Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 3
The French in Gaspé, 1534 to 1760
by David Lee
Part I: The Background
The Gaspé Fisheries
We do not know exactly when European fishermen first pursued cod to
the shores of Gaspé. Cartier does not note the presence of any,
but Jean Alfonse, who visited in 1542, mentions that "on this
[Gaspé] coast and at Anticosti Island there is a large fishery
for cod and other fish, more than at Newfoundland."1 Both
Alfonse and Thevet (writing about 1586) claim that the fish at
Gaspé are of better quality as well. Also significant, they both
mention the name la Baye des Molues (the Bay of Cod), this is the
first known use of this name which has been transformed over the years
into "Mal-Baie."2
It seems, then, that Europeans were fishing the Gaspé coasts
at an early date but it is not until 1599 that we have any details of
the Gaspé fishery. In that year, two of the leading shipowners of
La Rochelle, Samuel Georges and Jean Macain, joined with another
merchant, Michel Marguy, to outfit and send the 120-ton Notre-Dame
d'Espérance to Newfoundland and Gaspé to engage in
both fishing and fur trading. Georges and Macain were to take the risks
for "all perils of sea, war, friends, enemies and others" that the ships
would meet from the day it left port until 24 hours after it dropped
anchor in Bilbao (Spain), St. Jean-de-Luz (Basque France) or any other
European port.3
In 1600, Henry Couillard, bourgeois of Honfleur, sent Guillaume
Thourou to fish for cod at Ile Percé (the first known use of this
name). Couillard pledged his responsibility for all "the risks of sea
and war, going and returning," while Thourou pledged his life. Thourou
was paid seven écus plus 35 per cent of the
These documents mention Gaspé and Percé as obviously
well-known place names, indicating that fishermen had been visiting the
Gaspé area for some time. In the 17th century, settlement began
in New France and accounts left by traders, colonizers, colonists and
missionaries document more fully the Gaspé fisheries.
Such was the beginning of a fishery which was valuable to France and
New France and which made Gaspé distinct from the rest of New
France. This French fishery developed a little later than that of
Newfoundland. Roman Catholic France had a large market for fish and
large domestic supplies of solar salt to make possible the green cod
fishery for which the Grand Banks of Newfoundland were so suitable.
Green curing involves salting the fish right on board the ship and thus
involves no need to land on shore; the ships could hurry home as soon as
they were full. The Grand Banks made this possible for they were the
closest New World fishery to the channel ports of Honfleur, St. Malo and
Le Havre, and because they produced the larger cod which was preferred
for the green fishery. Some cod was dried, but usually after arriving
home. Dried cod did not have a large market in France for the French
people simply preferred green cod.
When the fishermen of southern France later entered the New World
fisheries, they found that it was more difficult for green cod to
survive the longer voyages to their more southerly ports of St.
Jean-de-Luz, Bayonne and La Rochelle without spoiling in the hotter
climate. Thus they adopted the technique of dry curing which required
more men and an elaborate (and thus slower and costlier) process of
drying cod on land. This process required less salt, however, thus
leaving more room on ship for fish, and enabled France to supply her
southern provinces and develop an important valuable export trade to
Marseilles and the Roman Catholic countries of the Mediterranean. The
harbours and beaches of Gaspé and the smaller, more easily dried
cod found there made Gaspé attractive to those French interested
in dry cod. The fishermen of southern France dominated the dry fishery
but others, from Honfleur and Granville, for example, also
The most favourable time for the fishermen to have their ports in
France was no later than mid-April in order to take advantage of the
northeast winds which are most common at this time of year in the
Atlantic. The voyage from France to Gaspé took two to three
months so an early departure saw them thereafter the ice had left and on
time for the arrival of the first cod in June. An early departure was
also necessary to claim the best drying beaches as well. Jean Talon
recommended a northerly route (apparently despite the threat of
icebergs) for the winds were more favourable there and the ships might
also "avoid the corsairs, ... heat and calms of the
The English at their Newfoundland dry fisheries found that it was
more convenient and cheaper to leave men behind for the winter. The
French did succeed in establishing some sedentary fisheries in
Gaspé, but generally they transported large numbers of fishermen
and their provisions and equipment back and forth across the ocean every
year. The sedentary fishery at Mont-Louis operated with nearby Quebec as
its base; Denys' establishment at Percé never became solvent and
then was wiped out by the English, and the later sedentary fisheries at
Pabos, Grand-Rivière and Gaspé Bay were just developing
when they too were wiped out by war.
