Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 4
Industrial and Agricultural Activities at Lower Fort Garry
by George Ingram
Lower Fort Garry Comes of Age
1 Henry M. Robinson, The Great Fur Land, or
Sketches of Life in the Hudson's Bay Territory (London: Sampson,
Low, Marston, Searle, 1879), pp. 80-1. Although his book was published
in 1879, many of Robinson's impressions seem to have been formed at an
earlier date. See his n., p. 78: "The aspect of Lower Fort Garry
as well as the character of the business transacted there, has undergone
considerable modification within the last decade."
2 An indication of the amount of goods stored at the
lower fort can be obtained from the following inventory of provisions on
hand immediately before the arrival of the Canadian Rifles in 1857. This
was before the establishment of the farm and consisted of goods bought
from the settlers. "Statement of Provisions, Grain, and Cattle on hand
in lower Red River District, Outfit 1856
648 | bushels barley |
56 | casks saltbeef |
4 | cwt. biscuit |
466 | Nos. Hams cured |
5 | Kegs Lard 8 gns. |
1,350 | Hs. Meat dried |
35-1/2 | firkins butter |
590 | Hs. Cheese |
39 | Nos. cheeks Pigs dried |
1,879 | Cwt. flour 1st & 2nd |
10,686 | Hs. Hard Grease |
88 | bushels oats |
23 | bushels peas |
922 | Bags Pemmican Com. |
314 | Tongues buffalo |
13,886 | bushels wheat |
Cattle purchased since 1 June 1856 |
3 | cows |
38 | oxen |
44 | pigs |
Cattle old stock |
3 | bulls |
6 | cows |
7 | calves |
5 | oxen full grown |
1 | oxen not full grown" |
Hudson's Bay Company Archives (hereafter cited as
HBCA), Winnipeg: Miscellaneous Items, John Swanston, 24 February 1857,
p. 591, B.235/z/3.
The Farm: Early Approaches
1 Roderick Campbell, The Father of St. Kilda
(London: Russell, 1901), p. 112.
2 Henry M. Robinson, op. cit., pp. 80-1.
3 For a succinct discussion of the earlier farms,
see Alvin C. Gluek, Jr., Minnesota and the Manifest Destiny of
the Canadian Northwest, A Study in Canadian-American Relations
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965), pp. 20-5.
4 HBCA, Governor George Simpson Correspondence Inward
(hereafter cited as Simpson Inward), Governor and Committee to Simpson,
9 March 1836, pp. 160-1, D.5/4.
5 HBCA, Governor George Simpson Correspondence Books
Outward (General) (hereafter cited as Simpson Outward), Simpson to
Christie, 20 February 1838, p. 11, D.4/24.
6 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Committee,
London, to Chief Factors and Chief Traders of the Northern Department, 7
March 1838, p. 11, D.5/5.
7 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Finlayson, 1
March 1840, p. 71, D.4/5.
8 Ibid., Simpson to Governor and Committee, 20 June
1841, p. 147, D.4/58.
9 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Thom to Simpson, 8 August
1842, p. 185, D.5/7.
10 HBCA, London Inward Correspondence from H.B.C.
Posts Winnipeg (hereafter cited as Winnipeg), W. Mactavish to
W.G. Smith, 10 February 1858, p. 238, A.11/96.
11 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Committee to
Simpson, 4 April 1849, p. 21, D.5/25.
12 Arthur S. Morton, A History of the Canadian
West to 1870-71 (Toronto: Nelson, 1939), p. 664. See also
Isobel Finlayson, "York Boat Journal," The Beaver, Outfit 282
(December 1951), p. 36: "The Company do not farm their own land but
grain and all other necessaries for the consumption of this place as
well as for that of many other posts in the Country, are purchased from
the Settlers, in order to give them a market for the surplus produce of
their farms."
13 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Christie to Simpson, 11
January 1847, p. 63, D.5/19.
