Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 24
Second Empire Style in Canadian Architecture
by Christina Cameron and Janet Wright
Quebec Houses
In Quebec the Second Empire style made a considerable impact although
the high proportion of domestic buildings with Second Empire influence
as indicated in the Canadian Inventory of Historic Building printouts
is misleading. In order to trace the influence to its most vernacular
form, the criteria of selection remain so broad that these printouts
include many simple dwellings whose only reference to Second Empire
sources is the mansard roof.
The revival of the mansard roof in Quebec in the 19th century is a
curious phenomenon, one that is subject to varying interpretations. The
mansard roof was well known in New France in the 17th and early 18th
centuries; it had been used on grand public buildings like Frontenac's
Château Saint-Louis and the Intendant's Palace as well as on simpler
domestic structures. It disappeared from building practice in New
France early in the 18th century and only reappeared in the third
quarter of the 19th century.
The interpretation of the Second Empire style in Quebec depended on
traditional building methods and materials already well established in
the province. The purest examples, as previously noted, were
concentrated in the major cities, especially in Montreal and Quebec.
Whether for the mansions of the wealthy (Fig. 99) or for the multitude
of terraces built at this time (Figs. 100-101), the skillful and
varied use of stone masonry puts the stamp of Quebec on these houses.
Nevertheless, brick masonry, being mere economical than stone, was not
excluded from row housing in less affluent quarters (Fig. 102).
These four examples, (Figs. 99-102), demonstrate a traditional
Quebec feature that survived in the Second Empire style, namely the high
basement wall and consequent raised ground storey. The elevated basement
probably evolved in domestic architecture in Quebec as a result of heavy
snow accumulations. Unlike examples in other provinces, the basement has
in fact become a full living storey.
One of the features of the Second Empire style that apparently
appealed to Quebec builders is the tower. Usually placed symmetrically
in the main façade, it projects outward from the wall surface. At the
same time, it is unusually tall and not well integrated into the
composition; standing high above the roofline, it tends to create a
rather elongated effect on the general massing (Figs. 103-105).
Unlike examples in Ontario, where one finds a series of projections and
recessions, the tower in the Quebec version is often the only
interruption of the roof plane.
While high-style examples are rare in Quebec, the vernacular use of
the mansard is a pervasive and enduring feature. It is applied to the
typical Quebec rural house, one storey high, with the mansard replacing
the traditional gable roof. A vestige of the earlier form may perhaps be
found in the upper slope of the mansard roof which continues to have a
marked pitch. Situated along the Saint Lawrence River, especially the
Beaupré coast and the Island of Orleans, these wooden houses can appear
with either the two-sided (Fig. 106) or four-sided mansard (Fig. 107).
The influence even reached the so-called artisans' houses where the
workshops are located on the ground level and the residential quarters
above (Fig. 108).
Other more specific regional characteristics have emerged through the
data of the Canadian Inventory of Historic Building. In the Eastern
Townships, for example, one finds imposing two storey brick residences,
often with many details from the Second Empire repertoire, that are
atypical in the Quebec context and akin to urban examples in Ontario
(Fig. 109). On a different scale, the celebrated woodworking tradition
of Saint-Jean-Port-Jeli affects domestic buildings in this region,
creating a series of richly decorated houses with an interplay of
semicircular motifs (Fig. 110).
Although the pure forms of Second Empire did have an impact on the
urban areas of Quebec, builders in rural Quebec frequently adopted only
the most practical element of this style the mansard roof. It was
probably the practical advantage, and not the symbolic relationship to
the mansard roof of the early French colony, that led to its frequent
use in otherwise traditional Quebec houses.