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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 1

book cover

by J. A. MacDonald

Archaeological Investigations of the National Historic Sites Service, 1962-1966
by John H. Rick

A Classification System for Glass Beads for the Use of Field Archaeologists
by Kenneth E. and Martha Ann Kidd

The Roma Settlement at Burdenell Point, Prince Edward Island
by Margaret Coleman

Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 1
©Crown Copyrights reserved, 1970.

A PDF version of this book is also available: Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 1.

En français ce numéro s'intitule Lieux historiques canadiens: Cathiers d' archéologie et d'histoire, n° 1 (n° de catalogue R61-2-1-1).

©Crown Copyrights reserved
Catalog No.: R61-2-1-1
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No.: 70-103875
Reprinted 1974

Issued under the authority of the
Honourable Jean Chrétien, PC, MP
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Ottawa 1970

Produced by the Conservation Group.
Office of the Public Information Adviser
Darrell Eagles: Chief
Gottschalk+Ash Ltd.: Design

National Historic Sites Service
National and Historic Parks Branch
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Ottawa, 1970


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