect early being at this time very short of
Provisions, as likewise to take any transports with men if any should
come, and that our men may not be discourag'd at being repuls'd once, it
will be necessary to send 12 nine pounders & two small mortars with
shells, &c. and a Quantity of Provisions; so to bombard them &
endeavor to make Breaches in their Walls & then storm them: and
should the shipping be so lucky to take their Provisions and the land
forces take all their cattle & keep them constantly employed, it
will be impossible for them to hold the place till the last of July for
want of provisions.
In order the better to secure the Retreat in case a superiour naval
Force to ours should come from France & drive ours off the Coast, it
will be necessary to have two small vessels with about Two hundred men
at Canso, & the day after the Fleet is sail'd for Louisbourg for
them to sail so as to get in by night, and it being but six Leagues
from Canso to St. Peters they can get there before day & surprise
that place, which is an exceeding good harbour for small vessels, but
has not Water sufficient for vessels of that size which will be able to
drive ours off the Coast, so that the vessels for the Retreat will lay
there safe, and the Troops be able to go to them by Land; there will be
an advantage beside this in surprising this place as there is always a
number of Indians with their Families which keep with the French Priest
at a small Distance from the French Inhabitants, and the Booty taken
there will pay the Expense & more in taking it. It is to be observed
that during the time our Troops lay siege to the Town, it will be in
their power to send parties and destroy all their Fishery on the Island
as well as the north side of the Harbour which would ruin their Fishery
for four or five years; and as it is impossible to fail of taking the
Royal Battery at least, that would in a great measure lay open their
Harbour exposed unto an attack by Sea from England, as the new Batterys
in the Town in the greatest part of the Ambroziers, there are no guns
& there are two gates that are made in Diamond fashion facing the
Harbour that can be beat down in an instant the pieces not being but two
Inches and an half thick.
N.B. The full complement of the Troops is 700 out of which deductions
must be made of 50 for each of the two Batteries, viz. the Royal &
Island Batteries, and 50 for Death, sickness &c. which reduce them
to 550, and the other fighting men in the town do not exceed 300, and
that the Swiss Troops which are their best Troops are exceeding
Discontented and mutinous; also that at St. Peters there may be about
200 men in scatter'd houses, and in the suburbs of the Town of
Louisbourg without the Walls about 200. it is improbable that more than
two 30 or 40 Gun ships should come with Mr. Duvivier who may be expected
the first with Recruits and supplies, and in case the naval Force, that
our 3000 men would command the Field, and continue so till they could be
protected and Reinforc'd from England.
Endorsed: Governour Shirley's letter and scheme dated 29th
January 1744 [Q.S.]1