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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 2

Archaeological Research at the Fortress of Louisbourg, 1961-1965

by Edward McM. Larrabee



History of the Site
Disturbances of Area in the 20th Century
The Restoration Project

Description of Archaeology

Fall, Winter, Spring, 1961-62
Summer, 1962
   Main Ditch and Escarp
   Work Outside the Bastion
Fall, Winter, Spring, 1962-63
Summer, 1963
   Left Flank Casemates
   Right Face Casemates
   Star Fort
Fall, Winter, Spring, 1963-64
   Chateau St. Louis
   Right Flank Casemates
   Left Flank Escarp and Fill
Summer, 1964
   The Chapel
   The Terreplein
   Interior Revetment of the Two Faces
   Musket-loop at the Princess Demi-bastion
   House in Block 16
Fall, Winter, Spring, 1964-65
   The Postern
Summer, 1965
   Revetted Glacis
   Right Flank Escarp
   Outer Works
      Revetment of the Covered Way
      Right Re-entrant Place d'Armes
      Countermine Tunnel
   The Townward Defences
      Townside Place d'Armes
      Other Parts of the Townward Defences
   Building 3S
   Dauphin Curtain
Fall, 1965

Reports Derived from Archaeological Work at the Fortress of Louisbourg before 1966

Structural or Survey Reports
Artifact Reports
Other Reports


1 Map of eastern seaboard of Canada and New England.

2 Fortress of Louisbourg and vicinity.

3 Fortress of Louisbourg.

4 Aerial view of the Fortress, 1960.

5 Fortress of Louisbourg: the Citadel.

6 Shelter for excavation in North Half of Chateau.

7 Method of fill removal, Casemate 3 Right.

8 Shelter being constructed over the Right Flank.

9 Fortress of Louisbourg: the Citadel, fall, 1963.

10 Shelter under construction over North Half of Chateau, 1962.

11 Wooden floor or Casemate 1 Right.

12 Left Flank Escarp, left, looking northeast toward the King's Curtain.

13 Fortress of Louisbourg: the Citadel, fall, 1964.

14 Lead casket, one of five burials under chapel.

15 Backhoe at work after snowfall, Nov. 19, 1964, cutting trenches in Terreplein.

16 An official party views the musket loop at the Princess Demi-bastion, 1964.

17 Fortress of Louisbourg: the Citadel, fall, 1965.

18a, b Aerial view, fall, 1965, looking east.

19a, b Low oblique aerial view looking southeast, October 1965.

22 Looking south along Right Flank Escarp, December 1963.

23 Trench cutting Right Re-entrant Place d'Armes.

24 Casts of palisade posts, left re-entrant angle, Townside Place d'Armes.

25 Mosaic of photos of Building 3S.

26 Measured drawing being made of ceramic vessel.

27 Reassembling numbered paving stones of a drain orifice.

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