The French fishing vessel going to the Gaspé or Newfoundland
dry fisheries then had to be larger than an English (dry fishing) ship
or a French (green fishing) ship in Newfoundland. It had to carry all
the fishermen, their provisions and equipment, chaloupes, salt
(or tons of fish on the return trip) and quite frequently mail and
passengers. Colbert noted the difference in sizes in an inventory dated
1664: ships going to Newfoundland for the green fishery ranged from 40
to 100 tons in size while those sailing for the dry fishery carried more
men and ranged up to 250 tons.6 In 1675, two perhaps typical
ships going to the dry fisheries were le Simbole de la paix of
220 tons which carried 70 men and le Bannière de France of
205 tons which carried 65 men.7
The ships had to carry an enormous amount of provisions on board to
feed such large numbers of men for up to six months. The only possible
supplement to the ship's diet during the voyage was that provided by the
small gardens planted ashore, meat from an occasional hunt and, of
course, cod, mackerel and more cod.8 Le Simbole de la
paix returned to le Percé in 1676, this time carrying 56 men.
As provisions it carried 4,200 pounds of biscuit, 24 casks of cider, 800
pounds of butter, 300 pounds of dried cod, 126 pounds of bacon, 14
bushels of peas and 16 of beans, and 25 pounds of oil.9 Each
ship carried a surgeon (who also helped out drying fish) and a supply of
medicine.10 Besides clothing, fishing nets and lines and all
the other equipment, ships usually carried some sort of armed protection
against pirates. Le Simbole de la paix, returning again in 1680,
carried 18 cannons, 6 mortars, 40 muskets, 13 pistols, 24 pikes, 40
bandoleers, 1,400 pounds of powder, 200 pounds of cannon balls, 100
pounds of musket shot and 18 cutlasses.11
For every chaloupe used in the fishery there were about five
men two on the beach and three in the chaloupe. All these
chaloupes had to be transported from France to Gaspé where
they were then left over the winter in the hope of finding them there
the next spring. The marine ordinance of 1681 provided stiff fines for
anyone appropriating another's chaloupes but also provided that
if it became evident that the owner was not returning to Gaspé
that year, one could use them on the condition that he pay the owners
some rent on returning to France. The chaloupes were 20 to 25
feet long, cost about 150 livres and carried oars and a sail,
three fishermen, their equipment and normally one day's catch (perhaps
up to 500 to 600 cod); at the end of the day the fish would then be
taken ashore for curing. Nicholas Denys says that some chaloupes
were brought over intact but that others were transported in four or
five sections and re-assembled by carpenters (who were fishermen too).
