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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 3

The Armstrong Mound on Rainy River, Ontario

by Walter A. Kenyon


The excavation of the Armstrong Mound was made possible through the courtesy of Mr. John Barsy, Reno, Nevada and Mr. George Armstrong, Fort Frances, Ontario, both of whom granted us permission to camp and to excavate on their property. Mr. Alex Barsy, Rainy River, Ontario, was extremely helpful in assisting us with many of the detailed arrangements that had to be made locally. Mr. R. J. MacDonald and his wife, Ethel, of Stratton, Ontario, assisted us materially on many occasions, and by their unfailing hospitality made our work much more pleasant than it would otherwise have been. All maps, plans and drawings are by Mr. Claus Breede, Office of the Chief Archaeologist, Royal Ontario Museum, University of Toronto. To all of them I am extremely grateful. I would like to acknowledge, also, my gratitude to one of the finest crews that I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

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