Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 24
Second Empire Style in Canadian Architecture
by Christina Cameron and Janet Wright
1 The earliest appearance of the term seems to be in Rosalie Thorne
McKenna, "James Renwick, Jr. and the Second Empire Style in the United
States," Magazine of Art, Vol. 44, No. 3 (March 1951), pp.
97-101. Other major works include Eric Arthur, Toronto No Mean
City (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974), pp. 128, 171,
174; Banister Fletcher, A History of Architecture on the Comparative
Method (London: Athlone Press, University of London, 1961), pp.
1086, 1115; Alan Gowans, Building Canada: An Architectural History of
Canadian Life (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1966), p. 105,
Figs. 164-65, 167; R. Greenhill, K. Macpherson and D. Richardson,
Ontario Towns (Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1974), unpaginated; Ralph W.
Hammett, Architecture in the United States: A Survey of Architectural
Styles Since 1776 (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976), pp.
101-4; Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1958),
pp. 131-72; Jean-Claude Marsan, Montréal en évolution (Montreal:
Fides, 1974), pp. 224-26; Marcus Whiffen, American Architecture Since
1780: A Guide to the Styles (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1969),
pp. 102-8.
2 Canadian Illustrated News (Montreal), 5 March 1870, p. 282;
16 Nov. 1872, p. 316; 2 June 1877, p. 342; 2 Feb. 1878, p. 79.
3 Canada. General Report of the Minister of Public Works for the
Year Ending 30 June, 1873 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1874), pp. 40,
122-25, 128, 131; Canada. General Report of the Minister of Public
Works for the year Ending 30 June, 1879 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer,
1880), p. 15; Canada. General Report of the Minister of Public Works
for the Year Ending 30 June, 1881 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1882),
p. 25; Canada. General Report of the Minister of Public Works from 30
June, 1867, to 1st July, 1882 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1883), pp.
148, 152-53, 173, 181, 194.
4 Samuel Sloan, Sloan's Homestead Architecture, Containing Forty
Designs for Villas, Cottages, and Farmhouses, with Essays on Style,
Construction, Landscape Gardening, Furniture, etc., etc.
(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company, 1861), design XXXI;
George Evertson Woodward, Woodward's National Architect (New
York: Geo. E. Woodward, ca. 1869), Nos. 2, 17; Isaac H. Hobbs and Son,
Hobbs's Architecture: Containing Designs and Ground Plans for Villas,
Cottages and other Edifices, both Suburban and Rural (Philadelphia:
J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1873), pp. 34, 38, 66; Elisha Charles Hussey,
Home Building, A Reliable Book of Facts, relating to Building,
Living, Materials, Costs (New York: Leader & Van Hoesen, ca.
1876), Figs. 17, 29.
5 Boston. Committee on Public Buildings, The City Hall, Boston
(Boston: City Council, 1866), p. v.
6 John W. Kennion, The Architects' and Builders' Guide (New
York: Fitzpatrick & Hunter, 1868), p. 57.
7 Ibid., p.49.
Montreal City Hall: A Classic Canadian Example
1 Apparently there was a structural difference between the mansard
roof in France and its North American counterpart. Commenting on a
recent fire in Boston, a "Frenchman" indignantly wrote to the New
York Herald, "In your discussions on mansard roofs please take
notice that American mansard roofs are not French mansard roofs. The
mansard roof, so called in America, could not be built in any portion of
France, as it is a fraud and a scandal. The mansard roof of France is
always fireproof, being built in accordance with French law of, iron,
brick and mortar. When American architects cease to foist upon credulous
real estate owners their cheap frauds you may expect a cessation of the
punishment Boston has just received during the past few days" (Quebec
Gazette, 20 Nov. 1872), p. [2].
2 A. Leblond de Brumath, Guide de Montréal of de ses environs
(Montreal: Granger Frères, 1897), p. 63.
Second Empire and Napoleon III of France
1 J.S. Ingram, The Centennial Exposition Described and
Illustrated (Philadelphia: Hubbard Bros., ca. 1876), p. 40.
2 Geoffrey de Bellaigue, "Queen Victoria Buys French in 1855," The
Antique Collector, Vol. 46, No. 4 (April 1975), pp. 37-41.
3 These wide boulevards also served a military purpose, for they
permitted easy penetration of troops into the city centre in case of
civil unrest.
4 Sanford E. Loring, Principles and Practices of Architecture
(Chicago: Cobb, Pritchard and Co., 1869), p. 42.
