Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 12
Lime Preparation at 18th-Century Louisbourg
by Charles S. Lindsay
Slaking at Louisbourg
There is virtually no documentary evidence concerned with slaking at
Louisbourg; however, an early report to France on work to be done at
Port Dauphin, where lime was quarried for Louisbourg construction
projects, mentions the erection of kilns for burning the lime there and
the digging of slaking pits. The report states that the lime would be
slaked in small pits to turn it to a milky texture which would then be
poured into storage pits 18 pieds square and 4 pieds
Some plans depict slaking pits at Louisbourg, though it is not always
possible to determine the type.
1) A plan drawn in 1720 shows a lime-kiln astride the King's-Dauphin
curtain line with a storage pit and a slaking pit (Fig. 25, a).
The larger pit, approximately 28.0 ft. by 24.0 ft., is joined to the
smaller pit at its southern end. This arrangement is precisely that
described by Blondel, the smaller pit being the place where the slaking
was carried out and the larger one being a reservoir. Water for slaking
could be obtained from the nearby pond. A later plan, drawn in 1731,
shows two large pits and no small slaking pit (Fig. 25. b).

25 Historical drawings of slaking pits at
Louisbourg. a, shows a slaking and a storage pit for the kilns
astride the King's-Dauphin curtain. Taken from a plan entitled "Plan de
Louisbourg Avec Ses Augmentations faites pendant l'année 1720"
(Archives du Génie); b, pits for the same kilns 11 years later.
Taken from a plan entitled "Plan Pour Servir au Project Representé en
Jaune du Revetment du Quay du Port de la Ville de Louisbourg à l'isle
Royalle, 1731" (Archives du
Génie); c, shows two slaking
pits and three storage pits at the Royal Battery. A stream (C) has been
canalised to run water to a small pond near the slaking pits from which
the water was hoisted by bucket into a chute which directed it into the
slaking pit. Taken from a plan entitled "Plan de la Batterie Royale Avec
Ses Environs Pour Servir au Projet de 1726" (Archives Nationales); d, shows two pits for the Rochefort Point
kilns. Taken from a plan entitled "Louisbourg 1752: Plan de la Pointe à
Rochefort (Archives
Nationales); e, shows two pits
described as "Old Tann spits" near the pond outside the Dauphin
demi-bastion. They were probably lime-slaking pits, since there was no
tannery at Louisbourg. Taken from a plan entitled "A Plan of Louisbourg
Survey'd and Drawn for His Excellency the Honble. Major General Thos.
Gage Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in America,"
1767. (Public Archives of
2) A plan drawn in 1725 of the lime-kiln and slaking pits at the
Royal Battery again shows small pits for slaking connected to larger
storage pits (Fig. 25, c). In this case there are two large (30
ft. by 20 ft.) conjoined rectangular storage pits to the west of the two
small slaking pits, and one irregular storage pit to the east. There
does not appear to be any connecting channel between the two rectangular
pits, though this may have been below the surface. Leading in from the
east was a canal dug to bring water down to a small pond next to the
slaking pits. Here a frame was erected with a pivoting arm, on one end
of which was a rope attached to a bucket. The bucket was dipped into the
pond, then raised and the water tipped into a trough standing on
trestles which conveyed the water into the slaking pit.
3) A third plan drawn in 1752 (Fig. 25, d) shows two pits
approximately 150 ft. from the two kilns near Roche fort Point. The pits
are both the same size, beside each other, and without slaking pits
attached. This simplicity is probably to be attributed to the schematic
nature of the plan.
4) There are no indications either in the documents or on the plans
of slaking pits for the kilns in Block 1 and in the faubourg. In
the faubourg two rectangular depressions approximately 250 ft.
southwest of the kiln may have been storage pits, though they do not
appear on any plans until 1767, when they are described as "Old Tann
Pits" (Fig. 25, e), a mistaken identification probably derived
from the use of lime in the tanning process. There was no tannery at
Louisbourg at this time.