14 Ibid., 28 November 1848, p. 373, D.5/23.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid., Black to Simpson, 29 November 1850, p. 282,
17 Ibid., Colvile to Simpson, 22 May 1851, p. 730,
D.5/30. John Black was the clerk then in charge of the lower fort.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
20 Eden Colvile, London Correspondence Inward from
Eden Colvile, 1849-1852, ed. E.E. Rich (London: Hudson's Bay Record
Society, 1956), p. 245, Colvile to Simpson, 24 August 1851. The mares
were all at the lower fort: ibid., p. 218, Colvile to Simpson, 30 May
21 Ibid.
22 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Black, 1
December 1853, p. 137, D.4/46.
23 Ibid., p. 139, D.4/46.
24 Ibid., Memo to Chief Factor Swanston, 28 June
1855, pp. 69-70, D.4/50; Simpson to Christie, 26 June 1856, pp. 110-1,
D.4/51; memo to Chief Factor Swanston, 26 June 1856, pp. 807-8, D.4/76A;
Simpson to Murray, 21 June 1858, p. 181, D.4/54; Simpson to Mactavish,
29 June 1860, p. 113, D.4/57.
25 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 23 April 1864, p. 676, B.235/b/11. Six horses were sent down to
bring back Governor Dallas and his party from the United States.
26 Eden Colvile, op. cit., p. 245, Colvile to
Simpson, 24 August 1851.
27 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Black, 2 July
1853, p. 86, D.4/46.
28 Ibid.
29 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Black to Simpson, 23 August
1853, p. 561, D.5/37.
30 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Black, 1
December 1853, p. 137, D.4/46.
31 Ibid., Simpson to Swanston, 4 December 1856, p.
69, D.4/52.
32 Ibid., 17 January 1857, p. 108, D.4/52.
33 HBCA, Winnipeg, C. F. James R. Clare to Fraser, 10
April 1865, p. 34, A.11/98.
34 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Cary, 28
February 1838, p. 123, D.4/23.
35 Ibid., 31 May 1838, p. 162, D.4/23.
36 Ibid., Simpson to Governor and Committee, 30 June
1857, p. 34, D.4/77 (enclosure in book).
37 Ibid., Memo for Mactavish, 5 July 1857, p. 32,
38 HBCA, Winnipeg, W. Mactavish to W.G. Smith, 6
September 1857, pp. 160-1, A.11/96.
39 Ibid., p. 161, A.11/96.
40 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish to Simpson, 6
September 1857, p. 234, D.5/44.
41 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Mactavish, 21
October 1857, p. 772, D.4/77.
42 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Committee to
Simpson, 16 April 1858, p. 382, D.5/46.
The Operation of the Farm
1 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to J.C. and H.C.
Burbank, 8 June 1858, pp. 152-3, D.4/54.
2 Ibid., Simpson to Governor and Committee, 24 June
1858, p. 871, D.4/78.
3 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Griffin, 29 April 1863, p. 8, B.235/b/11.
4 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Thomas Fraser, 22
October 1858, p. 657, D.4/78.
5 HBCA, Lower Fort Garry, Post Journals (hereafter
cited as Journal), 3 and 4 November 1873, B.303/a/1.
6 HBCA, Lower Fort Garry, Account Books (hereafter
cited as Accounts), 5 August 1865, p. 5, B.303/d/8. "Charlotte Swain
paid 20/ for the month's milking." This is only one of many
7 HBCA, Accounts, 5 July 1861, p. 53, B.303/d/3a. The
accounts mention the issue of a padlock for "the dairy."
8 HBCA, Journal, 3 and 4 November 1873; 19 June
9 See, for example, ibid., 10 October 1868 and
13 November 1873; 15 November 1871.
10 Ibid., 10 October 1868; 12 November 1868; 7
November 1868; 19 December 1870; 6 and 9 November 1868; 5 April 1869.
This seems to indicate the presence of a smoke house.