5 Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1958), p.
England: Early Advocate of Second Empire
1 Henry-Russell Hitchcock, "Second Empire 'avant la lettre'," La
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Vol. 42 ([Aug.] 1953), pp. 118, 124-26.
2 Ibid., p. 125.
3 Boston, Committee on Public Buildings, loc. cit.
Second Empire and the United States
1 Boston, Committee on Public Buildings, op. cit., pp. iv-v.
2 Marcus Whiffen, op. cit., p. 103.
3 Lawrence Wodehouse, "Alfred B. Mullett and his French style
Government Buildings," Journal of the Society of Architectural
Historians, Vol. 31, No.1 (March 1972), pp. 22-37. Hitchcock has
claimed that Gilman, architect of the Boston City Hall, was the real
source of these Second Empire designs, for Gilman also worked for the
Treasury Department (Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture:
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries [Harmondsworth, Middlesex:
Penguin Books, 1958], p. 168).
4 Calvert Vaux, Villas and Cottages (New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1857), p. 54.
5 Ibid., p. 90.
6 Henry Hudson Holly, Holly's Country Seats (New York: D.
Appleton & Company, 1863), p. 149.
7 George L. Hersey, "Godey's Choice," Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Oct. 1959), p. 104.
8 Isaac Hobbs and Son, op. cit., n.p.
9 Pattern books with the highest concentration of Second Empire
designs include Gilbert Bostwick Croff, Model Suburban Architecture
Embodying Designs for Dwellings of Moderate Cost (New York: Roby
& O'Neil [1870]) and Progressive American Architecture (New
York: Orange Judd & Company [1875]); Marcus F. Cummings,
Cummings' Architectural Details (New York: Orange Judd &
Company, 1873); Marcus F. Cummings and Charles Crosby Miller, Modern
American Architecture (Troy, N.Y.: The authors, 1868); Isaac Hobbs
and Son, op. cit.; George E. Woodward, op. cit.
Canada; Stirrings of Second Empire
1 Canada. Public Archives (hereafter cited as PAC), RG 11 Vol. 841,
exhibits 62-63, p. 7. This manuscript proposal by "Semper Paratus", code
name for Fuller and Jones, accompanied their competition plans of 1859.
The authors are grateful to Professor D.S. Richardson for bringing this
proposal to their attention.
2 Ibid.
3 Canadian Illustrated News (Montreal), 19 Oct. 1872, p.
Department of Public Works
1 Daily Telegraph (Saint John), 26 April 1881, pp. 1-2.
2 Ibid.
Commercial Building
1 The Dominion Guide (Montreal), 7 June 1873, p. 354.
1 Palliser, Palliser & Co., architects, Palliser's New Cottage
Homes and Details (New York: Palliser, Palliser & Co. [ca.
1887]), n.p. [introduction].
2 Horrors in Architecture and So-called Works of Art in Bronze in
the City of New York ... By an Admirer of Art Whose Name is of no
Consequence to the Reader (New York: n.p., 1886), p. 4.
3 Eugene Clarence Gardner, The House that Jill Built, After Jack's
Had Proved a Failure (New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1882),
pp. 113-14.
Legend Sources
1 Luc d'Iberville-Moreau, Lost Montreal (Toronto: Oxford
University Press, 1975), p. 107; Jean-Claude Marsan, Montréal en
évolution (Montreal: Fides, 1974), pp. 204, 224-25.
2 Henry Bidou, Paris, trans. J. Lewis May (London: Johnathan
Cape, 1939), p. 399; Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture:
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Harmondsworth, Middlesex:
Penguin Books, 1958), pp. 133-35; David H. Pinkney, Napoleon III and
the Rebuilding of Paris (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1958), pp. 80-81.
3 Sanford E. Loring, Principles and Practices of Architecture
(Chicago, Cleveland: Cobb, Pritchard and Company, 1869), pp. 42-45;
David H. Pinkney, op. cit., pp. 91-92.
4 Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1958), p. 159;
Ibid., "Second Empire 'avant la lettre'," La Gazette des
Beaux-Arts, Vol. 42 ([Aug.] 1953), p. 124.
5 Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1958), p.
6 Boston. Committee on Public Buildings, The City Hall, Boston
(Boston: City Council. 1866); Ralph W. Hammett, Architecture in the
United States: A Survey of Architectural Styles Since 1776 (New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976), pp. 101-2; Henry-Russell Hitchcock,
Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Harmondsworth,
Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1958), pp. 167-68.
