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Documents Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010) Management Plan (Draft) / Plan directeur (Ébauche) (Parks Canada, 2019) Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2022) Multi-species Action Plan for Thousand Islands National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Mille-Îles Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016) State of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere (Queen's University and Frontenac Arch Biosphere, 2014) State of the Park Report 2004 (Melissa Francis and Jeff Leggo, Parks Canada, 2004) Historical Documents
A Natural Heritage Review of the Thousand Islands Ecosystem (Oliver K. Reichl, 2002) Akwesasne Snapshots What We've Done / Coup d'œil sur Akwesasne Réalisations (Parks Canada, c2009) Annotated Checklists for the Thousand Islands: Plants, Birds, Mammals, Herptiles / Listes de contrôle annoté des Mille-Îles: Plantes, Oiseaux, Mammifères, Reptiles et Amphibiens (Parks Canada, 1979) Foul and Loathsome Creatures (Harry Parsons, Parks Canada, 1976) Geotour of Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve (Allan Donaldson and Chris Findlay, 2008) Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Thousand Islands National Park Adelaide Island Picnic Shelter / Abri de pique-nique de l'île Adélaïde (FHBRO No. 93-25, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Aubrey Island Picnic Shelter / Abri de pique-nique de l'île Aubrey (FHBRO No. 93-33, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Water Tower / Château d'eau (FHBRO No. 93-30, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Batterman's Point Complex / Complexe de la pointe Batterman (FHBRO No. 93-030, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Beaurivage Island Picnic Shelter / Abri de pique-nique de l'île Beaurivage (FHBRO No. 93-37, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Camelot Island Picnic Shelter / Abri de pique-nique de l'île Camelot (FHBRO No. 93-36, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Cedar Island Picnic Shelter / Abri de pique-nique de l'île Cedar (FHBRO No. 93-34, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Endymion Island Picnic Shelter / Abri de pique-nique de l'île Endymion (FHBRO No. 93-35, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Gazebo / Kiosque de jardin (FHBRO No. 93-30, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Gordon Island Picnic Shelter / Pavillon (tente pique-nique) de l'île Gordon (FHBRO No. 93-23, November 30, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Limberlost Cottage / Le chalet Limberlost (FHBRO No. 93-30, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Mallorytown Landing Pavilion / Pavillon de Mallorytown Landing (FHBRO No. 93-26, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Massey Homestead Complex / Ensemble de la propriété Massey (FHBRO No. 93-27, March 2004, Canadian Register of Historic Places) West Grenadier Island Pavilion / Pavillon du secteur ouest de l'île Grenadier (FHBRO No. 93-28, January 2003, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Thousand Islands National Park of Canada (2016-2021) / Rapport de mise en œuvre : Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Mille-Îles (2016-2021) Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series/Série de rapports sur les plans d'action de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (Parks Canada, 2021) Integrated Resource Survey of St. Lawrence Islands National Park and Surrounding Areas Information Report FMR-X-114 (R. Hirvonen and R.A. Woods, ©Environment and Climate Change Canada, August 1978) Island Insights No. 1 Plants of the Thousand Islands (W.J. Cody, Parks Canada, 1975) No. 2 Geology of the Thousand Islands (R.G. Greggs and W.A. Gorman, Parks Canada, 1976) No. 3 Climate of the Thousand Islands (S. Lapczak, W.D. Wyllie, and R.G. Lawford, Parks Canada, 1979) No. 4 Birds of the Thousand Islands (L.G.L. Limited, Parks Canada, 1979) No. 5 The Thousand Islands, 1650-1850: A Study in Exploration, Settlement, and Development (Brian S. Osborne, Parks Canada, 1976) No. 6 A History of Recreation in the 1000 Islands (Susan W. Smith, Parks Canada, 1976) No. 7 Conflicts and Social Notes, 1000 Islands: The War of 1812-1814, The Patriot War, 1837-1838 (George F.G. Stanley, Parks Canada, 1976) Multi-species Action Plan for Thousand Islands National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Mille-Îles Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2016) Pitch Pine Post L'cho des pins Species Checklists for the Thousand Islands Ecosystem (Oliver K. Reichl, 2007) Sportfishes of the Thousand Islands: Habits & Habitats of the River's larger fish / Poissons de pêche sportive des Mille-Îles: Habitudes et Habitats des poissons de bonne prise (Parks Canada, 1978) St. Lawrence Islands National Park: A Guide (Don Ross, Parks Canada, 1983) St. Lawrence Islands National Park: "A natural place of recreation and healthful resort" 1894 to 1980 (Ellen Manchee, Parks Canada, January 2004) St. Lawrence Islands National Park: A Visitor Use Study 1966 Report No. 30 (G.D. Taylor, Parks Canada, July 1967) Survey of the Fish Assemblages of St. Lawrence Islands National Park in 2005 (Parks Canada, 2006) The National Parks in Ontario: A story of islands and shorelines Miscellaneous Report 7 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1963) | |||||
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