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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 1

A Classification System for Glass Beads for the Use of Field Archaeologists,

by Kenneth E. and Martha Ann Kidd

Select Bibliography

For those who may wish to investigate this subject further, the following selected titles are offered. There is not, so far as the authors know, an entirely satisfactory treatment of the making of glass beads in English, and it is necessary to piece the story together from various sources, such as Dillon, Nesbitt and Pellatt, after having first read a general exposition of glass-making such as may be found in Marston. Those who are able to do so may wish to go further afield and examine the writing of some of the more outstanding continental authors. The subject becomes complicated at this point because numerous writers have discussed the manufacture of glass objects (though seldom beads specifically), and some of the more important are of considerable antiquity, e.g., Kunckel, Neri and Theophilus. Unfortunately, these last three are not easily obtainable. The publications of Morazzoni and Pasquato, Pazaurek and Zecchin, however, are recent and perhaps the most satisfactory for the readers of this article.

The Art of Glass-Making 1751-1772
A Portfolio of Prints from the Diderot Encyclopedia. Reproduced by Corning Glass Center, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, N.Y.

Blau, J.
Bead-makers and Bead Glasshouses in the Bohemian Forest. Glastechnische Berichte, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Mar.), pp. 89-98.

Bussolin, Dominique
Les célebrès verreries de Venise et de Murano; description historique, technologigue, et statistique.... H. F. Munster, Venise.

Dillon, Edward
Glassworks of Venice and Murano. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. 15, p. 758.
Glass. Methuen, London.

Haggar, Reginald George
Glass and Glassmakers. Methuen, London.

Haudicquer de Blancourt, Jean
The Art of Glass. Dan Brown, London.

Kunckel, Johann
Ars Vitraria Experimentalis. Johann Bielke, Frankfurt und Leipzig.

Marston, Percival
Glass and Glass Manufacture. Pitman, London.

Morazzoni, Giuseppe, and Michelangelo Pasquato
Le conterie veneziane. Società Veneziana Conterie e Cristallerie, Venezia.

Neri, Antonio
The Art of Glass. Trans. by C. M. (Christopher Merret). Typis Medio-Montanis, Worcestershire.

Nesbitt, Alexander
Glass. Chapman and Hall, London.

Pazaurek, Gustav Edmund
Glasperlen und Perlenarbeiten in alter und neuer zeit. A. Koch, Darmstadt.

Pellatt, Apsley
Curiosities of Glass Making: with Details of the Processes and Production of Ancient and Modern Ornamental Glass Manufacture. David Bogue, London.

Pholien, Florent
La verrerie au pays de Liège: étude rétrospective. Aug. Bernard, Liège.

Sleen, W. G. N. van der
A Handbook on Beads. Musée de Verre, Liège. (Publication of the Journées Internationales du Verre.)

Solon, M. L.
A Bibliography of Works on Glass Published in all European Countries, Divided into Two Parts. . . . Abstract in Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 3.

Theophilus, called also Rugerus
The Various Arts. Trans. from the Latin by C. R. Dodwell. T. Nelson, London.

Zecchin, Luigi
Sulla storia delle conterie veneziane. S. Marco, Venezia.

Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario

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