7 Alan Gowans, Images of American Living; Four Centuries of
Architecture and Furniture as Cultural Expression (Philadelphia:
J.B. Lippincott, 1964), p. 30; Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture:
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Harmondsworth, Middlesex:
Penguin Books, 1958), p. 169; Lawrence Wodehouse, "Alfred B. Mullett and
his French Style Government Buildings," Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians, Vol. 31, No. 1 (March 1972), pp.
8 Calvert Vaux, Villas and Cottages (New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1857), p. 54.
9 George L. Hersey, "Godey's Choice," Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Oct. 1959), pp. 104-11;
Isaac H. Hobbs and Son, Hobbs's Architecture: Containing Designs and
Ground Plans for Villas, Cottages and other Edifices, both Suburban and
Rural (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Company, 1873), pp. 13,
17, 21.
10 Eric Arthur, Toronto No Mean City (Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1974), pp. 114-16.
11, 12, 13 PAC, RG 11, Vol. 841, exhibits 62-63, p. 4; Courtney C.J.
Bond, City on the Ottawa (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1961), pp.
122-25; Douglas Richardson, "The Spirit of the Place," Canadian
Antiques Collector, Vol. 10, No. 5 (Sept.-Oct. 1975), pp. 27-29.
14 "Residence of the Lieut.-Governor of Ontario, Canada," Canadian
Illustrated News (Montreal), 5 March 1870, p. 282; Toronto.
Metropolitan Toronto Library Board, Canadiana and Manuscripts Section,
File on Government House.
15 Canada. Department of Public Works, Annual Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1879
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1880), p. 15; "The Saint John Custom House,"
Daily Telegraph (Saint John), 26 April 1881, pp. [1-2].
16 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1873
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1874), App. 18, p. 123; PAC, RG11, Vol. 3919,
Specifications for addition to Custom House, London, p. 1; Association
of Ontario Land Surveyors, "William Robinson," in Annual Report of
the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors (Toronto: 1915), No. 30,
pp. 51-52.
17, 18 Eric Arthur, op. cit., pp. 126-27; Canada. Department of
Public Works, General Report of the Minister of Public Works for the
Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1873 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1874),
App. 18, pp. 124-25; PAC, RG 11, Vol. 309, Subject 881, pp. 941-45, John
Dewe to Department of Public Works, Toronto, 4 March 1870; PAC, RG 11,
Vol. 314, subject 884, p. 266, F.P. Rubidge to T. Trudeau, Toronto, 24
Oct. 1870.
19 Courtney C.J. Bond, City on the Ottawa (Ottawa: Queen's
Printer, 1961), p. 15; Canada. Department of Public Works, General
Report of the Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30
June 1873 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1874), App. 18, p. 122; PAC, RG
11, Vol. 291, subject 801, p. 82, T.S. Scott to F. Braum, Ottawa, 27
July 1871.
20 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1873
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1874), App. 18, pp. 127-28; Jean-Claude
Marsan, Montréal en évolution (Montreal: Fides, 1974), p.
21 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1873
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1874), App. 18, p. 125; C. Pelham Mulvany,
Toronto: Past and Present (Toronto: W. E. Caiger, 1884), p.
22 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1874
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1875), App. 19, p. 129; PAC, RG 11, Vol. 364,
subject 993, p. 674, Benjamin W. Pearse to F. Braum, Victoria, 11 March
23 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1874
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1875), App. 19, p. 129; John Crosby Freeman,
"The Other Victoria," Revue d'art canadienne/Canadian Art Review,
Vol. 1, No. 1 (1974), p. 39; G. Edward Mills, "1002 Wharf Street, Custom
House: Victoria: CIHB Report," manuscript on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1976.
24 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1877
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1878), App. 16, p. 73; Alan Gowans,
Building Canada: An Architectural History of Canadian Life
(Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1966), p. 142; Richard Arthur
Preston, Canada's RMC: A History of the Royal Military College
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), p. 60.
25 Canada. Department of Public Works, General Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1876
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1877), App. 17, pp. 79-80.
26 Canada. Department of Public Works, Annual Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1878
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1879), App. 15, p. 77; General Report of
the Minister of Public Works from 30 June 1867 to 30 June 1882
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1883), Vol. I, p. 169.
27 Canada. Department of Public Works, Annual Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1879
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1880), App. 3, p. 12.
28 Canada. Department of Public Works, Annual Report of the
Minister of Public Works for the Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1881
(Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1882), pp. 25-26; "The Building Boom,"
Winnipeg Daily Sun, 20 Oct. 1883, p. 2.
