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Documents Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur / Management Plan (Inuktitut) / Management Plan (Inuktitut syllabics) Draft (Parks Canada, 2021) Historical Documents
Background: Thaidene Nëné Proposed National Park Reserve / Contexte: Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, undated) Boundary Considerations: Thaidene Nëné Proposed National Park Reserve / Facteurs considérées pour les limites: Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, undated) Consultation and Engagement Report: Proposed Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve (Tait Communications and Consulting for Parks Canada, August 21, 2017) Ecological Values Summary: Thaidene Nëné Proposed National Park Reserve / Valeurs Écologiques: Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, undated) Establishment of the Territorial Protected Area of Thaidene Nëné under the proposed Protected Areas Act / Création de l'aire protégée territoriale de Thaidene Nëné prévue par le projet de loi sur les aires protégées (Government of Northwest Territories, 2019) Establishment of the Territorial Protected Area of Thaidene Nëné under the proposed Protected Areas Act (Government of Northwest Territories, September 2020) Fact Sheet (Government of Northwest Territories, 2019) Frequently Asked Questions: Thaidene Nëné Proposed National Park Reserve / Foire aux questions: Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, undated) Information for floatplane owners and pilots, Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve (Parks Canada, 2020) Information for Sailors and Boaters, Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve (Parks Canada, 2020) Landscape Values Summary: Thaidene Nëné Proposed National Park Reserve / Résumé: Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, undated) Map: Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve Boundary (Spatial Support Systems for Nature United, August 8, 2019) Map: Proposed Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve Boundary for Consultation / Carte: Limite proposée consultation du project de réserve de parc national Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, July 2015) Mineral and energy resource assessment of the proposed Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve in the area of the East Arm of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories (Maps: Bedrock Geology, Surficial Geology) (D.F. Wright, E.J. Ambrose, D. Lemkow and G.F. Bonham-Carter, Department of Natural Resources Canada, 2013, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, all rights reserved) Migratory tundra caribou seasonal and annual distribution relative to Thaidene Nene, a national park reserve proposal in the East Arm of Great Slave Lake and Artillery Lake area, Northwest Territories / R&eaute;partition saisonnière et annuelle du caribou migrateur de la toundra par rapport à Thaidene Nene, un projet de réserve de parc national dans la région du bras Est du Grand lac des Esclaves et du lac Artillery, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest (Anne Gunn, Kim G. Poole and J. Wierzchowski, Parks Canada, January 2011) Overview: Thaidene Nëné Proposed National Park Reserve / Aperçu: Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné (Parks Canada, undated) Parks Canada and Lutsël K'e Dene First Nation Negotiations / Négociations entre Parcs Canada et la Première Nation des Dénés de Lutsël K'e (Parks Canada, undated) Parks Canada Preliminary Screening under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) (Parks Canada, July 5, 2019) Parks Canada Preliminary Screening under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Parks Canada, March 30, 2021) Preliminary Area of Interest for a National Park in the East Arm of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories: Executive Summary / Zone d'intérêt préliminaire en vue de la création d'un parc national dans la région du bras Est du Grand lac des Esclaves, Territoires du Nort-Ouest (Claude Mondor, Parks Canada, March 2006) Proposed Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve MERA study / Projet de Réserve de Parc National Thaidene Nëné L'étude ERME (Department of Natural Resources Canada, 2013, ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, all rights reserved) Public Consultation: Proposed Thaidene Nënè National Park Reserve (Parks Canada, December 2015) | |||||
thaidene/index.htm Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025 |