Signal Hill National Historic Site
Lieu historique national de Signal Hill

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Signal Hill National Historic Site of Canada, located at the northeastern end of St. John’s harbour, is composed of two cultural landscapes – Signal Hill itself and the south side of the Narrows. Signal Hill is the steep hill that frames the entrance on the north side of St. John’s Harbour from St. John’s Bay. Identifiable by the castellated profile of Cabot Tower, Signal Hill descends gently in ridges and valleys towards St. John's to the west and Quidi Vidi waterway to the north. Across the Narrows, a ribbon of land at the base of the steep Southside Hills contains several fortification and communication sites including Noone Room, South Castle, Frederick’s Battery and Fort Amherst National Historic Site of Canada. Today the historic place of Noone Room and its mooring area known as Ring Noone are buried beneath an industrial marine boat basin built in the 1980s.

Explore St. John's most popular landmark beloved by visitors and locals alike for its hiking trails, stunning views, and the iconic Cabot Tower. Steeped in history, Signal Hill was the site of military battles and technological triumphs.

Le lieu historique national du Canada de Signal Hill est situé à l'extrémité nord-est du port de St. John's. Il est composé de deux paysages culturels: Signal Hill et la rive sud du goulet. Signal Hill est la colline escarpée qui encadre l'entrée du port de St. John's, du côté nord, vers la baie Saint-Jean, qu'on repère facilement grâce au profil crénelé de la tour Cabot, et qui descend doucement en relief vallonné vers St. John's à l'ouest et vers le cours d'eau Quidi Vidi au nord. De l'autre côté du goulet, plusieurs sites fortifiés et de communications se trouvent sur un ruban de terre situé au pied des collines escarpées de Southside Hills, notamment Noone Room, South Castle, Frederick's Battery et le lieu historique national de Fort-Amherst. Aujourd’hui, le site patrimonial de Noone Room et sa zone de mouillage, appelée Ring Noone, sont enterrés sous un bassin d'amarrage industriel bâti dans les années 1980.

Découvrez l’attrait le plus populaire de St. John’s. La colline Signal est aimée tant par les visiteurs que les résidents de la région pour ses sentiers de randonnée pédestre, ses panoramas époustouflants et l’emblématique tour Cabot. Ce lieu imprégné d’histoire a été au cœur de batailles militaires et de progrès technologiques.

Source: Canada's Historic Places & Parks Canada Websites (2022)

Established: 1951

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Newfoundland and Labrador

Management Documents

Annual Management Plan Implementation Report / Rapport annuel de mise en oeuvre du plan directeur (Parks Canada, December 2008)

Management Plan: (Draft, October 2017, 2007) / Plan directeur: (Ébauche, Octobre 2017, 2007) (Parks Canada)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2018)

Management Plan Newsletter / Bulletin (Parks Canada, 2017)

Historical Documents

A Structural and Narrative History of Queen's Battery, Signal Hill National Historic Park Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 343 (James E. Candow, Parks Canada, 1980)

Aardvark Archaeology Ltd.: Signal Hill National Historic Site (Steve Mills, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2006 Archaeology Review, Vol. 4, February 2006)

Archaeological Explorations at Signal Hill, Newfoundland, 1965-1966, Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 7 (Edward B. Jelks, Parks Canada, 1973)

Archaeological Resources Inventory, Signal Hill National Historic Park, St. John's, 1984 (Rob Ferguson, extract from Archaeology in Newfoundland & Labrador 1984, December 1985)

Archaeology at Signal Hill National Historic Site, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada 2009 (Amanda Crompton and Stéphane Noël, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2009 Archaeology Review, Vol. 8, March 2010)

Climate Change Adaptation Workshop: Newfoundland Easts, St. John's, N.L. / Série de rapports d'ateliers sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques : Terre-Neuve-Est, St. John's, T.-N.-L. (Parks Canada, April 2019)

Excavations at the North Range Soldiers' Barracks, Signal Hill, St. John's (Amanda Crompton, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2010 Archaeology Review, Vol. 9, March 2011)

Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Signal Hill National Historic Site

Cabot Tower / Tour Cabot (FHBRO No. 88-43, March 15, 1989, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Histoire de St-John's et de Signal Hill / History of St. John's and Signal Hill Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 339 (Jean-Pierre Proulx, Parks Canada, 1978)

Histoire des communications et de la tour Cabot de St-John's, Terre-Neuve / An History of Communications and the Cabot Tower of St. John's, Newfoundland Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 334 (Jean-Pierre Proulx, Parks Canada, 1978)

Hometown Heroes / Héros de chez nous (Parks Canada, 2018)

Signal Hill National Historic Site: Memorial University's Archaeology Field School and Parks Canada (Amanda Crompton, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2008 Archaeology Review, Vol. 7, February 2009)

Special Events in the National Historic Sites of Canada in Eastern Newfoundland: Replacement Class Screening Report (Parks Canada, December 2007)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025