Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 2
Contributions from the Fortress of LouisbourgNo. 1
Cover: The chateau at the Fortress of Louisbourg showing the townside
Place d'Armes enclosed by pickets. The governor's wing is at the left
end of the building. back cover
Archaeological Research at the Fortress of Louisbourg, 1961-1965
by Edward McM. Larrabee
A "Rescue Excavation" at the Princess Half-bastion, Fortress of Louisbourg
by Bruce W. Fry
An Archaeological Study of Clay Pipes from the King's Bastion, Fortress of Louisbourg
by Iain C. Walker
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 2
©Crown Copyrights reserved, 1971.
A PDF version of this book is also available: Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 2.
En français ce numéro s'intitule Lieux historiques canadiens: Cathiers d' archéologie et d'histoire, n° 2.
National Historic Sites Service
National and Historic Parks Branch
Department of Indian Affairs and
Northern Development
Ottawa, 1971
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History,
will be published as papers become available. Manuscripts relating to Canadian
archaeology and history may be submitted to Chief, Research Division, National
Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development,
Ottawa 4, Ontario, Canada.
Issued under the authority of Honourable Jean Chrétien, PC,
MP, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Produced by the Conservation Group, Office of Public Information Adviser
Gottschalk+Ash Ltd.; Design
Crown copyrights reserved
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Price: $3.00, Catalogue No: R61-2/1-2
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No: 70-103875
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Information Canada
Ottawa, 1971