Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 12
Lime Preparation at 18th-Century Louisbourg
by Charles S. Lindsay
Introduction to the Faubourg Lime-kiln
The Site
The faubourg lime-kiln was built into the side of a low hill
outside the landward defences of the fortress, approximately 200 yards
northwest of the Dauphin Demi-bastion, in the area known as the
faubourg or suburb (Fig. 8). The terrain in this area is mostly
marsh with a number of low hills of glacial moraine rising out of it.
The hills overlook the fortress defences and were the sites of enemy
batteries during both sieges of Louisbourg. The hill on which the
lime-kiln stood was the closest to the town and was the site of the
"Advanced Battery" in the first siege of 1745.1 To prevent
the use of this hill a second time the French removed the top seven
pieds in 1757. Apparently the precaution was effective since no
battery was erected on this hill during the second siege the following
The effect of lowering the hill was to move the crest toward the
south, where a complete natural stratigraphic sequence was revealed
during excavation. On the north and west sides of the hill, by contrast,
there was no A or B horizon, but merely a thin topsoil overlying the
weathered surface of the C horizon, which was a yellow, stone-filled,
glacial till.2
The first kiln on this site was built in 1755 according to a letter
written by Franquet in that year.3 Lime-kilns were frequently
built to supply lime for specific nearby construction projects, and in
the years 1755 and/or 1756 the only major work in this area was the
strengthening of the Dauphin Gate by the addition of a thick rampart
made of rubble-stone set in mortar. This type of construction required a
vast amount of mortar, yet prior to the building of this kiln, the
nearest place where lime could be burnt was at the kilns near Rochefort
Point on the far side of the town over three-quarters of a mile away. In
addition to the problem of their location, Franquet also noted that
these Rochefort Point kilns were small and badly built.4
These disadvantages made the construction of a bigger and better kiln
near the site of the work most desirable.
One further advantage gained from this choice of location outside the
town was that it avoided the problem of noxious fumes and the risk of
fire associated with those earlier kilns built within the town
boundaries. We have no documentary record of any edict banning the
construction of kilns within the town of Louisbourg, but there may well
have been such a restriction imposed after the return of the French in
1749 since all subsequent kilns were built outside the town limits.
Certainly such restrictions were common in this period in many parts of

8 Plan of part of the faubourg in 1757 with the Dauphin
demi-bastion on the left. The kiln was probably built to supply lime for
construction work at the Dauphin Gate in 1755-56. From a plan entitled
"Louisbourg en l'Isle Royale."
(Original source unknown; copy on file
at Public Archives of Canada.)
The development of the kiln can be divided into two stages (Fig. 9).
In the first the kiln was a circular, open-topped structure built into
the southeast side of the hill and, by the addition of banks around the
upper parts of the wall, mostly subterranean. Its appearance was
probably very similar to the kiln at the Royal Battery which shows the
top 6 ft. of the wall above ground (Fig. 25, c). Leading from an
opening on the southeast side, away from the prevailing wind, there was
a sunken, stone-lined passageway with a wooden drain emerging from the

9 Plan of the faubourg lime-kiln.
(click on image for a PDF version)
In the second stage the first kiln was partly filled and a second one
built inside it. The latter was a more elaborate structure with three
drawholes on the southeast, north and west sides. Access to the
drawholes was gained by cutting alcoves through the wall of the first
kiln after having dug passageways through the hillside to the base of
the wall. These passageways, as much as 10 ft. deep in places and up to
15 ft. wide, were maintained by laying a wooden floor and by revetting
the sides with timber framing and planking. The relatively large expense
of these alterations on a minor structure such as a lime-kiln must have
had some justification and this is partly to be found in the greater
efficiency of the new design, which changed the method of operation of
the kiln from flare to running by providing drawholes for withdrawing
the burnt lime.

10 Section through the faubourg lime-kiln.
(click on image for a PDF version)
In the previous section we have seen the advantages of the running
kiln both in economy of operation and in its ability to provide a steady
supply of lime. These improvements were partly offset in this kiln by
the fact that it had considerably less capacity than the first; which
suggests either that the main phase of construction was completed at the
Dauphin Gate and the demand was less, or, more likely, that the first
kiln had proved so inefficient that it was worthwhile to reduce the size
of each load in return for a product of a better quality. There is no
record of when the second kiln was erected or how long the first one was
used. Neither could have had a very long life, however, since during the
second siege in 1758 the French sallied out of the fortress on two
successive nights to level the warehouse associated with the kiln and to
demolish the kiln itself.5 From the excavated remains of the
kiln, which was filled with rubble, it seems that demolition took the
form of pushing in the top part of the kiln to prevent its use as cover
by the besiegers. It is probable that the French also filled in the
passageways to the drawholes, since the almost vertical sides remained
when excavated. If they had been left open to the elements they would
quickly have eroded to a shallow slope, as they did when left open for
just one winter after excavation in 1968.
Thus the active life of the kiln was three years at most, compared
with seven years for the kiln near Block 1 inside the town and an
intermittent 20-odd years for those near Rochefort Point (see
Other Lime Kilns at Louisbourg). Whether it was intended to use the kiln
for longer is uncertain, but the large investments of time and money
suggest that it was.

11 General view of the faubourg lime-kiln after excavation,
looking northwest.
It is interesting that this is the only kiln known to have been built
at Louisbourg after the arrival of a master limeburner in
1752.6 Perhaps it was his knowledge of the more sophisticated
running kilns in France that led to the construction of the more
elaborate second kiln.