The next year they might require repair but often replacement. Thus,
French fishing vessels were always encumbered on the outgoing voyage
with sometimes up to 10 or 12 chaloupes12
The dry fishery which characterized Gaspé required extra men
for work on the beaches, but at least the ships did not have to carry as
much salt as the green fishery required. The dry fishery used only about
one-third that used in the green fishery,13 but salt was
still important. When Brother Sagard sailed to Canada he joined a
fishing ship in Dieppe which then sailed all the way around to Brouage
to pick up its salt before continuing on to Gaspé. Occasionally
not all the salt was used, but it was not returned to France for the
space was needed for the dried cod; it was cached ashore for the
succeeding season.14
As is seen in the voyage of Sagard the fishing vessels also often
carried passengers to Gaspé where they then took a
chaloupe to Quebec. The practice involved the transport of mail
and even supplies as well as people and, of course, included travel from
New France to Europe too.15
Encumbered by all this impedimenta the large French vessel was an
easy prey for pirates and enemy ships. Their armament might sound
impressive but the crew were fishermen, not warriors. In addition to the
danger of capture were the natural perils of the sea storms and
sickness. There are many accounts of shipwrecks at Gaspé and of
attacks on Gaspé fishermen, both in war and peace. In 1613,
refugees from Port Royal, which had been seized by the English, were
sent to Paspébiac where they were put on two Malouin ships. For
one of the ships the arrival of refugees was opportune, for somehow,
through storm, sickness or war, "it had lost many of its crew and could
scarcely have returned without this chance meeting and fresh
reinforcement afforded by our wanderers."16
As can be seen, financing a vessel engaged in dry fishing was both
expensive and risky. When the first news arrived in La Rochelle of the
English attack on Percé in 1690, businessmen of that city were so
alarmed that insurance rates on fishing vessels rose to 45 per cent in
one day. Their alarm was not without reason for at least two La Rochelle
ships were captured. A certain Nicolas Lion of Honfleur had a
half-interest in these vessels which had cost 7,000 livres. He
reports that one, l'Espérance, had a burden of 200 tons and
carried 42 men. La Ste. Vièrge was new and had a burden of
150 tons and could carry 70,000 cod. The risks were great and losses
like these were serious, but the rewards appear to have been large for
M. Lion says that La Ste. Vièrge the smaller of the
two ships would have brought him 50,000 livres. He had
insured the two together for only 3,000 livres.17
M. Lion also lamented the loss of his captain and seven of his crew
in the encounter: they could not be insured. His concern was probably
sincere for everyone in France recognized the importance of the seaman
to the kingdom. Numerous regulations were enacted to provide for his
health, diet and safety and most ships carried a doctor. The seaman's
salary, although varying from port to port in France, was a certain
guaranteed share of the catch. The Basques are reported to have given
their crews shares ranging from one-quarter to one-third to four-tenths
of the fish to divide among themselves.18 Conditions were
certainly not perfect, but a genuine attempt was made to protect their
Health conditions on ships going to the French West Indies were much
worse, so fishermen going to Gaspé considered themselves well
off. Although Talon had tried to encourage the export of dried cod from
New France to the slaves of the West Indian sugar plantations, this
trade never flourished. It was difficult to coordinate shipping between
the fishing ports of France, the fisheries of New France and the islands
of the Indies, for one had to take into account the fishing season and
the ice-free shipping season in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the sugar
harvesting and hurricane-free season in the Caribbean. In 1755, Sieur La
Pause encountered a Malouin ship which was apparently engaged in selling
Gaspé cod in Martinique,19 but it was seldom that
Gaspé fishermen had to worry about health conditions in the West
Fishermen from many ports of France participated in the dry fishery
of Gaspé but, as Pierre Denys noted, there were none better than
the Basques. He claimed that one chaloupe manned by Basques could
catch better than three times more fish than one chaloupe manned
by any other fishermen.20 At the same time, the French felt
that methods developed by the English were in some ways better. At one
time they even considered bringing in English fishermen to captain
French ships and teach the French their methods.21 The
methods of dry curing were quite complex, involving an elaborate and
precise series of cleaning, salting, drying, wetting, turning the fish
over and drying some more (see Fig. 1). Perhaps the Basques were
so expert at dry curing because they seldom bothered with any green
curing. The Normans, on the other hand, tried to engage in both green
and dry fishing. It was common practice in Gaspé for the Basques
to make exchanges with the Normans: the Basques would give the Normans
one large cod for two small cod which were more suitable for dry
But as Denys says, it was in the fishing itself that the Basques
especially excelled. Novice seamen were generally given shore duty for
fishing from a chaloupe required skill both in fishing and in
seamanship. Six days a week, even in the rain, they would sail out in
their fragile chaloupes, often to fish far from shore. They
fished with lines baited with cod entrails, or bits of capelin, mackerel
and herring caught earlier by nets. At day's end they had to hurry to
shore and unload their cod before supper.