29 A.J. H. Richardson, "Guide to the Architecturally and Historically
most Significant Buildings in the Old City of Quebec," Bulletin of
the Association for Preservation Technology, Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4
(1970), pp. 56-57; Gérard Morisset, "Le Parlement de Québec,"
Habitat, Vol. 3, No. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1966), pp. 25-28; James M.
Lemoine, Picturesque Quebec (Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1882),
pp. 255-57; Luc Noppen, "L'architecture des parlements de Québec,"
L'Action (Québec), 21 April 1973.
30 "The New Buildings," New Brunswick Reporter (Fredericton),
31 March 1880, p. [2]; C. Anne Hale, "The Legislative Building, 750
Queen Street, Fredericton: CIHB Report," manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1974.
31 Irene Rogers, "Law Courts Building, Charlottetown: CIHB Report,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1974; J.H. Meacham & Co., Illustrated Historical
Atlas of Prince Edward Island (1880; reprint ed., Belleville, Ont.:
Mika Silk Screening Ltd., 1972). p. 27.
32 Vancouver Daily World, Illustrated Souvenir Publication
(Vancouver: Vancouver Daily World, 1891), pp. 22-23; Randy R. Rostecki,
"Law Courts Building, 391 Broadway, Winnipeg: CIHB Report," manuscript
on file, National Historic Parks and Sites and Branch, Parks Canada,
Ottawa, 1976; Daily Telegraph (Saint John, N.B.), 2 Oct. 1878, p.
3; "The Old and The New: Provincial Court House and Jail," Winnipeg
Daily Sun, 20 Jan. 1883, p. 8; "The Building Boom," Winnipeg
Daily Sun, 20 Oct. 1883, p. 2.
33 City of Victoria Heritage Advisory Committee, City of
Victoria (Victoria: 1974), p. 18; William Cochrane, ed., The
Canadian Album: Men of Canada (Brantford, Ont.: Bradley, Carretson,
1891), p. 114; John Crosby Freeman, "The Other Victoria," Revue d'art
canadienne/Canadian Art Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1974). pp. 38-39; G.
Edward Mills and Janet Wright, "Victoria City Hall: Screening Paper,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1977.
34 C. Anne Hale, "City Market Building, 47 Charlotte Street, Saint
John: CIHB Report," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and
Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1974; Staff Report, "City Market
Building, Saint John: Screening Paper," manuscript on file, National
Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, 1970.
35 Lucien Brault, Ottawa Old and New (Ottawa: Historical
Information Institute, 1946), p. 107; Ottawa. Municipal Archives,
Minutes of Council for part of the years 1874, 1875, 1876 and 1877, pp.
185-86, 200.
36 Henry M. Hurd, ed., The Institutional Care of the Insane in the
United States and Canada (New York: Arno Press, 1973), Vol. 4, pp.
211-15; "L'asile d'alienés de Falconwood L'Opinion publique
(Montreal), 23 March 1873, p. 146; Prince Edward Island, House of
Assembly, Journal of the House of Assembly, 1878 (Charlottetown:
Queen's Printer, 1878), App. E. p. A.
37 Joseph R. Smallwood, ed., The Book of Newfoundland (St.
John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, 1967), Vol. 4, pp. 190-91; "Laying
Foundation Stone of Athenaeum," Royal Gazette and Newfoundland
Advertiser (St. John's), 9 Nov. 1875, p. [2].
38 G. Edward Mills, "Masonic Temple, Victoria: CIHB Report,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1975.
39, 40 Christina Cameron, "950-964 Saint-Jean Street, Quebec: CIHB
Report," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch,
Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1972; Québec. Archives civiles de Québec, greffe
W. Bignell, Contract between John Hatch and the Y.M.C.A., Quebec, 21
Jan. 1979, No. 9653.
41 Nova Scotia. House of Assembly, Journals of the House of
Assembly (Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1878), App. 1, p. 35; Ibid.
(Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1879), App. 5, p. xx; Truro, Nova Scotia:
The Hub of the Province (Grand Rapids, Mich.: James Bayne, n.d.),
42 A.J.H. Richardson, "Guide to the Architecturally and Historically
most Significant Buildings in the Old City of Quebec," Bulletin of
the Association for Preservation Technology, Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4
(1970), pp. 64-65; Quebec. Archives du Séminaire de Québec, Journal du
Séminaire, Vol. 2, 31 May 1875, 21 Oct. 1876.
