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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 1

Archaeological Investigations of the National Historic Sites Service, 1962-1966

by John H. Rick



Excavation in Newfoundland
Signal Hill
Castle Graves

Excavations in Nova Scotia
Port Royal Habitation
Fort Anne
Halifax Citadel

Excavations in New Brunswick
Fort Beausejour
Fort La Tour
La Coupe Drydock
Fort Meductic
Fort Gaspereau
St. Andrews Blockhouse

Excavations in Prince Edward Island
Fort Amherst

Excavations in Quebec
The Old Jesuit House
Cartier's Wintering Place
Montreal City Walls
Villa de la Broquerie
Fort Lennox
Coteau du Lac

Excavations in Ontario
Fort St. Joseph
Fort Wellington
Fort Malden
Dollier and Galinée Wintering Place
Rainy River Burial Mounds

Excavations in Manitoba
Lower Fort Garry

Excavations in Saskatchewan
Sturgeon Fort

Excavations in Alberta
Rocky Mountain House II

Excavations in British Columbia

Underwater Archaeological Investigations
Richelieu River
Gulf of St. Lawrence
Lake Ontario
Georgian Bay

Other Work
Resistivity Survey
Archaeological Training Program



1 Map of eastern Canada showing locations of archaeological investigations, 1962 to 1966.
2 Map of western Canada showing locations of archaeological investigations, 1962 to 1966.
3 Lower Queen's Battery, Signal Hill, Newfoundland, 1965.
4 Shallow brick drain around No. 2 Powder Magazine, Fort Anne.
5 Plan of Fort Beausejour, 1778.
6 Men's Barracks, Fort Beausejour, after excavation, 1966.
7 North Compound, Fort La Tour.
8 Southeast gun platform, St. Andrews Blockhouse.
9 Base, semi-subterranean chamber, Fort Amherst, after excavation.
10 Structure 1, Cartier-Brebeuf Park.
11 Glacis, Fort Lennox, 1966 excavations.
12 Aerial view, Coteau du Lac.
13 Excavation of canal, Coteau du Lac.
14 Salvage excavations, Factor's Residence, Lower Fort Garry.
15 Trade goods, Sturgeon Fort.
16 Rocky Mountain House ruins, 1886.
17 Excavation of shell midden, Nootkan village of Yuquot.
18 Bateau from Georgian Bay, Fort St. Joseph.

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