11 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Alexander Murray, 18 May 1863, p. 60, B.235/b/11.
12 Ibid., Mactavish to Davis, 16 September 1864, p.
1,198, B.235/b/11.
13 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Mactavish, 21
October 1858, pp. 19-20, D.4/55.
14 Ibid., Simpson to J.C. Burbank, 4 June 1859, p.
154, D.4/55.
15 Ibid., Simpson to McKenzie, 11 July 1859, pp.
23-5, D.4/56.
16 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
George Davis, 2 May 1863, p. 27, B.235/b/11.
17 HBCA, Winnipeg, J. Clare to Fraser, 10 April 1865,
p. 34, A.11/98.
18 Ibid., Mactavish to William McKay, 2 May 1863, p.
25, B.235/b/11.
19 Roderick Campbell, op. cit., p. 115.
20 See HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, William
Mactavish correspondence, B.235/b.
21 See HBCA, Journal, for various references
22 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 23 April 1864, p. 676, B.235/b/11.
23 HBCA, Journal, 20 October 1871.
24 See, for example, HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish
to Simpson, 27 April 1859, p. 167, D.5/49; Sir James Carnegie, 9th Earl
of Southesk, Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains (Edinburgh:
Edmonston and Douglas, 1875), p. 358.
25 HBCA, Accounts, 18 October 1861, p. 58,
26 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Reverend John Black, 4 1864, p. 603, B.235/b/11.
27 Henry M. Robinson, op. cit., p. 81.
28 HBCA, Journal, November 1868 references; ibid., 23
October 1871.
29 Ibid., 23 October 1868; see ibid., 15
January 1869, 17 January 1868, 26 January 1869, for examples.
30 Sir James Carnegie, op. cit., p. 358.
31 See HBCA, Journal, 28 October 1870, for
32 Roderick Campbell, "Reminiscences of H.B.C.
Pioneers. I: Alexander Lillie," The Beaver, Vol. 4, No. 1
(October 1923), pp. 16-7.
33 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish to Simpson, 6
September 1857, p. 234, D.5/44.
34 Ibid., enclosure in letter, Mactavish to Simpson,
12 December 1858, p. 709, D.5/47, dated Lower Fort Garry, 12 November
1858, signed Alexander R. Lillie.
35 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Memo for Chief Factor
William Mactavish, 9 June 1858, p. 153, D.4/54; also Simpson
Inward, Mactavish to Simpson, 19 August 1858, p. 171, D.5/47.
36 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Memo for Messrs. Burbank,
11 July 1859, p. 27, D.4/56.
37 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish to the Governor,
Chief Factors and Chief Traders, 8 December 1858, p. 695, D.5/47.
38 Ibid., Enclosure in Mactavish to Simpson, 12
December 1858, p. 709, D.5/47, dated Lower Fort Garry, 12 November 1858,
signed Alexander Lillie.
39 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Mactavish, 11
January 1859, p. 74, D.4/55.
40 HBCA, Winnipeg, Mactavish to Thomas Fraser, 21
November 1859, pp. 39-45, d, A.11/96.
41 Roderick Campbell, The Father of St. Kilda
(London: Russell, 1901), p. 112.
42 Roderick Campbell, "Reminiscences of H.B.C.
Pioneers. I: Alexander Lillie," The Beaver, Vol. 4, No. 1
(October 1923), pp. 16-7.
43 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish to Governor, Chief
Factors and Chief Traders, 8 December 1859, p. 465, D.5/50.
44 HBCA, Winnipeg, Mactavish to Thomas Fraser, 19
August 1860, p. 459, A.11/96. See also Simpson Inward, Mactavish
to Simpson, 14 September 1860, p. 581, D.5/52: "Nearly all the grain
throughout the Settlement has now been cut down, the harvest will be an
abundant one, the yield at the Lower Fort will probably be between 3000
& 3500 bushels of wheat."
