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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 16

The Battle of the Restigouche

by Judith Beattle and Bernard Pothier



1 John Knox, An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America. ed. A. G. Doughty (Toronto: The Chaplain Society, 1916), Vol. 3, pp. 353-421.

Background to the Fleet's Departure for New France

1 François Gaston, duc de Lévis, Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, ed. H. R. Casgrain (Montreal: Beauchemin et fils, 1890), pp. 262-3.

2 Canada, Public Archives (hereafter cited as PAC), MG1, C11A, Vol. 104, Vaudreuil to minister, 9 Nov. 1759, p. 126.

3 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 104, Lévis to minister, 11 Nov. 1759, p. 123.

4 François Gaston, duc de Lévis, op. cit., pp. 263-5.

5 PAC, MG2, B1, Vol. 66, Projet des forces à employer contre les Anglais en 1760 et des mesures à prendre à ce sujet, 28 Nov. 1760, fol. 243.

6 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 105, Part 2, Le Mercier to minister, 7 Jan. 1760, pp. 488-96.

7 PAC, MG1, B, Vol. 110, president of Navy Board to Gradis, 10 Dec. 1759, pp. 380-3.

8 Cf. Berryer to Rostan, 2 May and 28 Nov. 1760 in Jean de Maupassant, Les deux expéditions de Pierre Desclaux (Bordeaux: Feret, 1915), p. 26.

The Voyage from Bordeaux to Canada

1 PAC, MG2, B4, Vol. 98, Journal de la Campagne du S. Giraudais Sur le Nre le Machault, by Giraudais, October 1760, p. 6.

2 PAC, MG1, B, Vol. 112, Part 1, president of Navy Board to Rostan, 9 May 1760, fol. 193.

3 PAC, MG1, B, Vol. 112, Part 1, Instructions sur la Campagne que le Sr de la Giraudais va faire en Canada, 15 Feb. 1760, fol. 104.

4 New York Mercury, 28 July 1760.

5 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 105, Part 2, Fiedmond to minister, 18 May 1760, p. 596.

6 PAC, MG12, WO34, Vol. 11, Campbell to Lawrence, 22 July 1760, p. 57.

7 New York Mercury, 1 Sept. 1760.

8 Ibid.

9 Boston Newsletter, 31 July 1760.

10 Annual Register for 1760 (London: J. Dodsley, 1781), pp. 134-7.

Chaleur Bay

1 PAC, MG1, B, Vol. 112, Part 1, Instructions sur la Campagne que le Sr de la Giraudais va faire en Canada, 15 Feb. 1760, fol. 104.

2 PAC, MG1, F3, Vol. 50, 14 Aug. 1758.

3 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 105, Part 1, Vaudreuil to minister, 17 Aug. 1760, pp. 307 ff.

4 George Macbeath, "The Struggle for Acadia," Collections of the New Brunswick Historical society, No. 15 (1915).

5 The post's establishment is usually dated at 1758 in secondary sources, but Pierre du Calvet states that only in May 1759 were the King's Magazines moved to Restigouche (The Case of Peter du Calvet [London: n.p., 1784], p. 3).

6 Antoine Bernard, Histoire de la survivance acadienne (Montreal: Les Clercs de Saint-Viateur [1936]), p. 28.

7 PAC, MG2, B4, Vol. 98, Relations depuis Notre depart de Royant jusqu'au Jour de Notre Combat avec les Anglais Le huit Juillet mil Sept cent Soixante, by D'Angeac, 5 Aug. 1760.

Reactions to the Fleet's Arrival

1 George McKinnon Wrong, The Fall of Canada (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974), p. 186.

2 Canada, Public Archives, Report for the Year 1905 (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1906). (hereafter cited as PACR), Vol. 1, p. 47.

3 Ibid., p. 48.

4 Comte de Malartic, Journal des Campagnes au Canada de 1755 à 1760 (Paris: E. Plon. Nourrit et cie, 1890), p. 335.

5 PACR, Vol. 1, pp. 46-7

6 PAC, MG2, B1, Vol. 30, Evénemens du Canada depuis Le Mois d'Octobre 1759 Jusqu'au mois de Septembre 1760, pp. 286-95.

7 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 87, Part 3, Vaudreuil to D'Angeac, 17 June 1760, pp. 368-83.