Often, though, it was a long distance from the fishery to a beach
suitable for either drying on the rocks or for erecting flakes. The
first ship arriving in Gaspé claimed the best beach; but then the
fishermen might choose to fish on one of the more distant offshore
banks. Or, ships arriving later might choose to fish along the shore but
find that there were no more good beaches remaining nearby. The
procedure of chaloupes taking their fish to beaches far from
where their ship was anchored was called pêche en
dégrat. At îles Percé and Bonaventure there were
often too many fishermen for the extent of beach available, and many
fishermen took their fish to dry on the south shore of Gaspé
The monotonous process of catching each fish by line from a
chaloupe and the laborious process of curing them ashore
continued usually from June until September. By this time, the fishermen
usually had enough cod to fill their ship, and anyhow most of the cod
had gone by then. Men, equipment and fish were loaded on the ship for
the return trip. It may have been monotonous and laborious but it was
also profitable, and they came back year after year. A Captain Lefevre
is reported fishing at Ile Percé in 1647 and was there again in
1660.24 Captain Claverie of Bayonne is noted at Ile
Percé in 1686 and again in 1699.25
As settlement developed in New France, the rewards of the cod fishery
of Gaspé became more evident and inviting. It could benefit both
the colonists of New France and the consumers of the mother country for
cod might be supplied more cheaply to both. As Father Le Jeune reported
in 1636, Canada was an open market: "We have Cod fish at our door, so to
speak. They come from France to fish for it in our great river, at
Gaspé, at Isle Percé, at Bonaventure, at Miscou; and yet
the codfish that is eaten at Kébec generally comes from France,
because there are not yet enough men to go down to that
The fisheries of Acadia were considered too distant to supply
Canada.27 French fishermen were slow to take advantage of the
Canadian market for cod, even though it could usually bring higher
prices at Quebec than in France. After the peace of 1713, some
habitants ventured down the St. Lawrence towards Gaspé in
small boats to fish for cod. These fishermen were all small
entrepreneurs usually consisting of a father and his sons and perhaps a
few neighbours engagés (hired) for the season. The season
was short for the men fished for only the two months between seeding
time and harvest.28 The government at Quebec encouraged this
practice and by 1734, so many families were participating that the price
of cod had been depressed to as low as 8 or 9 livres per
This interest in Gaspé fishing was short-lived, though, and
the price of dried cod was usually higher in Canada than in France. A
quintal of cod is reported to have sold for 15 livres in France in the
early 1750s while in Canada it was selling for 35 livres a quintal in
1751.30 The English reported that in 1758 a quintal of dried
cod was worth 36 to 40 livres at Quebec. A French source of that
year reports a price of 45 livres.31 When war cut off
communications with the outside world in 1759, the price rose to 250
For years the French tried to encourage a sedentary fishery on the
St. Lawrence including the waters of Gaspé. They believed that
instead of having fishermen come from France or Quebec every year, it
would be better to encourage them to live the year-round in
Gaspé. They hoped that a sedentary fishery would provide a more
dependable supply of dried cod to Canada and thus more stable prices. A
sedentary fishery could also be more efficient: as Denys pointed out, if
men were left to winter in Gaspé they could continue to fish
until the last cod had left for deeper water; they could protect stores
of fish, salt and the chaloupes left behind; and in spring, they
could repair the chaloupes, flakes, cabarets and other
structures. He says that while there might be 50 men on a fishing ship,
only 25 were required to sail the ship: if 25 men were left behind the
space filled by them and their provisions could be more profitably
filled by fish.33 A sedentary fishery which used Canadians
could also help solve the colony's problem of its coureurs de
bois by offering youth alternative employment.34 It was
also suggested that sedentary fisheries should be developed because,
unlike the fur trade, they would not be dependent on the capricious
assistance of Indians.35
The king did little to encourage sedentary fisheries in New France.
