Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 2
A "Rescue Excavation" at the Princess Half-bastion, Fortress of Louisbourg
by Bruce W. Fry
Coastal erosion necessitated the excavation, recording and removal of a
section of the Fortress of Louisbourg fortification front which was in
danger of collapse and rapid deterioration. Because of the emergency
nature of the operation, no historical sources relating to this specific
area were searched prior to excavation, and the deductions made were
based primarily on the archaeological evidence as it related to the
general history of Louisbourg as a whole. While the structural nature of
the area investigated was apparent from a purely archaeological
interpretation, the date and purpose of subsequent modification could
only tentatively be deduced. The excavation thus provided an interesting
example of the limitations of archaeological deduction in the absence of
intensive research into historical sources.