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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 12

Louisbourg Guardhouses

by Charles S. Lindsay




Part I: Guardhouses: Their Construction and Use

     The Buildings
     The Interiors
     The Guard

Part II: Gazetteer of Louisbourg Guardhouses

Barracks Guardrooms

     King's Bastion Barracks Guardrooms
     Officer's Guardroom
     Soldiers' Guardroom
     Royal Battery Barracks Guardrooms
     Officer's Guardroom
     Soldiers' Guardroom

Barracks Guardhouses

     Early Barracks Guardhouse

Battery Island Barracks Guardhouse

     Ile du Quay Guardhouse
     Queen's Bastion Guardhous

Gateway Guardhouses

     Dauphin Gate Guardhouses
     Officer's Guardhouse
     Soldiers' Guardhouse

     Queen's Gate Guardhouses
     Officer's Guardhouse
     Soldiers' Guardhouse
     Maurepas Gate Guardhouses
     Officer's Guardhouse
     Soldiers' Guardhouse
     Dauphin Demi-bastion Guardhouses
     Officer's Guardhouse

Town Guardhouses

     Place d'Armes Guardhouse
     Pièce de la Grave Guardhouse
     English Guardhouse




1 Distribution map of Louisbourg guardhouses.

2 French guardhouse.

3 French guardhouse.

4 French guardhouse.

5 Guardhouse at Mont Dauphin, France.

6 Guardhouse at Fort des Trois Têtes, France.

7 Window in the reconstructed Place d'Armes guardhouse, Louisbourg.

8 Shutters on the reconstructed Place d'Armes guardhouse, Louisbourg.

9 Fireplace in the officer's quarters of the reconstructed Place d'Armes guardhouse, Louisbourg.

10 Soldiers' lit de camp in the reconstructed Place d'Armes guardhouse, Louisbourg.

11 Guardhouse furnishings and gun racks.

12 Excavated remains of the King's Bastion barracks guardrooms.

13 Historical plans of the King's Bastion barracks guardrooms.

14 Historical plan of the Royal Battery barracks guardrooms.

15 Historical plan of the early barracks guardhouse.

16 Hypothetical ground plans of the early barracks guardhouse/prison.

17 Painting of Battery Island.

18 Hypothetical ground plan of the Battery Island barracks guardhouse.

19 Historical plan and elevation of the Dauphin Gate and its guardhouses.

20 Excavated remains of the Dauphin Gate and its guardhouses.

21 Excavated remains of the latrine of the Dauphin Gate guardhouses.

22 Historical plan of the Queen's Gate guardhouses.

23 Re-assembled doorway of the armoury of the Queen's Gate guardhouses.

24 Historical plan of the Maurepas Gate guardhouses.

25 View of the Maurepas Gate guardhouses.

26 Excavated remains of the Dauphin Demi-bastion barracks/guardhouse.

27 Excavated remains of the Dauphin Demi-bastion barracks/guardhouse.

28 Doorway/window of the Dauphin Demi-bastion barracks/guardhouse.

29 Fireplace in the Dauphin Demi-bastion barracks/guardhouse.

30 Historical plan and view of the Place d'Armes guardhouse.

31 Excavated remains of the Place d'Armes guardhouse.

32 Excavated remains of the Pièce de la Grave guardhouse.

33 Excavated remains of the Pièce de la Grave guardhouse.

34 Quoin stones of the Pièce de la Grave guardhouse.

35 Stove base in the soldiers' quarters of the Pièce de la Grave guardhouse.

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