In 1669, he allowed cod caught by inhabitants of Canada to enter France
on the same tariff rate as cod belonging to fishermen from
France.36 In 1689, he sent over some Basque fishermen to
teach Canadians the fundamentals of fishing. The king favoured sedentary
fisheries because he did not like to see French supply ships returning
from New France empty (the chief commodity the colony exported was furs
which were, relatively, not a bulky product): Louis felt they should
drop by the fisheries and pick up a load of cod on their way
The encouragement offered by the king was not sufficient to get such
fisheries over the initial period of heavy capital investment. Both 17th
century sedentary fisheries at Percé and at Mont-Louis
were doomed before they began due to inadequate financing. Denis
Riverin was allowed to freight salt to Canada in the king's ships, but
that is all. Pierre Denys asked for 20,000 livres in subsidies
for his seigneury but got not even a sou. The king seems to have
felt that the mere grant of a seigneury was adequate assistance, and as
time progressed his government ended up working against the fishing
interests of Gaspé seigneurs.
At least 15 seigneuries were known to have been granted and regranted
between 1653 and 1707 in Gaspé. Few of the seigneurs ever visited
or used their concessions, simply keeping them for speculative or
prestige purposes, and even fewer showed a profit. Two or three were
used for a sedentary fishery and a few others were occasionally used for
a summer fishery. Some seigneuries were granted in hopes of encouraging
men of capital to begin a sedentary fishery: thus Denis Riverin was
granted the fief of Cap-Chat in 1688.38 Others were granted
as favours to men of status in New France: thus René Hubert,
chief bailiff of the Superior Council, received the fief of Pabos in
1696.39 As might be expected seigneurial rights often
conflicted with the principle that the first-arrived fishermen got first
choice of beaches and led to considerable trouble between seigneurs from
Canada and fishermen from France (and even some from Quebec).
The charter of the Company of One Hundred Associates (1627) granted
all commercial rights in New France to the company except those of the
cod and whale fishery "which His Majesty wishes to be free to all his
subjects."40 Colbert's great Ordinance of the Marine of 1681
both clarified the fishing regulations in Gaspé and confused them
at the same time. The ordinance reaffirmed the principle that the
captain of the first-arrived fishing ship would have first choice of
beaches and could even reserve beaches for associates coming later. At
the same time, the ordinance also tried to solve the problem between
this principle of a free fishery and the royal policy of granting
seigneuries by clearly setting limits to the free fishery between
Cap-d'Espoir and Cap-des-Rosiers.41 This only confused the
situation, however, for the king had already granted Pierre Denys a
seigneury at Percé, within the limits of this free fishery. This
concession naturally gave Denys first choice of lots, although it
provided that he allow visiting fishermen to use those beach lots he did
not require.
There were not enough beaches at Percé to accommodate all the
fishermen who frequented these fisheries and when the Intendant
DeMeulles visited there in 1686, he found that war was almost ready to
break out among the visiting fishermen. He solved the problem, for that
year anyhow, by drawing up regulations giving preference in the
reservation of beaches to the visiting fishermen.42 This was
a serious setback to the fishing rights of Gaspé seigneurs.