43 Abbé A. Couillard-Després, Histoire de Sorel (Montreal:
Imprimerie des sourds-muets, 1926), pp. 242-55.
44 Montreal. Archives du collège Notre-Dame, Journal du collège;
Charles P. De Volpi and P.S. Winkworth, Montreal: Recueil
iconographique/A Pictorial Record, Vol. 2 (Montreal: Dev-Sco
Publications, 1963), p. 299.
45 Dom Benoit, Vie de Mgr Taché (Montreal: Librairie
Beauchemin, 1904), Vol. 2, pp. 374-76, 497-98; Randy R. Rostecki,
unpublished research notes on Saint Boniface College, Sept. 1977;
"Reopening of Saint John's Church," Saint John Daily News (N.
B.), 25 Nov. 1872, p. [3]; "The Bull's Eye: Great Growth of Winnipeg,"
Winnipeg Daily Sun, 30 Oct. 1883, p. 3; the authors wish to thank
Lionel Dorge of the archbishopric of Saint Boniface, Manitoba, for his
generous assistance in researching this building.
46 Calgary. Sacred Heart Convent, Annals of the Sisters, Faithful
Companions of Jesus, 1893, the authors are grateful to Sister Gabriel
Cummins, F.C.J. for relaying this information; Douglas Coats, "Calgary:
The Private Schools, 1900-16," in Frontier Calgary, ed. A.W.
Rasporich and H.C. Klassen (Calgary: University of Calgary, McClelland
and Stewart West, 1975), p. 144.
47 Phyllis Lambert and Robert Lemire, Inventaire des bâtiments du
vieux Montréal, du quartier Saint-Antoine of de la ville de Maisonneuve
construits entre 1880 et 1915 (Québec: Ministère des Affaires
culturelles, 1977), dossier 25, p. 25; A.J.H. Richardson, "Guide to the
Architecturally and Historically most Significant Buildings in the Old
City of Quebec," Bulletin of the Association for Preservation
Technology, Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4 (1970), pp. 76-77; J. Douglas Stewart,
"Architecture for a Boom Town: The Primitive and the Neo-Baroque in
George Browne's Kingston Buildings," in To Preserve and Defend:
Essays on Kingston in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Gerald Tulchinsky
(Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1976), p. 37.
48 Anne Little, Department of Economic Research, Toronto Dominion
Bank, Toronto, to Janet Wright, personal communication on the Dominion
Bank, 13 Sept. 1977; Joseph Schull, 100 Years of Banking: A History
of the Toronto Dominion Bank (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1958), p. 65.
49 Charles E. Goad, Insurance Atlas of the City of Ottawa
(Toronto: Charles E. Goad, rev. ed. 1895), Pl. 35; Dominion
Illustrated (Montreal), "A Word from Wellington Street," 21 July
1888, p. 35; id., "Special number devoted to Ottawa and the Parliament
Buildings of Canada" (Montreal: Sabiston Litho. and Publishing Co.,
1981), pp. 128-29.
50 Eastern Townships Bank, Charter and Annual Reports,
1859-1912 (Sherbrooke: 1912), pp. 128-29, 138, 149, 161, 456.
51 Ibid., pp. 138-39, 149, 161, 404; "Local and Other Items,"
Gazette (Sherbrooke), 9 April 1875, p. [3]; Victor Ross, The
History of the Canadian Bank of Commerce (Toronto: Oxford University
Press, 1920), Vol. 1, p. 365.
52, 53 New Era (Clinton, Ont.), 24 Jan. 1878, n.p.; the
authors are grateful to Mr. Gerald Fremlin of Clinton, Ontario, for his
assistance in researching this building.
54 Charles E. Goad, Atlas of the City of Montreal (Toronto,
Montreal: Charles E. Goad, 1881), Pl. III; Lovell's Montreal
Directory (Montreal: John Lovell, 1873), p. 202.
55 "Barren Block," Canadian Illustrated News (Montreal), 27
Aug. 1870, p. 130; "Le Bloc Barron," L'Opinion publique
(Montreal), 4 July 1872, pp. 316, 320.
56 Marie-Jeanne Daigneau, archivist, Sociètè d'histoire des Cantons
de l'Est, Sherbrooke, Quebec, unpublished research on the Odell Block,
Nov. 1977; "The Metropolis of the Eastern Townships," Dominion
Illustrated (Montreal), 30 Aug. 1890, pp. 134, 149; PAC, National
Map Collection, H2/340Sherbrooke1881, Bird's eye view of
Sherbrooke, P.Q., 1881.