45 HBCA, London Inward Correspondence from Governors
of H.B.C. Territories William Mactavish, Mactavish to Thomas
Fraser, 23 October 1861, pp. 153-4, A.12/42.
46 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Lillie, 9 December 1861, p. 878, B.235/b/10; Ibid., 11 August 1863, p.
47 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Memo for Chief Factor
Swanston, 28 June 1855, pp. 68-9, D.4/50; Isaac Cowie, The Company of
Adventurers (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1913), p. 148.
48 Isaac Cowie, op. cit., p. 149.
49 HBCA, Journal, various entries, 1868-70.
50 Ibid., 1 June 1870.
51 Ibid., entries 1870-74.
52 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish to Simpson, 6
September 1857, p. 234, D.5/44.
53 HBCA, Winnipeg, Mactavish to Fraser, 19 August
1860, p. 459, A.11/96; Joseph Hargrave, Red River (Montreal: J.
Lavell, 1871), p. 176.
54 This varies little from year to year. See
HBCA, Journal, and Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, 1863-64,
55 These are selections only and one reference to
each form of activity has been used. Often each operation continued for
several days; that is, the planting of potatoes or turnips might have
taken up to a week or more to accomplish.
56 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 25 April 1864, p. 678, B.235/b/11.
57 HBCA, Journal, 28 April 1869.
58 Ibid., 5 April 1869: "Four men pointing and
peeling pickets for field fence." For the appearance of the fence,
see sketch, 1859, Figure 6.
59 Ibid., 11 June 1860.
60 Ibid., 1 October 1868,
61 Ibid., examples, 26 June, 1 July 1869.
62 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 27 May 1864, p. 770, B.235/b/11: "As soon as the crops are in
break out new ground whenever you have men unemployed who are capable of
63 HBCA, Journal, 26 June 1869.
64 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 6 August 1863, p. 309, B.235/b/11.
65 HBCA, Journal, 30 April 1870.
66 Ibid., 27 October 1868.
67 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Mactavish to Simpson, 19
August 1858, p. 171, D.5/47; Governor and Committee to Simpson, 16 April
1858, p. 382, D.5/46.
68 HBCA, Journal, 20 July 1865; 24 July 1869.
69 Ibid., 15 July 1869; 2 October 1869.
70 Ibid., 20 June 1870.
71 HBCA, Accounts, pp. 12-3, B.303/d/8; Journal, 15
October 1869.
72 HBCA, London Inward Correspondence from Governors
of H.B.C. Territories William Mactavish, Mactavish to the
Governor of the H.B.C., 26 January 1869, p. 162, A. 12/45.
73 Ibid.
Boat Building
1 For a complete article on the York boats,
see Richard Glover, "York Boats," The Beaver, Outfit 279
(March 1949), pp. 19-23.
2 A.A. McDonald, "H.B.C. Inland Transport. Building
the York Boats," The Beaver, Vol. 4, No. 1 (October 1923), p.
3 Rupert's Land. Northern Department Council, The
Minutes of the Council of the Northern Department of Rupert's Land, 1830
to 1843 (n.p.: State Historical Society of North Dakota, 1913), p.
4 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Christie, 5 July
1847, p. 67, D.4/36.
5 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 21 March 1864, p. 631, B.235/b/11.
6 HBCA, Accounts, 1 June 1861, p. 52, B.303/d/3a.
7 See, for example, HBCA, Winnipeg:
Correspondence Books, Mactavish to Davis, 25 April 1864, p. 678,
8 HBCA, Journal, 19 February 1869.
9 A.A. McDonald, op. cit., pp. 19-21.
10 HBCA, Journal, 2 November 1868.
11 Ibid., 17 October 1871.
12 Manitoba. Public Archives, Samuel Taylor's
Journal, entries for June 1865, May 1866, June 1866.
13 HBCA, Journal, 30 June 1868; 4 May 1869.
14 For examples, see ibid., 17 March, 27
March, 9 April 1869.
