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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 3

Comparison of the Faunal Remains from French and British Refuse Pits at Fort Michilimackinac: A Study in Changing Subsistence Patterns

by Charles E. Cleland

Appendix A: Amount of Meat Provided by Species Represented at the Juntunen Site

Species No. Ind. Live
% Usable

Beaver 46 45.0 70 31.5 1,449.0
Dog 31 30.0 50 15.0 465.0
Snowshoe Hare 18 3.0 70 2.1 37.8
Chipmunk 8

Deer Mouse 23

Otter 7 18.0 70 12.6 88.2
Moose 7 800.0 50 400.0 2,800.0
Porcupine 5 10.0 70 7.0 35.0
Caribou 3 375.0 50 187.5 562.5
Black Bear 6 300.0 70 210.0 1,260.0
Redbacked Vole 5

Deer 4 170.0 50 85.0 340.0
Bog Lemming 2

Red Squirrel 1

Marten 1 3.0 70 2.1 2.1
Muskrat 1 3.0 70 2.1 2.1
Mink 1 1.5 70 1.05 1.05
Total Mammal

Bald Eagle 12 10 80 8.0 96.0
Loon 20 5 80 4.0 80.0
Passenger Pigeon 17 1.0 80 0.8 13.6
Raven 10 3.0 80 2.4 24.0
Turkey 6 12.0 80 9.6 57.6
Ringed-Billed Gull 3 2.5 80 2.0 6.0
Canada Goose 4 8.0 80 6.4 25.6
Crow 2 2.0 80 1.6 3.2
Blue Jay 1 0.8 80 0.64 .6
Goldeneye 1 2.0 80 1.6 1.6
Songbird 1

Ruffed Grouse 2 1.3 80 1.1 2.2
Caspian Tern 1 2.0 80 1.6 1.6
Barred Owl 1 2.5 80 2.0 2.0
Goshawk 1 2.0 70 1.4 1.4
Saw Whet Owl 1

Red Shouldered Hawk 1 2.5 70 1.75 1.75
Total Birds

Trout 2

Sturgeon 350 45 80 36 12,600
Whitefish 119 13 80 10.4 237.6
Walleye 14 7 80 5.6 39.2
Lake Trout 24 18 80 14.4 345.6
Longnose Gar 7 2.0 80 1.6 11.2
Longnose Sucker 7 .5 80 .4 2.8
White Sucker 5 .5 80 .4 2.0
Yellow Perch 5 .3 80 .24 1.2
Largemouth Bass 4 2.0 80 1.6 6.4
Drum 4 2.0 80 1.6 6.4
Silver Redhorse 1 .2 80 .16 .16
Northern Redhorse 1 .3 80 .24 .24
Channel Catfish 2 4.0 80 3.2 6.4
Northern Pike 2 3.0 80 2.4 4.8
Brown Bullhead 1 .5 80 .4 .4
Rock Bass 1 .3 80 .24 .24
Minnow 1

Surger 1 .5 80 .4 .4
Total Fish

Painted Turtle 6 2.0 20 .4 2.4
Blandings Turtle 3 2.0 20 .4 1.2
Snapping Turtle 1 50 20 10 10.0
Total Turtles

Grand Total


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