Park News: The Journal of the National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada
Borealis: The Magazine of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
1988 |

Vol 1 No 1 Fall 1988 |
1989 |
1990 |

Vol 2 No 2 Fall 1990 |
1991 |

Vol 2 No 3 Spring 1991 |
1992 |

Vol 3 No 2 Spring 1992 |
1993 |

Vol 4 No 1 Summer 1993 |

Vol 4 No 3 Fall 1993 |
The Rise and Fall of Wood Buffalo National Park (Ed Struzik, excerpt from Borealis: The Magazine of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Vol. 3 No. 2 Issue 10, Spring 1992, ©CPAWS)
National Park Dreams Special Report: Completing the National Parks System (Max Finklestein, excerpt from Borealis: The Magazine of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Vol. 3 No. 2 Issue 10, Spring 1992, ©CPAWS)
Overcoming Decades of Indifference: The Painful Process of Preserving Wildlerness (Kevin McNamee, excerpt from Borealis: The Magazine of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Vol. 3 No. 2 Issue 10, Spring 1992, ©CPAWS)
©1988-1994, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society |
Wilderness Activist: CPAWS National Newsletter
Canadian Wilderness: A Publication of CPAWS
Toute Nature: Une publications de la SNAP
National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada Publications

Kluane National Park A perspective from the National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada John B. Theberge, 1973. |

Man's Impact on Point Pelee National Park J.G. Battin and J.G. Nelson, 1978. |

The Park Buffalo Being an Account of the Role of Canada's National Parks in the Preservation of the North American Bison Shelagh C. Ogilvie, 1979. |

The Land Speaks Organizing and Running an Interpretation System Yorke Edwards, 1979. |

Snow War An illustrated history of Roger's Pass, Glacier National Park, B.C. John G. Woods, 1983, 2nd ed. 1985. |

National Parks and New Initiatives in British Columbia Shelagh Stiven and Bruce Downie, 1985. |

Marine Parks and Conservation: Challenge and Promise Volume 1 John Lien and Robert Graham, eds., 1985. |

Marine Parks and Conservation: Challenge and Promise Volume 2 John Lien and Robert Graham, eds., 1985. |
©1973-1985, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society |
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Publications

Northern Protected Areas and Wilderness Proceedings of a Forum On Northern Protected Areas and Wilderness, Whitehorse, Yukon, November 1993 Juri Peepre and Bob Jickling, eds., 1994.

Southern Gulf Islands Marine Protected Areas Workshop Proceedings Saltspring Island, British Columbia, November 28-29, 1997 Keith Symington and Sabine Jessen, eds., c1998.

Northern Bruce Peninsula Ecosystem Community Atlas 2005

Gulf Islands Ecosystem Community Atlas 2005

Riding Mountain Ecosystem Community Atlas 2004

Thousand Islands Ecosystem Community Atlas 2005
State of the Parks Reports
Annual Reports on Governments' Efforts to Conserve Canada's Declining Boreal Caribou Populations
Annual Reports on North America's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
Of Related Interest

The Canadian National Parks: today and tomorrow. Proceedings of a
Conference Organized by The National and Provincial Parks Association of
Canada and the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, October
9th-15th, 1968. J. G. Nelson and R. C. Scace, eds. 1968.
(Vols. 1 & 2, Vol. 1 only, Vol. 2 only)

The Canadian national parks : today and tomorrow conference II : ten
years later. proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Faculty of
Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, National and Provincial
Parks Association of Canada, and Parks Canada, Department of Indian and
Northern Affairs, Banff, Alberta, October 8th-13th, 1978. J.G. Nelson,
R.D. Needham, S.H. Nelson and R.C. Scace, eds. 1979.
(Vols. 1 & 2, Vol. 1 only, Vol. 2 only)
©1968, 1979, James Gordon Nelson |
All publications are copyrighted. Permission has been
graciously granted to electronically reproduce the National and
Provincial Parks Association of Canada's documents by the Canadian Parks
and Wilderness Society and the conference proceedings by Dr. J. Gordon
Nelson. All rights reserved.