The problem, however, continued to plague the Gaspé fisheries
for decades and the government (now the government at Quebec)
consistently sought compromises between resident fishermen and summer
fishermen compromises which, in effect, extended the free
fishery. Jean-Claude Louet, notary at Quebec, had become the principal
shareholder in the seigneury of Port Daniel by marrying the widow of the
original seigneur, René Deneau. Apparently he tried to exclude
visiting summer fishermen, but in 1717 the Intendant Bégon ruled
that he must select only the extent of beach that he required for his
own fishery and allow the visitors to use the remainder without
hindrance. There is no evidence that Louet himself ever did exploit the
fishery at Port Daniel.43
Port Daniel was well outside the free fishery as delimited in 1681;
and so were the north shore seigneuries of La Grande Vallée des
Monts Notre-Dame, La Rivière de la Madeleine and L'Anse de
l'Etang. These were owned by the Sieurs Hazeur and Sarazin, merchants of
Quebec, who leased the rights to fishing and fur trading to another
Quebec merchant, Sieur Gatien, for three years. In spring, 1725, Gatien
complained to Bégon that he had been preparing to send 3 ships of
40 tons each to fish there with 14 chaloupes and 65 men. But he
had learned that two other Quebec merchants, Sieurs Peyre and Becquet,
had just sent five men in a canoe to reserve the beach for a later
Peyre and Becquet countered that they were only sending men to repair
their flakes which they and Gatien himself had used at these beaches
before the lease so there would be no delay when the season began. They
claimed that although the north shore of Gaspé seemed extensive,
there were actually few places where one could fish for there were few
sheltered coves big enough to hold ships, and besides, due to ice and
contrary winds all through May, they could only reach these beaches
after the cod had arrived. They explained the difficulties under which
fishermen from Canada operated and why a free fishery on the
Gaspé north shore was consequently necessary: they could not
compete successfully with the better organized and earlier arriving
fishermen from France in the small area set aside as a free fishery in
1681; Canadians were only part-time fishermen and had to sow their
fields in spring so all the beaches in the free fishery were gone by the
time they arrived; nor was the Canadian fisherman sufficiently skilled
to engage in the more difficult and dangerous offshore fishery. Peyre
and Becquet based their case on the claim that seigneurial fishing
rights applied only to waters enclosed by the seigneury and to the sea
only so far as the low tide level; that the king had declared the cod
fishery to be free and open to all; and, this being the king's pleasure,
that it was only reasonable to assume that the king also meant to
include freedom of the beaches for drying fish.
Bégon disagreed but sympathized with them and arranged a
compromise whereby Gatien could appropriate only a certain extent of the
beach on his own lease, leaving the remainder to Peyre and
Becquet.44 There is indication that these fisheries were
worked for at least the next few years. A similar situation arose at
Mont-Louis the same year and was resolved by Bégon in the same
In some cases, as in Louet's seigneury of Port Daniel, there was no
real problem of enforcing the government's decisions for the seigneurs
never did visit their concessions or have others exploit them. In other
cases, as in that of the seigneuries of Hazeur and Sarrazin, the
government had no difficulty in enforcing its decisions for all those
concerned were merchants resident in Quebec fishing on the northern
Gaspé coast, the closest Gaspé fisheries to Quebec. The
Lefebvre de Bellefeuille family, however, were permanent residents of
their seigneury at Pabos which was more distant from Quebec. In the
1730s and 1740s, they clashed with visiting fishermen from France.
Having established a sedentary fishery at Pabos they had access to a
local source of manpower which they armed with guns to defend their
seigneurial rights, and in 1730 they prevented a fishing party from
Bayonne from landing there. They apparently rented beach lots in advance
to selected fishermen. When there were complaints in France, the
Bellefeuilles claimed simply that since their seigneury was outside the
free fishery as delimited in 1681, they had full rights to decide who
used the beaches of their seigneury. Still, the Minister of Marine tried
to get Governor Beauharnois to force the Bellefeuilles to give first
choice of beach lots to the first-arrived ship. The family's legal
position was strong but Hazeur and Sarrazin had been in the same
position and been forced to relinquish some of their seigneurial rights.
The Bellefeuilles were able to resist the pressure, but they had the
advantage of being permanent residents of a more remote seigneury. They
continued to rent beach lots and eventually they were appointed agents
of the Quebec Intendant in Gaspé.
In the 1750s, the Sieur Jean Barré, a long-time and prominent
resident of their seigneury, appropriated to himself several beach lots
outside of the Pabos seigneury, at Pointe Verte and Paspébiac. A
local fisherman objected and took his case to Quebec where Bigot, the
Intendant, ruled that Barré had no right to hold these beaches.
Bigot also ruled that Bellefeuille, as his agent in Gaspé, should
enforce his decision, but despite further reminders, Bellefeuille would
not act on the matter. Perhaps his inaction was because Barré,
being one of the few residents who could approach the Bellefeuilles in
social standing in this remote area, was most likely a friend of the
family.46 Again the titular centre of government authority
was powerless to impose its will; again Gaspé showed its spirit
of independence.
