Kluane National Park and Reserve
Parc national et réserve de parc national Kluane

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Kluane National Park & Reserve protects a spectacular Canadian landscape in the southwest Yukon, where visitors can explore a world of high mountain peaks and massive valley glaciers, boreal forests, sparkling lakes, iconic northern wildlife, and Southern Tutchone cultural heritage.

Le parc national et la réserve de parc national Kluane protègent un paysage canadien spectaculaire dans le sud-ouest du Yukon, où les visiteurs peuvent explorer un monde de pics de haute montagne et de glaciers de vallée massifs, des forêts boréales, des lacs étincelants, une faune nordique emblématique et le patrimoine culturel des Tutchones du Sud.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1972

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Yukon Territory
Territoire du Yukon

Management Documents

Management Plan: 2004, 2010, 2022 (Draft), 2024 / Plan Directeur: 2004, 2010, 2022 (Ébauche), 2024 (Parks Canada)

Management Planning Newsletter / Bulletin d'information sur le plan directeur (Parks Canada, May 2019)

State of the Park Report / Rapport sur l'état du parc (Parks Canada, April 2008)

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Management Plan, Kluane National Park and Reserve of Canada (Parks Canada, January 2002)

Historical Documents

2000 Dall Sheep Survey at Sheep Mountain (Richard Greer, Parks Canada, c2000)

2001 Dall Sheep Survey at Sheep Mountain, Kluane National Park & Reserve (Richard Greer, Parks Canada, August 27, 2001)

2004 Dall's Sheep Survey at Sheep Mountain, Kluane National Park & Reserve (Richard Greer, Parks Canada, June 17, 2004)

A Cumulative Effects Assessment of Proposed Projects in Kluane National Park Reserve, Yukon Territory (George Hegmann, for Parks Canada, September 1995)

A River Ran Through It (Ainslie Cruickshank, Star Vancouver, June 24, 2019)

An imbalancing act: the delayed dynamic response of the Kaskawulsh Glacier to sustained mass loss (Erik M. Young, Gwenn E. Flowers, Etienne Berthier and Rebecca Latto, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 67 No. 262, 2021, ©International Geological Society)

Assessing Cumulative Effects in Kluane National Park (George Hegmann, AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. for Parks Canada, 1995)

Campground Host, Kathleen Lake Campground / Programme des hôtes de terrains de camping, Terrain de camping du Lac-Kathleen (Parks Canada, c2019)

Catastrophic Advance of the Steele Glacier, Yukon, Canada (L.A. Bayrock, 1966)

Characteristics of the last five surges of Lowell Glacier, Yukon, Canada, since 1948 (Alexandre Bevington and Luke Copland, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 60 No. 219, 2014, ©International Geological Society)

Dynamics and Origin of Saline Soils on the Slims River Delta, Kluane National Park, Yukon Territory (Stuart A. Harris, extract from Arctic, Vol. 43 No. 2, June 1990)

Fire history and ecology of forest ecosystems in Kluane National Park: Fire management implications (Brad C. Hawkes, extract from Resources and Dynamics of the Boreal Zone: proceedings of a conference August, 1982, 1983)

Food Habits of Wolves in Kluane National Park (John B. Theberge and Thomas J. Cottrell, extract from Arctic, Vol. 30 No. 3, September 1977)

Geometric and thermal evolution of a surge-type glacier in its quiescent state: Trapridge Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada, 1969-89 (Garry K.C. Clarke and Erik W. Blake, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 37 No. 125, 1991, ©International Geological Society)

Grizzly Bear Management Recommendations for the Greater Kluane Ecosystem and Kluane National Park & Reserve (R.K. McCann for Parks Canada, c2001)

Kluane National Park and Reserve Economic Impact Analysis : Background Paper No. 5 (Luigi Zanasi, September 30, 2004)

Kluane National Park and Reserve Economic Impact Analysis : summary report (Luigi Zanasi, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, 2005)

Kluane National Park Reserve, 1923–1974: Modernity and Pluralism (David Neufeld, excerpt from A Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011, University of Calgary Press, 2011)

Kluane Research Summit 2019: Summary Report (Green Raven Environmental Inc. and Summit Planning Committee, May 30-31 & June 1, 2019)

Lhù'ààn Mân/Kluane Lake Research Summit 2018: Summary Report (Green Raven Environmental Inc., May 4-5, 2018)

Literature and Archival Review: Traditional Resource Management by Indigenous Peoples and Settler Land Management of the Kluane Region — Annotated Bibliography & Chronology (Helene Dobrowolsky for Parks Canada, May 2021)

Notes on the Mammals of the Kluane Game Sanctuary, Yukon Territory (National Museum of Canada, 1961)

Pleistocene Geology of the South-West Yukon Territory, Canada (Daniel B. Krinsley, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 5 No. 40, 1965. ©International Geological Society)

Post-Surge Temperatures in Steele Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada (Garry K.C. Clarke and Gary T. Jarvis, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 16 No. 74, 1976, ©International Geological Society)

Rafting the Alsek River in Kluane National Park & Reserve / Descente en eaux vives de la rivière Alsek, Parc national et réserve de parc national Kluane (Parks Canada, 2016)

Recent volume and area change of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon, Canada (Norah Foy, Luke Copland, Christian Zdanowicz, Mike Demuth and Chris Hopkinson, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 57 No. 203, 2011, ©International Geological Society)

Resource Description and Analysis, Kluane National Park: Volume 1 of 2 (Bonnie J. Gray, ed., Parks Canada, 1985)

Rock Glaciers of the Dalton Range, Kluane Ranges, South-West Yukon Territory, Canada (Peter G. Johnson and Diane Lacasse, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 34 No. 118, 1988, ©International Geological Society)

Spruce Beetle and the Forests of the Southwest Yukon Information Report BC-X-406 (Rod Garbutt, Brad Hawkes and Eric Allen, ©Canadian Forest Service, 2006)

Supplemental Climate Information: Kluane National Park and Reserve (Scott Parker, Parks Canada, April 18, 2018)

Survey of the Rusty Glacier Area, Yukon Territory, Canada, 1967-70 (S.G. Collins, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 11 No. 62, 1972, ©International Geological Society)

Terminus advance, kinematics and mass redistribution during eight surges of Donjek Glacier, St. Elias Range, Canada, 1935 to 2016 (William Kochtitzky, Hester Jiskoot, Luke Copland, Ellyn Enderlin, Robert McNabb, Karl Kreutz and Brittany Main, extract from Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 64 No. 252, 2019, ©International Geological Society)

The Kluane Ecological Monitoring Project: Annual Report 2003 (J. David Henry, Charles J. Krebs, Elizabeth Hofer and Alice J. Kenney, Parks Canada, c2004)

Thermal Effects of Crevassing on Steele Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada (Gary T. Jarvis and Garry K.C. Clarke, extract from Journal of Glaciology, vol. 13 No. 68, 1974, ©International Geological Society)

When Yukon Rivers Run Dry (Rachel Bertsch, National Parks Traveler, May 2021)

Xplorers: Kluane National Park and Reserve / Xplorateurs : Parc national et réserve de parc national Kluane (Parks Canada)


Kluane 57:00 (Marc Hébert and Roger Rochat, National Film Board of Canada, 1981)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025