Notes on the Mammals of the Kluane Game Sanctuary, Yukon Territory A.W.F. Banfield 1961
 cover only
The Kluane National Park Hiking Guide Vivien Lougheed 1977
 cover only
Kluane: Pinnacle of the Yukon John Theberge, ed. 1980
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Exploring the Alaska-Yukon Bordercountry John W. Page and Jill De La Hunt 1994
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Kluane: Pinnacle of the Yukon Charles J. Krebs, Stan Boutin and Rudy Boonstra, ed. 2001
 cover only
The Kluane National Park Hiking Guide Vivien Lougheed 2007
 cover only
Lhù'ààn Mân Keyi Dań Kwanje Nààtsat Kluane First Nation 2023