57 John Lutman and John Picur, unpublished research notes on 233-237
Dundas Street compiled for the Local Advisory Committee on Architectural
Conservation, London, Ontario, 1977.
58 Dundas Historical Society Museum, unpublished research notes on
5-7 Main Street, Dundas, Ontario, Oct. 1977; Page and Smith,
Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Wentworth, Ontario
(reprint of 1875 ed., Dundas, Ontario: Dundas Valley School of Art,
1971), pp. xviii, xxxvi, 59.
59 Randy R. Rostecki, "The Rise and Demise of Winnipeg's Central
Business District," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and
Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1976, pp. 3-4, 8; W.D. Steen and
E.E. Boyce, Winnipeg, Manitoba and her Industries (Winnipeg:
Steen and Boyce, 1882), pp. 31-32.
60 Lady Dufferin, My Canadian Journal 1872-1878, ed. Gladys
Chantler Walker (Don Mills, Ontario: Longmans Canada, 1969), p. 283;
Gazette (Montreal), 29 Jan. 1878, p. 2; Edwin C. Guillet,
Pioneer Inns and Taverns (Toronto: Ontario Publishing, 1956),
Vol. 2, pp. 109-12; "Opening of New Windsor Hotel," Daily Witness
(Montreal), 28 Jan. 1878, p. 8; "Vice-Regal Visit to Montreal,"
Canadian Illustrated News (Montreal), 23 Feb. 1878, pp. 119, 121;
"The Windsor Hotel," "The Vice-Regal Visit," Daily Witness
(Montreal), 15 Feb. 1878, p. 4; Henry F. Withey and Elsie R. Withey,
Biographical Dictionary of American Architects (Deceased) (Los
Angeles New Age Publishing Company, 1956), p. 71.
61 David Flemming, A History of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
(1791-1970), Manuscript Report Series No. 25 (Ottawa: Parks Canada,
1971), p. 75; Niagara County Historical Museum, Niagara-on-the-Lake,
Ontario, unpublished research on the Prince of Wales Hotel, Sept. 1977;
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada (Niagara-on-the-Lake: Town Council of
Niagara-on-the-Lake, n.d.), p. 27.
62 Harold Kalman, Exploring Vancouver (Vancouver: University
of British Columbia Press, 1974), pp. 153, 156; Donald Kerr, "Vancouver
A Study in Human Geography," MA thesis, University of Toronto,
Toronto, 1943, p. 43; Warren Sommer, "Yale Hotel, Vancouver: CIHB
Report," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch,
Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1975.
63 "The New Intercolonial Railway Depot," Daily Acadian
Recorder (Halifax), 28 July 1877, p. [1]; Canada. Department of
Public Works, General Report of the Minister of Public Works for the
Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 1878 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1878),
App. 21, pp. 167-68; PAC, RG 12, Vol. 1913, File No. 3316-5,
Specifications for a Passenger Terminal, Halifax N.S., 23 Oct. 1874; W.
H. Howard, Halifax of Today: An Illustrated Souvenir of the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee, 1837-97 (Halifax: W.H. Howard, 1897), p. 23;
Mathilde Brosseau and David McConnell, "The Stations of the
Intercolonial Railway, 1867-1914: Screening Paper," manuscript on file,
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada. Ottawa, 1974,
pp. 5, 13-115.
64 Gordon R. Couling, unpublished research notes on William Bell
Organ Factory, Guelph, Ontario, May 1977; Historical Atlas Publishing
Company, Historical Atlas of Wellington County (1906; reprint
ed., Wellington County: Corporation of the County of Wellington, 1972),
p. 14.
65 Christina Cameron, "47 Dalhousie Street, Quebec: CIHB Report,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1972.
66 Gilbert Bostwick Croft, Model Suburban Architecture, Embodying
Designs for Dwellings of Moderate Cost (New York: Roby & O'Neil
[1870]); Progressive American Architecture (New York: Orange Judd
& Company [1875]); C. Anne Hale, "Report on D.E. Dunham," manuscript
on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
1974, p. 10.
67 James Dickhout, unpublished research notes on 405 Broad Street
West, Dunnville, Ontario, Nov. 1977; Ontario Gazetteer and Business
Directory (Toronto: R.L. Polk, 1888-89), p. 324.
