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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 18

The Construction and Occupation of the Barracks of the King's Bastion at Louisbourg

by Blaine Adams





Chronology of Construction


Life in the Barracks

     North Half of Barracks
     North wing (pavillion droit)
     Soldiers' Barracks
     Soldier's Furnishings
     Soldier's Daily Life
     Soldier's Mutiny
     Guardrooms and Guard Duties
     South Half of Barracks
     Chaplain's Room
     Officer's Quarters
     Governor's Wing
     The Governor's Wing During Saint-Ovide's Occupancy
     The Governor's Wing During de Forant's Occupancy
     The Governor's Wing During Duquesnel's Occupancy
     Dressing Room
     Office (Serving room)
     Cook's Room and Linen Armoire
     Chief Steward's Room
     Garde-Manger (Pantry)
     Yard During Duquesnel's Occupancy

English Occupation: 1745-49

French Occupation: 1749-58

Appendix A. Yearly salaries and allowances in livres, sols and deniers of selected officials in Louisbourg for 1744.

Appendix B. "Etat de l'habillement, munitions de guerre et autre effets qui se sont trouvés dans les magasins du Roy le premier août 1724."

Appendix C. Duquesnel inventory and Sale.

Appendix D. "Ordonnance du Roy, Concernant les crimes & délits militaires, du premier julliet 1727."



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