15 Ibid., 1869, selected references.
16 Ibid., 26 April 1869.
17 Bruce Peel, "First Steamboats on the
Saskatchewan," The Beaver, Outfit 295 (Autumn 1964), p. 18.
18 HBCA, Journal, 1871-72, selected references.
19 Ibid., 1872.
20 Ibid., 19 August 1872.
21 Ibid., August 1872.
22 Ibid., 29 September 1872.
23 Molly McFadden, "Steamboats on the Red," The
Beaver, Outfit 281 (September 1950), pp. 25-9.
Brewing and Distilling
1 HBCA, London Inward Correspondence from Governors
of H.B.C. Territories Sir George Simpson, Simpson to Governor and
Committee, 18 July 1831, p. 376, A.12/1.
2 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Council to
Simpson, 15 February 1837, pp. 237-8, D.5/4.
3 Ibid., There is a "still" in the present museum
collection at Lower Fort Garry.
4 Ibid.
5 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Alexander
Christie, 10 July 1837, p. 64, D.4/23.
6 Ibid., 20 July 1837, p. 66, D.4/23.
7 Ibid., In a later document the "malt roller" is
referred to as a "malt mill." "The seeds applied for, likewise the Bean
crusher or Malt Mill are forwarded, there is no such machine as
'Passmore's Bean crusher' known in London." Ibid., Simpson to George
Cary, 31 May 1838, p. 159, D.4/23. See also HBCA, Simpson Inward,
Governor and Council to Chief Factors and Traders of the Northern
Department, 7 March 1838, p. 12, D.5/5: "The Malt Mill, copper, and
other articles connected with the Distillery, applied for will be
forwarded by the Ship."
8 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Christie, 20
February 1838, p. 121, D.4/23. Muir was in fact sent out; in 1847, he
was at the establishment. "John Muir, I think, would be a very fit man
for the Canteen, if not required for the brewery." Ibid., Simpson to
Christie, 5 July 1847, p. 47, D.4/36.
9 Ibid., Simpson to Christie, 31 May 1838, pp. 161-2,
10 Ibid.
11 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Committee to
Simpson, 20 March 1839, p. 117b, D.5/5.
12 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Finlayson, 15
November 1839, p. 58, D.4/25.
13 Ibid., 1 March 1840, pp. 70-1, D.4/25.
14 Edmund H. Oliver, ed., The Canadian North-West,
its Early Development and Legislative Records (Ottawa: King's
Printer, 1914-15), Vol. 1, pp. 300-1, "Minutes of a Council held at Fort
Garry on the 25th day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty
15 See, for instance, HBCA, Simpson Outward,
18 June 1843, p. 74, D.4/28.
16 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Inward, pp. 107ff.,
B.235/c/1, collection of three letters on the matter.
17 See ibid., and Simpson Inward, Thom to
Simpson, 12 August 1843, p. 433, D.5/8; Enclosure in Thom to Simpson, 2
July 1843, p. 332, D.5/8.
18 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Committee to
Simpson, 1 June 1844, pp. 269-70, D.5/11.
19 Ibid., Thom to Simpson, 12 August 1843, p. 433,
20 Ibid., A. Christie to Simpson, 10 August 1844, pp.
154-6, D.5/12.
21 Ibid., p. 155, D.5/12.
22 Ibid.
23 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to A. Christie, 2
December 1844, p. 44, D.4/32.
24 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Christie to Simpson, 27
December 1844, p. 585, D.5/12.
25 Ibid., 16 April 1845, p. 426, D.5/13.
26 Edmund H. Oliver, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 316,
"Minutes of a Council of the Governor and Council of Assiniboia;" ibid.,
p. 323. See also HBCA, Simpson Inward, Report of Adam Thom, p.
350, D.5/13.
27 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Christie to Simpson, 28 July
1845, p. 194, D.5/14.
