Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 15
Report of the 1972 Archaeological Excavations of the Market Shoal Tower, Kingston, Ontario
by Donald A. Harris
Archaeological excavations were conducted on the Market Shoal
Martello tower during the month of February, 1972. These excavations
uncovered the ground floor of the tower and exposed the No. 1 ordnance
store, No. 2 ordnance store, the powder magazine, the barracks store and
the commissariat. Most of the structural material remaining in these
rooms was flooring. Sections of the second level were also excavated
including one window, the roof of the powder magazine, the boiler and
the vault above the No. 2 ordnance store. A latrine was excavated on the
gun platform and a small quantity of mid-19th-century artifacts was
collected from the site.
Submitted for publication 1973 by Donald A. Harris, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch, Ottawa