Torngat Mountains National Park
Parc national des Monts-Torngat

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

A saw-tooth skyline of jagged peaks and glacier-carved fjords plunges towards iceberg-dotted indigo waters as polar bears and caribou roam amid some of Earth’s oldest rocks. The subarctic Torngat Mountains are an Inuit homeland, a treasury of the powerful stories, spirits and traditions of centuries of travellers. Inuit welcome visitors to join them in following ancient footsteps through a dramatic landscape - where nature and culture connect.

Des sommets en dents de scie et des fjords découpés par les glaciers plongent dans des eaux indigo parsemées d’icebergs, alors que des ours polaires et des caribous se promènent au milieu de rochers comptant parmi les plus anciens de la Terre. Situés dans la région subarctique, les monts Torngat abritent les récits marquants, les esprits et les traditions ancestrales des Inuits. Suivez les descendants de ce peuple millénaire au cœur d’un paysage spectaculaire, où la nature et la culture se rencontrent.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 2005

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Newfoundland and Labrador

Management Documents

Management Plan / Plan directeur / Management Plan (Inuktitut) / Management Plan (Inuktitut syllabics (Parks Canada, 2010)

Management Plan / Plan directeur / Management Plan (Inuktitut) / Management Plan (Inuktitut syllabics) Draft (Parks Canada, 2017)

Management Plan / Plan directeur / Management Plan (Inuktitut) / Management Plan (Inuktitut syllabics) (Parks Canada, 2023)

State of the Park Report (Parks Canada, November 2008)

Historical Documents

Across Borders, For the Future: Torngat Mountains Caribou Herd Inuit Knowledge, Culture and Values Study Final Report to the Nunatsiavut Government, Makivik Corporation, Parks Canada, and the Torngat Wildlife and Plants Co-Management Board (K.S. Wilson, M.W. Basterfield, C. Furgal, T. Sheldon, E. Allen, the Communities of Nain and Kangiqsualujjuaq and the Co-operative Management Board for the Torngat Mountains National Park, 2014)

Annual Report of Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve: 20072008200920102011 (Parks Canada)

Archaeology in the Torngat Mountains National Park and the Ramah Bay Mission Site (231A) (John Higdon and Welsey Weatherbee, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2017 Archaeology Review, Vol. 16, March 2018)

Archaeology in Torngat Mountains National Park and kitjigattalik-The Ramah Chert Quarries National Historic Site (John Higdon, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2016 Archaeology Review, Vol. 15, April 2017)

Geoarchaeological Research at Iglosiatik Island and Komaktorvik Fiord, Northern Labrador (Don Butler, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2008 Archaeology Review, Vol. 6, February 2009)

Parks Canada 2009 Archaeological Field Activities (John Higdon and Marissa Homosits, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2019 Archaeology Review, Vol. 18, April 2020)

Parks Canada Projects in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2010 (Jenneth Curtis, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2010 Archaeology Review, Vol. 9, March 2011)

Rapid Ecosystem Change at the Southern Limit of the Canadian Arctic, Torngat Mountains National Park (Emma L. Davis, Andrew J. Trant, Robert G. Way, Luise Hermanutz and Darroch Whitaker, extract from Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, May 26, 2021)

Rapport annuel sur la recherche et la surveillance dans le parc national des Monts-Torngat: 20072008200920102011 (Parcs Canada)

The "Heathen Eskimos" of northern Labrador: Inuit sovereignty in the Torngats — A report on the 1989 archaeological fieldwork at Eskimo Butte (IkDb-2) (Stephen Loring, extract from Archaeology in Newfoundland & Labrador 1989, June 10, 1990)

Torngat Mountains National Park Archaeology 2014: Silluak (North Arm 1 (310A)) Visitor Experience And Satellite Camp Survey (John Higdon, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2014 Archaeology Review, Vol. 13, March 2015)

Torngat Mountains National Park Archaeological Assessment 2015: Komaktorvik River, Upper Kangalaskiorvik Lake and Nakvak Brook (John Higdon, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2015 Archaeology Review, Vol. 14, March 2016)

Torngat Mountains National Park Archaeology 2018: Assessment for Installation and Operation of Intershelter Domes/Hiking Routes (Corey Hutchings, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2018 Archaeology Review, Vol. 17, March 2019)

Whale Use Research in Torngat Mountains National Park (Deirdre Elliott, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2018 Archaeology Review, Vol. 17, March 2019)


I Was Born There: Torngat Mountains National Park 12:31 (Parks Canada, 2016)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025