Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 13
Table Glass Excavated at Beaubassin, Nova Scotia
by Jane E. Harris
Glassware of the Acadian Period
There were four kinds of glassware excavated at Beaubassin which may
be related to the Acadian period on the basis of manufacturing
techniques, glass type and prevailing style. In addition to globular
wine bottles and later "flower-pot" wine bottles, there were also
utilitarian bottles of blue-green glass and clear, non-lead glass
Wine bottles were often used as containers for substances other than
wine or spirits. Noël Hume (1969b: 20) describes a number of wine
bottles discovered at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, full of cherries
and their liquid, and F. Buckley (1933: 234) cites a 1735 advertisement
showing medicines stored in ordinary wine bottles. In this report the
term "wine bottle" refers to all commonplace olive green or black
glass, roughly cylindrical bottles.
Late 17th-Early 18th Century Globular Wine Bottles
French and English wine-bottle styles of this period seem to be
generally similar. Wine bottlemaking was a relatively new industry in
both countries and progress in glassmaking up to the early 1700s seems
to have been much the same. Barrelet (1953:102) describes the French
wine bottle of about 1700 as being "onion-shaped." The same shape is
referred to in Noël Hume's wine bottle typology (1961: 99-100) as the
"squat form" and occurs from about 1685 to 1730. In each case the
bottles have short globular bodies, much broader than they are high,
with broad bases and push-ups. The necks are tapered and finished simply
with a cracked-off lip and applied string rim, possibly down-tooled on
English bottles.
There were 14 fragments excavated from Beaubassin which fall into
this category. One specimen (Fig, 2) is almost one-half of a freeblown,
globular body with a height of 80 mm. and a diameter of approximately
160 mm. The glass is seed-bubbled, olive green (10Y), and has an
orange-peel texture. Deep striations mark the base of the neck. The
remaining 13 fragments are base, body or shoulder segments representing
at least five more bottles. All are olive green varying from 2.5GY to
7.5Y. Patina is heavy on some fragments and non-existent on others.

2 Globular wine bottle, ca. 1685-1730 (7B8F2-6).
18th-Century French Wine Bottles
Evidence from French colonial archaeological sites has shown that in
France, freeblown globular bottles were being replaced at least as early
as the 1730s by bottles blown in a shoulder-height dip mould. The
resulting bottles are the common "flower-pot" bottles (Noël Hume
1961:110) with tapered bodies and long tapered necks simply finished
with a cracked-off lip and applied, rounded string rim. The glass used
was dark olive green, a product of the coal-fired furnace which was not
used in France until after 1700 (Scoville 1950: 41). In 1735 the French
government standardized the size of wine bottles to a volume of 93
centilitres and a weight of at least 25 ounces empty (Barrelet 1953:
102). Such a decree could have initiated the use of dip moulds or, if
they were already in use, would have accelerated the frequency of their
usage. Dip moulds continued to be used throughout the remainder of the
century; however, the small number of specimens from Beaubassin could be
expected to have been manufactured before 1750, assuming no French
bottles came into the area after the expulsion of the Acadians.
Sixteen fragments were from "flower-pot" shaped wine bottles having
evidence of tapered bodies and necks and plain finishes as described
above. One specimen is an olive green (10Y) neck fragment of badly
decomposed glass. Long, deep striations are still visible on the neck,
twisting to the right as they rise. The cracked-off lip is approximately
30 mm. in diameter. The string rim has been accidentally broken off the
neck and all that remains is a thin line of rough glass around the neck
14 mm. below the top of the lip.
All of the remaining fragments are small and vary only slightly in
colour from 7.5Y to 10Y. The glass has deteriorated to a considerable
extent leaving a brown, flaky patina that seems to be peculiar to French
wine bottle glass of the 18th century. Noël Hume (1961: 109) describes
this patina as being similar to brown sugar in its consistency. Patina
was a consideration in assigning fragments to this bottle type when
other considerations such as shape failed.
Utilitarian Blue-Green Bottles
A second bottlemaking tradition in France during the 18th century
involved the wood-fired furnace and the "common" bubbly, blue-green glass
it produced. Unlike the glass from a coal-fired furnace, this glass was
used to manufacture bottles in a variety of shapes (Scoville 1950:
111-12). Bottles representing two of these shapes were found at
Beaubassin. The first is a flat-sided bottle, probably square, that was
possibly used for olive oil or liquor or perhaps even toilet water, and
the second is a bottle with a circular cross-section that could have had
any of a number of uses. Bottles of "common" glass have been found on
other French colonial sites in historical contexts from 1732 to 1760.
Ten such blue-green fragments were recovered from Beaubassin which
quite likely relate to the Acadians. There was also a small amount of
burned blue-green glass from three excavation units.
One specimen, a base and body fragment of very heavily seed-bubbled,
blue-green (10BG) glass, is from a square or rectangular bottle. One
side of the bottle has an almost complete width of 75 mm. The basal
surface is concave to a height of 11 mm. and bears a glass-tipped pontil
mark 34 mm. in diameter.
Another specimen is the only vessel from the site with a circular
cross-section. The quality of the glass, however, is the same as those
with linear cross-sections: dense seed bubbles and a glossy, blue-green
colour (5BG). The base, approximately 55 mm. in diameter, appears to
have a bell-shaped push-up approximately 15 mm. high. There is a
glass-tipped pontil mark at the tip of the push-up.
The remaining fragments are from flat-sided bottles probably similar
to the first example described above. The quality of the glass does not
vary and has a colour range of 5BG to 10G.
Clear Non-Lead Glass Vessels
One would not expect to find a significant number of fine glass
artifacts on a site such as Beaubassin. Coleman (1968b: 13) refers to
porringers and mugs used by the Acadians, these being more practical
vessels for a pioneer life. Any clear glass used by the Acadians would
most likely be non-lead, as lead glass was not produced in France until
the late 18th century (Barrelet 1953: 107; Scoville 1950: 44), and lead
glass produced by the English in the early 18th century was
There were four non-lead glass fragments found at Beaubassin which
could have been from vessels used by the Acadians. One specimen is a
small rim fragment that may have been from a tumbler. The glass is clear
with a pale green tint and extensive crizzling, features common to clear
glass produced in France in the 18th century (Charleston 1952: 18-9).
The rim has a sheared and imperfectly fire-smoothed lip approximately 60
mm. in diameter. Examination under a shortwave ultraviolet light
revealed a wiggly line on the rim that was barely visible to the naked
eye. Further examination under a microscope showed the line to be
incidental etching from a substance, probably enamel, that had been
applied to the rim as a means of decoration. Such a line close to the
rim was a common design element in engraving and enamelling of the
German-Bohemian style which prevailed in France in the mid-18th
Also recovered from the site was a body fragment from an engraved
tumbler. No rim remains but one edge of a crude, copper-wheel engraved
design is present. Engraving non-lead glass was practiced on the
continent, and by the 1770s in New England, but was uncommon to English
manufacture (Elville 1951:153).
The other two fragments, both of clear, unpatinated, non-lead glass,
are fragments from stemware bowls. One is a rim fragment with a
cracked-off, fire-polished lip, approximately 75 mm. in diameter, from a
waisted or bell-shaped bowl. The other is simply a fragment with
vertically and horizontally curved planes as from a rounded bowl.