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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 3

Comparison of the Faunal Remains from French and British Refuse Pits at Fort Michilimackinac: A Study in Changing Subsistence Patterns

by Charles E. Cleland




Bone from French and British Refuse Pits

Fort Michilimackinac and the Juntunen Site

The Functional Integration of Subsistence Patterns


Appendix A: Amount of Meat Provided by Species Represented at the Juntunen Site

Appendix B: Amount of Meat Provided by Species from French Refuse Pits of Fort Michilimackinac

Appendix C: Amount of Meat Provided by Species from British Refuse Pits of Fort Michilimackinac

References Cited


Table 1: Identified and Unidentifiable Bone from French and British Storage Pits at Fort Michilimackinac

Table 2: Species Identified from French Period Features

Table 3: Species Identified from British Period Features

Table 4: Per Cent of Pounds of Meat Provided by Various Classes of Animals

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Last Updated: 2010-01-29 To the top
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