The government at Quebec had no intention of discouraging sedentary
fisheries in Gaspé but, when the interests of the sedentary
fishermen and those of the visiting fishermen conflicted, it tried to
give precedence to the latter, whenever it had the power to do so. The
government must have realized that the welfare of the summer fishery was
more immediately important than the potential of a sedentary fishery. It
was seigneurs from Quebec who stood to suffer, for it was they who ran
the sedentary fisheries. But the government at Quebec also stood to
lose, for it was relinquishing more authority in Gaspé. As a
result, the Gaspé fisheries were obviously less within the
influence of the government of New France than they were within the
economic orbit of Old France or even their own independent little
Among the fisheries of the North Atlantic, Gaspé was never
considered as valuable as, for example, Newfoundland or Cape Breton
Island. But still it was considered of some importance by France as well
as by her rivals. As soon as Kirke had control of the Gulf of St.
Lawrence in 1629 (before Quebec had even fallen), there were English
fishermen at Gaspé.47 On other occasions foreign
fishermen, such as the Spaniards reported at Gaspé by Frontenac
in 1674,48 simply tried to fish there unobtrusively,
presumably in hopes they would not be challenged by the French.
The English had long been interested in the Atlantic fisheries but in
the 18th century the centre of their enterprise shifted to New
England.49 New Englanders were physically closer to
Gaspé and thus were even more aware of the desirability of its
fisheries and in a better position to do something about obtaining them.
They showed an interest in them even before the end of the 17th century.
In 1690, New York corsairs wiped out the sedentary fishery at
Percé but French ships returned for the summer fishery when peace
was restored between 1697 and 1702. But the northern colonies were now
even more interested in Gaspé: they continued to seize French
ships at Gaspé during this hiatus of peace.50 In 1700,
the Earl of Bellomont, Governor of New York, expressed interest in
expanding the fisheries of the northern English colonies into Acadia and
Gaspé.51 The final result of the war which resumed in
1702, however, was that their fisheries expanded into Acadia and
Newfoundland rather than Gaspé.
It was not for 30 years that the English again began to covet the
French fisheries. France had lost some of her Newfoundland fishing
facilities but had replaced them by developing a flourishing fishery on
Cape Breton Island. The summer fishery at Gaspé probably
maintained its previous production. But again the New England fishery
required room to expand and this was probably one reason to go to war
again. Cape Breton Island was seized, but England returned it to France
three years later; but in 1758 they seized Gaspé and Cape Breton
and kept them.
Discussions between the French government and the chambers of
commerce of St. Malo and Dunkirk about this loss illustrate the
importance of these fisheries to France. By the 1760s, the Atlantic
fisheries were producing 800,000 quintals (hundredweight) of fish worth
12 million livres. The immensity and efficiency of their fishing
industry allowed the French to compete favourably in both domestic and
export markets; that is, little fish was imported so little French money
left the country, and much fish was exported so much foreign exchange
was gained. Though not heavily taxed, French fish provided a useful
source of tax money to the coastal provinces. Train oil derived from the
cod was important to the flourishing French woollen industry. Besides
employing 20,000 men the fisheries were also critical to the French
kingdom for their contribution to the Royal Navy. The fisheries
stimulated the ship-building industry and dried cod was a staple
provision of the navy, but more significant, the fisheries were
considered "the nursery of the navy." It was the green fishery, however,
which provided the more useful men to the navy for it was conducted from
ships on the open sea.52
St. Malo and Dunkirk were appealing for government assistance to the
fishing industry for it had been decimated by the Seven Years' War. The
peace treaty of 1763 left France with only the islands of St. Pierre and
Miquelon and certain beach rights in Newfoundland. They were left with
but one-third of their former extent of coastline so it was the dry
fishery which suffered the most, and, unlike 1713, this time there were
no new areas to develop.