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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 3

The Armstrong Mound on Rainy River, Ontario

by Walter A. Kenyon


Gillihan, J. E. and W. J. Beeson

"The Gamble Site." In: Indian Mounds and Villages in Illinois, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Inc., Bull. No. 2, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Kenyon, W. A. and C. S. Churcher

"A Flake Tool and a Worked Antler Fragment from Late Lake Agassiz," Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, No. 2, pp. 237-46.

MacNeish, Richard S.

An Introduction to the Archaeology of Southeast Manitoba, National Museum of Canada, Bull. No. 157, Ottawa,

Maxwell, Moreau S.

"Woodland Cultures in Southern Illinois," Logan Museum Publications in Anthropology, Bull. No. 7. Beloit College, Wisconsin,

Stoltman, James B.

A Proposed Method for Systematizing the Modal Analysis of Pottery and Its Application to the Laurel Focus, M. A. Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota,

Royal Ontario Museum,


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