28 Ibid., 30 December 1845, pp. 626-7, D.5/15.
29 HBCA, London inward Correspondence from Governors
of H.B.C. Territories Sir George Simpson, Simpson to Governor and
Committee, 23 July 1846, as quoted in Dale Miquelon "A Brief History
of Lower Fort Garry." It is not known whether one or two buildings
were constructed. See discussion at end of chapter.
30 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Memo to Chief Factor
Christie, 21 September 1846, p. 53, D.4/35.
31 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Christie to Simpson, 13
November 1846, p. 335, D.5/18. John Muir seems to have been in charge of
the brewery. See HBCA, Winnipeg: Miscellaneous Items, Memo to Sir
George Simpson, 28 June 1847, p. 389, B.235/z/3. "If no Barley can be
obtained, John Muir might attend to the canteen, or when employed
Brewing, William Dawes could do the duty." And HBCA, Simpson Outward,
Simpson to Christie, 5 July 1847, p. 67, D.4/36. quote cited in n. 8
32 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Christie to Simpson, 11
January 1847, p. 62, D.5/19.
33 Ibid.
34 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Christie, 5 July
1847, p. 66, D.4/36. In reply to Christie asking permission to raise the
purchase price of barley, HBCA, Winnipeg: Miscellaneous Items, Memo to
Simpson, 28 June 1847, p. 388, B.235/z/3.
35 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Ballenden to Simpson, 30
December 1848, p. 562, D.5/23.
36 HBCA, Winnipeg, Ballenden to Secretary Archibald
Barclay, H.B.C., 28 November 1849, p. 291, A.11/95.
37 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Governor and Committee no
Simpson, 10 April 1850, p. 58, D.5/28.
38 See, for example, the 24 gallons of beer sold to
John E. Harriott, HBCA, Accounts, 8 November 1854, p. 40, B.303/d/1:
also ibid., 23 December 1854, p. 41, and 1 March, p. 42. See
also entries under other names.
39 HBCA, Accounts, Petty Cash, 1 November 1845,
B.303/d/1, and ibid., 7 April 1855. The account books are by no means
complete and the year 1854 may have been the exception rather than the
rule in the brewing and selling of beer at the lower fort. Circumstances
point, however, to its being typical. There are similar references in
the 1860s.
40 HBCA, Accounts, Country Produce, pp. 30ff.,
B.303/d/2. The hops may also have been purchased for export.
41 Ibid., pp. 57-8, B.303/d/3a.
42 See, for example, HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence
Books, Mactavish to Davis, 7 November 1863, p. 403, B.235/b/11, and 23
April 1864, p. 676.
43 HBCA, Accounts, 5 December 1866, p. 178,
44 HBCA, Journal, 1870-71.
45 Ibid., selected entries, 1870-71.
46 Ibid.
47 Ibid., February to April 1873.
"11 February | four men mudding the roof of
the malt house. |
14 February | four men working at the
Brewery. |
19 February | seven men working at the
pillar for the boiler in the brew house. |
24 February | two masons building the
chimney for the brewer's boilers. |
9 April | got the new holler taken up about
30 feet." |
48 HBCA, Winnipeg, Governor Johnston of Assiniboia to
Secretary W.G. Smith, H.B.C., 1 September 1856, p. 95, A.11/96.
49 Ibid., p. 96.
50 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Simpson to Smith, 18
October 1856, p. 524, D.4/76A.
51 Ibid., Simpson to Governor and Committee, 30 June
1857, pp. 44-5, D.4/77 (Enclosure in book.).
52 HBCA, Journal, 27 May 1869; 27 June 1870.
S3 Ibid., 14 and 19 December 1870. Under 17 February
1873, two masons and two labourers were working at the boiler in the
"distillery" but this was more likely the brew house as work was then
under way installing a new brewer's boiler.
Other Industrial Activities
1 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Ballenden to Simpson, 30
January 1850, pp. 177-8, D.5/27.
