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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 9

Halifax Waterfront Buildings: An Historical Report

by Susan Buggey


I wish to thank the many people of Halifax and Ottawa who have given me such willing assistance in the preparation of the historical report. I am particularly grateful to Mr. R. J. Fisher of Pickford & Black, Mr. Louis Collins and Mr. Gilbert Hutton of the Halifax Landmarks Commission. Miss Phyllis Blakeley, Mrs. Lois Kernaghan and Mrs. Virginia Clark of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, and Dr. Charles Armour of the Dalhousie University Archives for their help and suggestions. I am also indebted to the Restoration Services Division, Technical Services Branch, especially Mr. Martin Weil and Miss Gouhar Shemdin, for architectural information and useful criticism.

I wish to acknowledge as well permission to publish various extracts from copyright manuscripts and books granted by the Controller of H. M. Stationery Office. London, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Regents of the University of Wisconsin.

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