Salute human ingenuity as you travel this 386km
waterway, first opened in 1922 to connect Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay.
Today Parks Canada maintains and operates this historic lock system as a
perennial destination for recreational boaters and paddlers, and a home
to the many people who live, work, and play along its length.
Saluez l’ingéniosité humaine en parcourant cette
voie navigable de 386 km, inaugurée en 1922, entre le lac Ontario et la
baie Georgienne. Aujourd’hui, Parcs Canada entretient et exploite ce
réseau d’écluses historiques, qui est devenu une destination
incontournable pour les plaisanciers et les pagayeurs et où de
nombreuses personnes vivent, travaillent et se divertissent.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1929
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Pour plus d’informations veuillez visiter LE SITE WEB OFFICIEL DE PARCS CANADA
Management Documents
Draft Management Plan, Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada (including Peterborough Lift Lock National Historic Site of Canada) / Ébauche du plan directeur, Lieu historique national du Canada de la Voie-Navigable-Trent-Severn (y compris le lieu historique national de l'Écluse-Ascenseur-de-Peterborough) (Parks Canada, 2022)
Management Plan, Trent-Severn Waterway and Peterborough Lift Lock National Historics Site of Canada / Plan directeur, Lieu historiques nationaux du Canada de la Voie-Navigable-Trent-Severn et de l'Écluse-Ascenseur-de-Peterborough (Parks Canada, 2022)
What We Heard: Management Plan Review Public Consultation Report, Trent-Severn Waterway and Peterborough Lift Lock National Historic Sites of Canada / Ce que nous avons entendu : Examen du plan directeur rapport de consultation publique, Lieux historiques nationaux du Canada de la Voie-Navigable-Trent-Severn et de l'Écluse-Ascenseur-de-Peterborough (Parks Canada, September 2022)
Historical Documents
Boating Safely / Plaisanciers: Pensez Sécurité (Parks Canada, 2011)
Bridges over the Trent-Severn Waterway Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 328 (W. George Richardson, Parks Canada, 1978)
Development of the Severn River and the Big Chute Lock Station Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 230 (William Beahen, Parks Canada, 1977)
Development of the Severn River and Big Chute Lock Station History and Archaeology/Histoire et archéologie 40 (William Beahen, Parks Canada, 1980)
Drawings: Healey Falls Lock No. 15, Trent - Severn Waterway (Parks Canada, July 2013)
Drawings: Healey Falls Locks 16-17, Trent - Severn Waterway (Parks Canada, August 2015)
Environmental Standards and Guidelines Document Ontario Waterways (SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. for Parks Canada, July 2017)
Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
Sidney Lockstation Lockmaster's House / Ècluse de Sidney Maison éclusière (FHBRO No. 88-82, January 21, 1997, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Historic Structures of the Trent-Severn Waterway Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 283 (William Beahan, Parks Canada, 1978)
Lakefield Lock and Embankment Cultural Landscape Project Final Report (Ashley Wauthier and Chris Pavlos for Parks Canada, April 2010)
Multiple Use Management of the Rideau and Trent-Severn Waterway Reservoir System (L. Charron, B. Kitchen, A. O'Dell and B. Stephenson, extract from Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 7 No. 2, 1982)
Optimum Recreational Development in the Quinte-Kingston Area A Supplementary Report of CORTS (Canada Ontario Rideau - Trent - Severn Study Committee, September 1973)
Panel on the Future of the Trent-Severn Waterway / Commission sur l'avenir de la voie navigable Trent-Severn
It's All About the Water: Report of The Panel on the Future of the Trent-Severn Waterway / L'essentiel, c'est l'eau: Rapport de la Commission sur l'avenir de la voie navigable Trent-Severn (March 2008)
Discussion Paper #1: Natural Environment (May 2007)
Discussion Paper #2: Cultural Resources (May 2007)
Discussion Paper #3: Recreation (May 2007)
Discussion Paper #4: The Waterways Contributions to Sustainable Community Economic Development (May 2007)
Discussion Paper #5: Improving Governance (June 2007)
Discussion Paper #6: Jurisdiction for the Waterway Authorities and Responsibilities (July 11, 2007)
Discussion Paper #7: Water Management (July 2007)
Policies for In-Water and Shoreline Works and Related Activities, Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Sites of Canada / Politiques régissant les ouvrages riverains et en milieu aquatique de même que les activités connexes, Lieux historiques nationaux de Canada du Canal-Rideau et de la Voie-Navigable-Trent-Severn (Parks Canada, 2007)
Presentation: Marina and Boating Industry Leaders, Trent-Severn Waterway (Parks Canada, 2016)
Presentation: Township of Minden Hills Post Flood, Trent-Severn Waterway (Parks Canada, July 18, 2017)
"The Building of the Trent-Severn Waterway" Engineering History Paper #60 (Andrew H. Wilson, 2007, ©The Engineering Institute of Canada)
The Rideau Trent Severn Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow A Report on Optimum Recreational Development (Canada Ontario Rideau - Trent - Severn Study Committee, May 1971)
Towards a History of the Kawartha-Otonabee Sector of the Trent-Severn Waterway Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 358 (Daniel Francis, Parks Canada, 1980)
Trent-Severn Waterway Conflicts (Bruce W. Kitchen, extract from Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 7 No. 4, 1982)
Underwater Archaeology and the Future of Submerged Cultural Resources on the Trent-Severn Waterway (Willis Stevens, extract from Ontario Archaeology, No. 73, 2002, ©Ontario Archaeological Society)