2 Ibid., McDermot to Simpson, 7 August 1851, pp.
237-8, D.5/31; also Swanston to Governor, Chief Factors and Chief
Traders of the Northern Department, 9 December 1856, p. 441, D.5/42.
3 HBCA, Simpson Outward, Memo for Chief Trader Black,
2 July 1853, p. 86, D.4/46.
4 HBCA, Simpson Inward, Swanston to Simpson, 5
January 1857, p. 20, D.5/43.
S HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Murray, 26 July 1863, p. 274, B.235/b/11: "By the Boat you can send up
some wheat to the Steam Mill to be ground as there is no chance of the
water mills grinding much at least till late in the fall."
6 HBCA, Accounts, October and November 1866, p. 30,
B.303/d/8; Manitoba. Public Archives, Samuel Taylor's Journal, November
1865. The journal also contains information concerning the construction
of the mill.
7 HBCA, Journal, 29 February 1869.
8 HBCA, London Inward Correspondence from Governors
of H.B.C. Territories William Mactavish, Mactavish to Smith, 28
April 1868, p. 55, A.12/45.
9 HBCA, Journal, 15 August 1873.
10 See, for example, HBCA, Accounts, 1 June
1861, p. 51, B.303/d/3a; see, for example, HBCA, Winnipeg:
Correspondence Books, Mactavish to Davis, 7 November 1863, p. 403,
11 HBCA, Journal, January and February 1869, 18
January, "two men sawing (pine) roots for boat timbers;" also 16
February 1869, "two men sawing boat wood with the pit saw."
12 HBCA, Accounts, 9 December 1865, p. 45,
13 Manitoba. Public Archives, Samuel Taylor's
Journal, July 1866.
14 HBCA, Journal, 1 October 1868.
iS Ibid., 20 November 1868.
16 Ibid., 8 February 1869.
17 Ibid., 1 September 1869.
18 See, for example, ibid., 24 May 1872;
"eight men and two pairs of mules hauling up oak timber from the river
to the mill for the Saskatchewan Steamboat."
19 Ibid., 10 October 1868: "two men hauling up the
sawn timber from steam mill, we are obliged to pile it up within the
fort walls on account of the Indians stealing and burning the
20 HBCA, Accounts, p. 67, B.303/d/3a.
21 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Davis, 21 December 1863, p. 478, B.235/b/11.
22 As recorded by B. Johnstone in J. Chivers,
Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba (Ottawa: National Historic Sites
Service, n.d.).
23 HBCA, Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to
Murray 6 June 1863, p. 128, B.235/b/11; also Mactavish to Murray,
19 June 1863, p. 168, B.235/b/11.
24 Ibid., Mactavish to Davis, 26 June 1863, p. 195; 1
March 1864, p. 595; 2 April 1864, p. 651; 23 March 1864, p. 633,
B.235/b/11; HBCA, Journal, 11 October 1868; 10 October 1868; HBCA,
Winnipeg: Correspondence Books, Mactavish to Davis, 22 August 1864, p.
1,119; 26 June 1863, p. 195, B.235/b/11.
25 Robert Watson, Lower Fort Garry, A History of
the Stone Fort (Winnipeg: Hudson's Bay Company, 1928), p. 48.
26 Henry M. Robinson, op. cit., pp. 80-1.
27 HBCA, Journal, October and November 1869,
especially 19 October and 8 November.
28 Ibid., 19 January 1874: "four men working in the
lath room fixing the engine."
29 Ibid., 19 December 1870; 31 March 1871; 17 April
30 David Anderson, Notes of the Flood at Red
River, 1852 (London: Hatcher's, n.d.) as quoted in Robert Watson,
op. cit., pp. 17-8.
31 HBCA, Accounts, 26 August 1866, p. 144,
32 HBCA, Journal, 10 May 1869: "three men putting
down a sturgeon net."
33 Ibid., 12 November 1869.
34 Ibid., 10 and 11 February 1869.
3S For example, see Ibid., 25 February
36 Ibid., 11 May 1869.