68 Madoc Review, Way Back When (Madoc: Pigden and McKinnon,
1976), pp. 72-73; the authors are grateful to Mr. Martin Lewis and the
Hastings County Museum in Belleville for their assistance in researching
this building.
69 City Directory of Toronto (Toronto: Might Directories,
1889-1976), title varies; William Davies, Letters of William Davies,
1854-61, ed. William Sherwood Fox (Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1945), pp. 3, 133,140; Charles E. Goad, Atlas of the City of
Toronto (Montreal: Charles E. Goad, 1884), Pl. 31; Toronto. Toronto
Historical Board, File on 3 Meredith Crescent, Toronto.
70 John Lutman, "534 Queens Avenue, London: CIHB Report," manuscript
on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
71 Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Mika, "Phillips-Faulkner House, Belleville:
Screening Paper," 1969; John Witham, "Research notes on Thomas Hanley:
CIHB," 1973, manuscripts on file, National Historic Parks and Sites
Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa.
72 Lois Foster, unpublished research notes on 201 Charles Street,
Belleville, compiled for the Hastings County Historical Society,
Belleville, July 1977.
73 Ottawa Directory and Dominion Guide (Ottawa: A.S. Woodburn,
1875), p. 70.
74 "Goldie Home Sold: Fine Residence Changes Hands," Mercury
(Guelph, Ont.), June 1952, n.p.; "110-Year-Old Guelph Home,"
Mercury (Guelph, Ont.), 20 March 1976, n.p.; the authors would
like to thank Gordon R. Couling of Guelph, Ontario for his kind
assistance in researching this building.
77 PAC, National Map Collection, H3/440Brantford[1875],
Bird's eye view of Brantford, Ontario, drawn by H. Brosius, Chas.
Schoder, Prop's Chicago Lith., 1875.
78 Martha Ann Kidd, unpublished research notes on 332-344 Rubidge
Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Sept. 1977; Randy R. Rostecki,
unpublished research notes on terrace block on Edmonton Street,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sept. 1977
79 Toronto City Directory (Toronto: R.L. Polk Directories,
80 Ibid.
82 Allison Earle, "Quinniapiac, 25 Winter Avenue, Saint John's: CIHB
Report," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch,
Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1974.
83 Allison Earle, "49 Rennies Mill Road, Saint John's, Newfoundland:
CIHB Report," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites
Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1974; "A $20,000 Residence: Mr. Marshall's
Magnificent Cottage," Evening Telegram (Saint John's, Nfld), 23
March 1885, p. 2.
84 C. Anne Hale, "Report on D.E. Dunham," p. 10; "99 Wentworth
Street, Saint John: CIHB Report," manuscripts on file, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1974; "A Handsome French
Cottage," Daily Telegraph (Saint John, N.B.), 14 Nov. 1877, p.
85 C. Anne Hale, "354 Main Street, Saint John: CIHB Report,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1974; David Russell Jack, "Book Plates,"
Acadiensis, Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1901), pp. 96-97, St. John,
86 J.H. Meacham & Co., Illustrrated Historical Atlas of Prince
Edward Island (1880; reprint ed., Belleville, Ont.: Mika Silk
Screening Ltd., 1972), pp. 157-58.
87 Phyliss R. Blakeley, Glimpses of Halifax (Halifax: Public
Archives of Nova Scotia, 1949), p. 99; McAlpine's Halifax City
Directory (Halifax: McAlpine's Directories, 1887-88, 1895-96).
88 Russel H. Conwell, History of the Great Fire of St. John, June
20 and 21, 1877 (Boston: B.B. Russell, 1877), p. 207; PAC, National
Map Collection, H3/240St. John[1882], Bird's eye view of St.
John, New Brunswick, O.H. Bailey, 1882.
89 C. Anne Hale, "767 Brunswick Street, Fredericton: CIHB Report,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1974.
92 Examiner (Charlottetown), 2 June 1877, n.p.; Irene Rogers,
Birchwood, 35 Longworth Avenue, Charlottetown: CIHB Report," manuscript
on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa,
93 Mirror (Digby, N.S.), 13 July 1977, p.2.
96 Newfoundland Historic Trust, A Gift of Heritage: Historic
Architecture of St. John's (St. John's: Newfoundland Historic Trust
Publications, 1975), Vol. 1, p. 23; Shane O'Dea, The Domestic
Architecture of Old St. John's (St. John's: Newfoundland Historical
Society, 1974), Pamphlet No. 2, pp. [16-19].