8 PAC, MG1, E, Carton 21, Bigot to minister, 20 June 1760, p. 4.

9 Comte de Malartic, op. cit., p. 335.

10 PAC, MG18, L1, Colville Memoirs, pp. 46-7; PAC, MG11, CO5, Vol. 58, Colville to Cleveland, 12 Sept. 1760, p. 593.

11 PACR, Vol. 1, p. 48.

12 PAC, MG11, CO5, Vol. 59, Hill to Whitmore, 14 June 1760, p. 29.

13 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760: Boston Newsletter, 17 July 1760, p. 41.

The Battle

1 PAC, MG12, Adm. 51/3830, A journal of the Proceedings of HMS Fame (hereafter cited as Fame journal).

2 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 394.

3 Fame journal.

4 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 363.

5 Annual Register for 1760 (London: J Dodsley, 1781), p. 136.

6 Fame journal.

7 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/482, Byron to Colville, 14 July 1760, p. 129.

8 Fame journal.

9 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760. Neither Giraudais nor D'Angeac mention this incident in their narratives.

10 Fame journal.

11 Ibid.

12 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

13 Ibid.

14 Ibid.

15 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 363.

16 Annual Register for 1760 (London: J. Dodsley, 1781), p. 136.

17 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 363.

18 Ibid.

19 The French battery was built en barbette, that is, with its guns firing over the parapet as opposed to firing through embrasures.

20 Fame journal. Giraudais's narrative implies 3 July, but from the other evidence, this is an error.

21 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

22 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/482, Byron to Colville, 14 July 1760, p. 129.

23 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

24 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1442, Allen to Admiralty, 2 Aug. 1760.

25 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

26 Ibid.

27 The only evidence for the date of the second boom is the requisitioning of an Acadian vessel on 6 July (PAC, RG4, A1, Vol. 1, 6 July 1760, p. 23).

28 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 370.

29 Ibid., p. 369.

30 Ibid.; Fame journal.

31 Giraudais deployed three as well on the port side "au cas que leurs Berges Ussent voulus venir pendant le Combat vous aborder de ce costé là" (John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 364).

32 Ibid.

33 Fame journal; PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1442, Allen to Admiralty, 2 Aug. 1760.

34 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

35 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 365.

36 Ibid., p. 370.

37 Ibid.

38 Fame journal.

39 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

40 John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, pp. 370-1.

41 Fame journal.

42 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

43 Ibid.; PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/482, Byron to Colville, 14 July 1760, p. 129; Fame journal.

44 Annual Register for 1760 (London: J. Dodsley, 1781), p. 136.

45 Ibid.

46 Ibid.

47 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

48 Ibid.; Fame journal; John Knox, op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 365.

49 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/1491, Byron to Admiralty, 11 July 1760.

50 See PAC, MG8, G26, Vols. 1 and 2, Sainte-Anne de Ristigouche, 1759-1795, Vol. 1, pp. 30-1, Vol. 2, pp. 28-30.

Sequels to the Battle

1 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 105, Part 2, Observations sur certaines mouvemens en Nouvelle France, 1760, pp. 471-86.

2 PAC, MG11, CO5, Vol. 59, Amherst to Pitt, 17 Sept. 1760, p. 125.

3 PAC, MG21, G2, Vol. 1, Amherst to Haldimand, 15 Sept. 1760, pp. 130-1.

4 PAC, MG11, CO5, Vol. 59, Part 2, Vaudreuil, 15 Sept. 1760, p. 43; PAC, MG12, WO34, Vol. 1, Murray to Amherst, 24 Sept. 1760, pp. 6-7.

5 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/2112, Colville to Macartney, 18 Sept. 1760.

6 PAC, MG12, Adm. 1/2112, Macartney to Admiralty, 11 Dec. 1760.

7 PAC, MG11, CO5, Vol. 61, Part 2, Elliot to Amherst, 24 Jan. 1761, p. 24.

8 PAC, MG1, C11A, Vol. 105, Part 2, Bazagier to minister for Colonies, 4 Dec. 1760, p. 420.

9 PAC, MG12, WO34, Vol. 1, Murray to Amherst, 22 Feb. 1761, p. 35.

10 PAC, MG12, WO34, Vol. 1, Grandmaison to Murray, 26 March 1761, p. 69.

11 Ibid., pp. 301-31.

12 Gamaliel Smethurst, "Gamaliel Smethurst's Narrative of his Journey from Nepisiguit to Fort Cumberland in 1761," ed. W.F. Ganong, Collection of the New Brunswick Historical Society, No. 6 (1905), pp. 358-90.

13 The Boston Newsletter, 10 Dec. 1761.

14 Quebec (Province) Archives, Rapport de l'archiviste de la province de Québec, Vol. 17 (Quebec: King's Printer, 1936-37), pp. 113-4.

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