98 Truro, Nova Scotia: The Hub of the Province (Grand Rapids,
Michigan: James Bayne, 18-), p. 19.
99 Montreal. Archives nationales du Québec, greffe C. Cushing,
building contract between Robert Brown and Charles Lamontagne, 3 Feb.
1874, building contract between Robert Brown and Edward Maxwell, 3 Feb.
1874, building contract between Duncan McIntyre and Edward Maxwell, 3
Feb. 1874; "Shaughnessy House, 1923 Dorchester Street West, Montreal:
Screening Paper," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites
Branch, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1973.
100 André Giroux, "3532-3538 Sainte-Famille Street, Montreal: CIHB
Report," manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch,
Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1972; Charles E. Goad, Atlas of the City of
Montreal (Montreal: Charles E. Goad, 1881), Pl. VIII; Lovell's
Montreal Directory (Montreal: John Lovell, 1872-78).
101 E.C. Woodley, The House of Joseph in the Life of Quebec
(Quebec: n.p., 1946), pp. 54, 56, 68,74; Quebec. Archives civiles,
greffe P. Huot, marché between Abraham Joseph and William McDonald, 9
June 1882, No. 8694, marché between Abraham Joseph and John O'Leary, 10
June 1882, No. 8697, marché between Abraham Joseph and Joseph Garneau,
10 June 1882, No, 8698, marché between Abraham Joseph and Zepherin
Vaudry, 10 June 1882, No. 8699; Quebec City Directory (Quebec,
1882-1930), title and publisher vary.
102 Charles E. Goad, Atlas of the City of Montreal (Montreal:
Charles E. Goad, 1881), Pl. XXX; Lovell's Montreal Directory
(Montreal: John Lovell, 1874-82).
103 Quebec City Directory (Quebec, 1889-1918), Publisher
105 The authors are grateful to Maître Jean Perchat, notaire, Sainte
Marie-de-Beauce, for his kind assistance in researching this
109 Iris Moffat, matron of the Nesbitt Anglican Residence,
Cowansville, unpublished research, Nov. 1977.
110 Simon Fortin, geneological historian, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli,
111 "The Building Boom," Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg), 12
April 1881, p. 1; Randy R. Rostecki, unpublished research notes on 168
Rutherford Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Aug. 1977.
112 Ivan Saunders, "395-409 Alexander Avenue, Winnipeg: CIHB Report,"
manuscript on file, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1974; "The Building Boom," Winnipeg Daily Sun, 20
Oct. 1883, p.3.
113 Henderson's Directory of the City of Winnipeg (Winnipeg:
James Henderson, 1880-1912); R. Mitchell and T. K. Thorlakson, "James
Kerr, 1848-1911, and Henry Hyland Kerr, 1881-1963; Pioneer
Canadian-American Surgeons," Canadian Journal of Surgery, Vol. 9
(July 1966), pp. 213-20; Randy R. Rostecki, unpublished research notes
on W.H. Lyon house, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Aug. 1977; "The Building Boom,"
Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg), 12 April 1881, p. 1; "City and
Country," Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg), 27 Feb. 1890, p. 8;
"City and Country," Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg), 9 April 1890,
p. 8.
114 Charles E. Goad, Atlas of Brandon, Manitoba (Montreal,
Toronto: Charles E. Goad, rev. ed. 1913), Pl. 9; the authors are
grateful to Donna Dul, Historic Resources Branch, Department of Tourism,
Recreation and Cultural Affairs, Province of Manitoba, and Ed Young,
Provincial Municipal Assessment Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs,
Province of Manitoba for their help in researching this building.
115 Henderson's North-Western Ontario, Manitoba and Northwest
Directory and Gazetteer (Winnipeg: James Henderson, 1888), pp.
403-4; the authors are grateful to Ella F. Chase, Emerson, Manitoba, and
Marvis Sigurdson, Secretary-Treasurer, Town of Emerson, for their kind
assistance in researching this terrace.
116 Charles E. Goad, Insurance Plan of Edmonton, Alberta
(Toronto: Charles E. Goad, rev. ed. 1914), Vol. 1, sheet 10;
Henderson's Edmonton Directory (Edmonton: Henderson Directories
Alberta, 1910-75).
117 Personal communication from Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Glenn, Indian
Head, Saskatchewan, Dec. 1977.
118 Terry Reksten, unpublished research notes on 1124 Fort Street,
Victoria, Aug. 1977.
119 Terry Reksten, unpublished research notes on 507 Head
Street, Esquimalt, Aug. 1977.